Chapter 761
Sitting in Shen Lin's car, Fang Boyuan was in a complicated mood and didn't know what to say.

He Fang Boyuan is not the kind of frog in a well, he has also seen the world.I think back then, he accompanied the leader around, and he also rode in a car.However, it was just an ordinary jeep, and he couldn't reach a car. Sitting in a car with a lot of space and leather seats, he felt like he was dreaming.

"Brother, this car is really nice. Not to mention the air leaks everywhere in the jeep, and the smell of gasoline is very strong, this car has no peculiar smell at all."

"No, it smells like osmanthus oil."

The cousin who picked up the marriage with Fang Boyuan didn't understand his relationship with Shen Lin, and said with a hint of compliment: "I really didn't expect, brother, there are such big shots among your classmates."

Fang Boyuan wanted to speak, but looking at Cheng Zi who was sitting in the front, driving in a serious manner, as if he didn't bother talking to him at all, he was unwilling to speak.

Chengzi is a child of the hardware machinery factory. He has dealt with Chengzi before. It can be said that they know each other's roots and what they are.

Now that Chengzi is driving Shen Lin, it is naturally very beautiful, but he was sent to teach abruptly from the office director of the hardware machinery factory.

Although there was a lot of unwillingness in his heart, Fang Boyuan still smiled brightly: "This time, I must thank Director Shen."

After saying this, Fang Boyuan glanced at Cheng Zi from the corner of his eye, only to find that Cheng Zi was looking ahead, and seemed to be deaf to his words.

Such a situation made Fang Boyuan both relaxed and embarrassed.

After all, Chengzi's ignorance of his own existence made him very uncomfortable.

With a small car, the marriage meeting was naturally extremely smooth. The Huang family members who were originally angry because the jeep broke down and had difficulty finding a car temporarily looked at Fang Boyuan with surprised eyes.

Or, square wave yuan drilled out of a coupe.

"It's a small car. The Fang family is quite capable. They were looking for a car temporarily, but they actually found a small car!"

"Tsk tsk, I think this car is better than the Honda in our unit. Whose car is this? I borrowed it so quickly."

"I've seen this license plate before. By the way, it's in the compound. This..."

During this comment, the bride's uncle came out. He looked at the car carefully, then glanced at the license plate, and said to Fang Boyuan, "Bo Yuan, are you familiar with Director Shen?"

Nonsense, of course familiar, are old opponents!

Fang Boyuan really wanted to answer this question, but he didn't dare, because the impact on him might not be good.

So after hesitating for a while, he murmured: "Lu Xiaorong and I are high school classmates. Factory Manager Shen and his wife came to the wedding. When they saw that our car was broken down, they lent us the car."

The uncle who originally looked down upon Fang Boyuan stepped forward and patted Fang Boyuan's shoulder heavily and said: "Bo Yuan, you have such a good classmate, you should cherish it in the future, and you must make a deep friendship!"

"Since Director Shen is here, I'll go with you too, and I'll respect Director Shen for a drink or two."

Fang Boyuan naturally did not dare to disobey this uncle's decision, after all he was able to marry his current wife, and the uncle's nod played a decisive role.

And in the future, he will rely on this uncle to improve his future.

After picking up the bride in the car, the group drove towards the hotel in a mighty manner. Because Fang Boyuan's residence was too small, other wedding procedures had to be completed in the hotel booked in advance.

Along the way, Huang Xuejuan, who was sitting in the car, was lamenting the comfort of the car and asked Fang Boyuan to introduce Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong to her so that she could thank her. For this, Fang Boyuan's heart Very helpless.Even if he wanted to refuse something, he didn't dare when he thought of Nariko in the car.

Worshiping, eating apples, as the necessary programs for the wedding passed, Fang Boyuan was tossed a little bit.

But at this time, he is also free.Uncle Huang Xuejuan, who had been sitting in the elder's seat, said to Fang Boyuan: "Let's go, take me to express my thanks to Director Shen."

"After all, it's a big favor for someone to borrow the car, and it saves our family from embarrassment."

Fang Boyuan didn't dare to say anything wrong with his uncle's request, so he immediately led his uncle to the seats arranged for his classmates.

Liu Zimo and the others were chatting and waiting to eat, but at this table, Shen Lin was nowhere to be seen.

"Liu Zimo, where's Shen Lin?" Fang Boyuan followed Huang Xuejuan's uncle, so he didn't dare to neglect, and asked Liu Zimo directly.

Liu Zimo glanced at the bride in new clothes, and then said: "Shen Lin said that he had something to do temporarily, so he left when you were picking up the bride."

"By the way, Lu Xiaorong asked me to congratulate you on her behalf on your happy wedding."

Hearing that Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong had left, Fang Boyuan was relieved at first, but felt a little pity.

At this time, he was really in two moods intertwined, and he didn't know what to say.

"Hey, why did Director Shen leave early?" The uncle said with regret, "But it's normal for Director Shen to be busy with a lot of things."

Speaking of this, Huang Xuejuan's uncle looked towards the place where the congratulatory gifts from relatives and friends were placed, and saw seven or eight shining mirrors in a mess, all of which were written with names and congratulatory messages in red pen.

The uncle's eyes fell on a mirror on the side, looking at the names of congratulators on it, he couldn't help asking: "Who is this Liu Zimo? How can he be ranked in front of Director Shen?"

"Oh, it's more appropriate to put Director Shen's name at the top of the list."

For the uncle's words, Fang Boyuan felt helpless for a while. He could only sigh with emotion that Liu Zimo, a classmate who was chatting in the distance, could not hear these words.

In Ermei Restaurant, Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong were sitting in a private room eating. Shen Lin teased his son with a piece of sweet and sour fish, while complaining to Lu Xiaorong: "Oh, if I knew this, I wouldn't have lent it to him." car."

"Look, not only will we not be able to have a wedding banquet, but we will also have to pay for gas money for nothing."

Lu Xiaorong naturally knew that Shen Lin's complaint was actually just a simple complaint, and there was really no other meaning in it.

It was Shen Lin who proposed not to eat at Fang's house. After all, once the car was borrowed, the people of Fang's family were so enthusiastic that Shen Lin felt his mouth was tired from laughing.

"Okay, eat your food well, and lend someone a car, that's not your decision, Director Shen!" Lu Xiaorong picked out the thorns on the fish carefully, and said, "I'll return it to you." I didn’t mention you, it’s a pity that I’m okay, I was planning to have a good chat with my classmates!”

Shen Lin picked up a piece of fish, and while feeding his son, he said: "If you think it's a pity, let's treat your classmate to dinner, such as classmate Liu Zimo, you haven't seen each other for many years, it seems that you are too contemptuous of others if you don't invite dinner when they come. "

Lu Xiaorong originally just complained in passing, but after hearing what Shen Lin said, he felt quite reasonable.

"Okay, then I'll treat you, just pay for it!" Lu Xiaorong said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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