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Chapter 751 This slap is really bang bang

Chapter 751 This slap is really bang bang
The director of the wind factory felt that he was going crazy!
Hit people without slapping your face, expose your ugliness without exposing your shortcomings!
But now, in front of so many factory directors, Shen Lin unceremoniously slapped him twice, and this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing was what Shen Lin said in public, the meaning of which made him feel extremely embarrassed, and even made him feel that he would collapse if Shen Lin made such a public sarcasm.

You deserve it too!

These words were a great humiliation to the face-saving factory director, and for a while, he felt his head buzzing.

This time he came out to attack Shen Lin, he wanted to make Shen Lin suffer a little bit, and he wanted to make Shen Lin realize clearly that, as a human being, you can't say enough, and you can't do everything.

But now, Shen Lin's words made him feel that at this moment, he was a clown, a clown who was directly slapped in the face in Shen Lin's hands.

The face being slapped is quite uncomfortable, quite painful, quite...

Just when the director of the wind factory was a little dazed, the minds of everyone present were also buzzing.

Many people looked at Shen Lin with strange eyes. Although some mature and prudent people felt that Shen Lin's words were a bit too much, they also realized one thing, that is, this Director Shen is really not easy to mess with.

This troublesome director of the wind factory is purely asking for humiliation.

I believe it won't be long before this matter about him will be like a joke, and I don't know how many people will laugh at it.

Come to think of it, it's a sad story.

And some people who were ready to make a move when the director of the wind factory was in his early years, felt cold in their hearts at this time. They felt grateful from the bottom of their hearts that they were not the first to take the initiative to stand up, otherwise, they would be the ones who would be ashamed.

My question is as tricky as the director of the wind factory, but the answer I get is definitely as violent as the director of the wind factory.

The slap in the face, the bang, and the slap in the face made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

Mi Yuan clenched her fists tightly at this time. When she heard the question from the director of the factory, she knew that the director of the factory was clearly trying to make trouble for Shen Lin on purpose.

At this time, she really had the urge to slap the director of the factory, after all, the director of the factory was shameless.

You ask others to prove that you are right, whether you like to hear it or not, why should you prove it to you?
"Director Shen is amazing!" Although Feng Xiaoli fell in love with Du Xiaoxu, but at this moment, hearing Shen Lin's answer, she couldn't help but sigh: "Listening to Director Shen's answer, I think I know what a man is."

"Bullshit factory director Shen, just listen to his words and let go of your anger."

But Du Xiaoxu looked at Shen Lin without saying a word, his face was more shocked now, he never thought that Shen Lin would say such a thing.

This is incredible!
To relieve my anger, it's just a little too arrogant, and even a little...

Du Xiaoxu had a lot of words in his mind to describe this Director Shen, but for a while, he couldn't think of all of them.

Because of this incident, the shock it brought to him was really too great.

But at the same time that he felt that Shen Lin was arrogant, he also felt that there was nothing wrong with Shen Lin saying such things, because Shen Lin had the qualifications.

That's right, Shen Lin is qualified for this!He speaks on his own strength!

Because his order was 3000 million US dollars, and the people present, let alone the factory director who didn't even have [-] US dollars, even those factory directors with good orders, I'm afraid it would be difficult to say such a thing.

"Shen Lin, you... you..." Director Feng wanted to speak, but the moment he pointed at Shen Lin, he suddenly found that he was unable to refute at this moment.He didn't know what to say about Shen Lin, because in his mind, he even had a feeling that there was nothing wrong with Shen Lin saying this to him.

You question what Shen Lin said, but you, a person who has not even received an order of [-] dollars, why should you question Shen Lin.

Where did you come from to question other people's qualifications!
Shen Lin looked at the twitching Director Feng, and said calmly: "Master Feng has something to say slowly, I can hear everything you say."

"I...I..." Director Feng seemed to have lost his ability to speak, and after hesitating a few words, he looked at Director Xie with a look of pleading for help.

At this time, he couldn't speak, so he had to ask the boss for help.

Lao Xie's face was extremely gloomy at this time. He was the organizer of this matter, and Shen Lin's slap in the face of the factory director, in a sense, was tantamount to slapping him in the face.

And it was very merciless, hitting him in the face heavily.

When the director of the wind factory looked ugly, he felt that many of his companions had already looked at him.

But at this time, he was also a little confused.He imagined Shen Lin's various reactions, but he didn't think of this kind of thing at all, which was simply insane.

Yes, it is insane!

Shen Lin, this guy, has reached the point of being insane, and he doesn't care about it, which really makes him feel extremely uncomfortable.

And when Lao Xie was thinking about how to deal with it, he saw the eyes of the director of the wind begging for help. As the leading brother this time, Lao Xie knew very well that he had to speak up, otherwise, his reputation would be ruined.

But at this time, he really didn't know what he should tell Shen Lin.

This hateful guy is really too hateful!
After pondering for a while, Director Xie gritted his teeth and stood up. He could not disappoint Director Feng, or in other words, he could not disappoint those who supported him.

"Shen Lin, Director Feng is just discussing a problem for you, how can you talk to him like this, are you too arrogant!"

When Lao Xie said this, he looked around, and then said to Lu Daqing: "Director Lu, Shen Lin is a bit unreasonable. I think his behavior must be dealt with seriously."

Lu Daqing silently glanced at Lao Xie, then turned to Shen Lin and said, "Director Shen, what do you think of what Lao Xie said?"

From Lu Daqing's heart, he had a lot of opinions on Lao Xie, and he had already talked with him, and he also promised not to make trouble, but in the end, he still found trouble for himself.Moreover, Lu Daqing suddenly felt that this old Xie was the instigator!
If Shen Lin hadn't dared to be stubborn, he would have made a mess of him if he gave a good lecture this time.

However, as the host this time, when Lao Xie asked a question, he had to speak up.But he threw this question to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin's gaze was looking at Director Xie at this moment. From Shen Lin's gaze, Old Xie felt a trace of coldness.

"Xie the factory manager, do you have any objections to what I said?" Shen Lin asked with a smile.

"It's not that I have an opinion, but I think you shouldn't talk like this." Director Xie pointed at Director Feng and said, "What you said is really hurtful."

Factory Manager Feng raised his head cooperatively, but quickly lowered his head under Shen Lin's smile.

Shen Lin's expression didn't change at all. He looked at Factory Manager Xie with a smile and said, "Old Xie, how much is your factory's order at this trade fair?"

(End of this chapter)

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