Chapter 748: Fight hard from the start

"...During this lecture, you are not allowed to whisper, you are not allowed to interrupt Director Shen's lecture, and you are not allowed..."

"...If you have any questions, of course you are welcome to ask Director Shen, but I want to emphasize that you can ask questions to Director Shen, but this question should be asked after the lecture..."

"...Also, everyone must abide by the discipline of this lecture unconditionally. If anyone obeys the rules, we have the right to expel him directly..."

What Lu Daqing said was full of murderous intent, as if anyone who dared to break the discipline in class, don't blame him for being rude.

It's just that his words didn't have much effect in the ears of the factory directors who often attended the meeting, because they were not afraid of Lu Daqing.

"Hehe, it sounds scary!" Lao Xie said to a companion sitting beside him.

The companion smiled and said: "Thank you, don't worry, since I have promised you, I will definitely not back down on this matter."

"What's more, who can scare Lu Daqing's murderous words? It's you, or me!"

Old Xie smiled and said, "You just have to know what's in your mind. Don't worry about what they say. Let's follow our train of thought. After this class is finished, I'll find a place for you guys to have a good drink."

"This is what you said, don't you thank me when the time comes!"

Just when several people were chatting in full swing, Lu Daqing said in a deep voice: "Next, let's welcome Director Shen to give us a big round of applause."

Following these words, Lu Daqing began to applaud, and Mi Yuan and other people who were close to Shen Lin also applauded at this time, but the applause was sparse, and it was not warm at all.

Because there are a lot of people, what should they do at this time, they look like they have nothing to do with themselves, and they look like they are hanging high.

As the reminder of the applause, Lu Daqing felt even more bad after seeing such a scene.

Originally, in his heart, he still had some confidence for this lecture, but now, he felt that his confidence seemed a little lacking.

Li Qingbo, who was standing aside, also became serious.But things have progressed to the point where none of them can change things.

While everyone was pondering in their hearts, they saw Shen Lin striding towards the presidium in the middle.

He swaggered forward, sat down on the lecturer's seat with a smile on his face, and then said with a smile: "I am very grateful to Director Lu and the factory directors for their trust in me. To be honest, I am a little apprehensive about this lecture..."

"You are all elites from all walks of life. I am under a lot of pressure to teach you. But since everyone trusts me, I will discuss some immature ideas with you..."

Shen Lin's words were all modest, after all, even if he was invited to class, he couldn't talk nonsense as soon as he came up.

However, just when Shen Lin finished speaking halfway, someone said: "Hehe, since you know that you are not capable enough, then don't waste your time."

The voice of these words was not low, so at the moment they sounded, many eyes looked in the direction of the words.

But at this moment, the speaking seat was full of people, and if no one stood up, it would not be easy to determine who said it.

Lu Daqing's face turned livid. He had already communicated with many people about this matter, but he didn't expect that before the class started, someone could not wait to stand up and make trouble.

"Who said it? If you don't want to hear it, you can leave on your own." Lu Daqing went directly to the rostrum and said angrily, "Why, you have the guts to say it, but you don't have the guts to stand up? Then you can only be regarded as a coward who talks behind your back. !"

It's a pity that although Lu Daqing's words were unpleasant, no one said anything. It was obvious that he was prepared to refuse to admit it.Lu Daqing's face became more and more ugly at this time. Just when he was feeling a little uncomfortable, Shen Lin had already said: "The comrade who just shrunk his head and tail reminded me not to be too humble when teaching."

"If you are too modest, it is easy for everyone to misunderstand."

"Okay, I'll take back the polite words I just said, and tell everyone the truth. I think I am qualified to teach you this class. If anyone is not convinced, stand up and compare. Let's talk based on the results!"

Shen Lin's voice was like his usual voice, and his expression was also like his usual expression, but to Mi Yuan's ears, it was like hearing a solemn declaration to the whole world.

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the venue.

Shen Lin's opening remarks just now, many people can hear that they are modest and polite words, but now, Shen Lin is so righteous, it sounds even more uncomfortable!
But no one dared to stand up. Everyone present knew the achievements of Mishell Electronics Factory, let alone one or two of them. .

Standing out and comparing, isn't it just that you are not happy for yourself?
Although there were still people talking in low voices, saying that Shen Lin was a little arrogant, but no one said anything.

"Director Shen is really domineering, tsk tsk, some people just have no winks, and they insist on making themselves uncomfortable. Director Shen is humble, and they are eccentric; now Director Shen shows them this, hey, they are all honest Already!"

Standing beside Mi Yuan, Feng Xiaoli said with bright eyes: "It's a pity, Director Shen is so young and married so early!"

For Feng Xiaoli's exclamation, Mi Yuan agrees from the bottom of her heart, but regarding the fact that she also covets Shen Lin, Mi Yuan finds it somewhat unacceptable.

"Shen Lin said this with joy, but he didn't know that he was offending people!" Du Xiaoxu came to Mi Yuan and the others, and said in a low voice: "You didn't see that many factory directors look ugly! "

Feng Xiaoli naturally wouldn't refute the Prince Charming in her mind, but just as Du Xiaoxu was about to continue, Mi Yuan interrupted unceremoniously: "They don't look good, so it's no wonder the factory manager Shen .”

"At the beginning, Director Shen was already modest enough. Who would be the one who insisted on causing trouble? Director Shen was forced to fight back."

"People are just telling the truth."

Du Xiaoxu never expected that Mi Yuan would speak for Shen Lin in this way, and she also said what Shen Lin said, which was the truth.

He froze for a moment, then felt that what Mi Yuan said seemed to be true, and what Shen Lin said was indeed the truth.

After all, after Shen Lin said this, no one stood up to object.

It seems that Mi Yuan is a little protective, and it's so obvious.But after thinking about it, it's normal, after all, it's an enterprise in the city.

This seems to prove that Mi Yuan is a good girl who loves her job and works hard.

Although not as delicate and beautiful as those women he has been with, Mi Yuan has a rare beauty of serenity and tranquility.This kind of beauty is like the lilacs blooming in the deep mountains, silent, light, elegant and reserved, without the slightest gaudy, exaggerated and artificial publicity.

When Du Xiaoxu was thinking about how to get Mi Yuan's attention next, he heard Shen Lin who was sitting on the podium say: "The content of my class, in short, can be summed up in eight words: strengthen management, Keep upright and innovate. If there is something wrong, please give me your advice.”

"Listen to this topic, it doesn't seem to be very good!" Du Xiaoxu heard the topic that Shen Lin said, and said with a smile: "But I think it's quite right for Director Shen to talk about some commonplace things."

"At least, this is the safest way. Even if some opinions are wrong, they are not based on principles."

(End of this chapter)

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