Chapter 769 Invisible Power


"Your salary here is 100 yuan a month, which is more than 1000 yuan a year. The rice shell electronics factory pays [-] yuan a year. Why don't you go!"

"Many people are starting to go to sea now. You have such a good opportunity, why don't you join Mishell Electronics?"

Just when Li Xueqiang was worried, the daughter-in-law's attitude was very firm: "Husband, I don't think Mishell Electronics will have any problems for a while, just go and be the dean."

"Even if something goes wrong with you, don't you still have my salary? If you go further, our economic conditions will be better; this is my way out, so I can be safer!"

Li Xueqiang didn't expect that his daughter-in-law would decisively and simply solve his matter of looking ahead and worrying about gains and losses.

Immediately said happily: "Daughter-in-law, since you think it is feasible, then I will go to Director Shen tomorrow and tell him about this matter."

While speaking, Li Xueqiang hugged his daughter-in-law and kissed her affectionately.

In the process of restructuring Mishell Electronics Factory, quite a few people made choices with Li Xueqiang.

The reason why these people were able to make such a firm choice was not only because Mishell Electronics Factory paid too much wages, but also because they had confidence in the development of Mishell Electronics Factory.

If they didn't have confidence in the future of Mishell Electronics Factory, no matter how much money they gave, I'm afraid these people wouldn't throw themselves into the arms of Mishell Electronics Factory without hesitation.

With the arrival of August, the weather began to get hotter and hotter. The three members of Shen Lin's family were having dinner at Chen Hongying's house in the hardware machinery factory.

A large pot of boiled fish and a large pot of stewed bones filled the air-conditioned living room with the aroma of meat.

Lu Xiaorong picked out the fish spines and fed them to his precious son, and said to the busy Lu Xiaoshan, "Xiaoshan, I met Xiaoyu's mother the day before yesterday, and they asked when you will get married."

"Why haven't you ever talked about it in our house?"

Lu Xiaoshan gnawed on his bones and said with a smile: "Sister, you don't care about my affairs. When I get married, it has nothing to do with you."

At home, Lu Xiaorong always controlled his younger brother to death. Hearing his rascal's words at this time, he suddenly became unhappy and said, "Lu Xiaoshan, if you don't fight for three days, will you turn against you?"

"Let me tell you, Xiaoyu is a good girl. If you let her down, I won't agree."

Speaking of this, she said to Chen Hongying: "Mom, you also take care of your son, you can't let him procrastinate like this, when will he be the boss!"

Lu Xiaoshan didn't wait for his mother to speak, and said to Shen Lin: "Brother-in-law, you also take care of your daughter-in-law, she has already been poured out by our family, and you still take care of it so leniently!"

Looking at Lu Xiaoshan who was a little playful, Shen Lin raised his wine glass to his father-in-law and said with a smile: "Xiaoshan, your sister is also doing it for your own good."

"The family planning has only just been implemented, and the requirements are not so strict. If you get married now, you might be able to have a second child."

"But once you get married late, there will be no such shop in this village."

Chen Hongying didn't pay much attention to the bickering between her two sons and daughters at first, but as soon as Shen Lin said these words, she immediately put down the chopsticks in her hand and said, "Lu Xiaoshan, tell mom the truth, when are you going to marry?"

"Mom, it's not that I don't want to get married, but..." Lu Xiaoshan scratched his head and said embarrassedly, "I'm hiding from Xiaoyu's family right now!"

"What's wrong, have you changed your mind again?" Chen Hongying pointed at Lu Xiaoshan, and said, "Let me tell you Lu Xiaoshan, Xiaoyu is a good girl. If you dare to be Chen Shimei, let me see how I deal with you."

Looking at the mother-in-law with her hips akimbo, who looked like she was going to beat up Lu Xiaoshan, Shen Lin felt a little more admiration in his heart.

Although my mother-in-law has a lot of flaws, she has a very upright outlook on life and is very kind at heart. "Mom, it's not me who is Chen Shimei, it's... Xiaoyu's brother can't get paid in the factory right now, and he wants to come to work at Mihu Electronics Factory. I don't want to do it for him."

Lu Xiaoshan spread his hands and said: "So these two days, I have been trying to avoid their family members."

Hearing that Lin Xiaoyu's brother wanted to eat rice husks, Chen Hongying immediately fell silent.During this period of time, whether it was Chen Hongying or Lu Dahai's relatives, they often came to see them.

The only purpose of looking for them is to enter the Guoke Electronics Factory.

At the beginning, Chen Hongying still wanted to help, but as more and more relatives were recruited, the requirements became higher and higher. Some people even said boldly that they wanted to find a deputy director of the factory.

In such a situation, the two of them decided not to say a single favor to Shen Lin after being overwhelmed.But he didn't expect that his daughter-in-law's brother would also come to Mi Ke.

Shen Lin looked at his mother-in-law who was looking at him, smiled and said: "Mom, since Xiaoyu's brother wants to come, let's arrange a place for him, and leave this matter to me."

A smile suddenly appeared on Chen Hongying's face, and just as she was about to finalize the matter, Lu Xiaoshan who was sitting by the side said, "Mom, this matter cannot be done like this."

"We have already told our relatives, and we will not intercede with any family. If Xiaoyu's brother is given to work at Mishell Electronics, it will still be troublesome to meet relatives in the future."

Looking at Lu Xiaoshan with a serious look, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Xiaoshan, this matter is actually not difficult."

"What did Xiaoyu's brother do before?"

Lu Xiaoshan didn't know what his brother-in-law was going to do, but he replied honestly: "Brother, Xiaoyu's brother used to work as a writer in the factory, and he was a high school graduate."

After listening to Lu Xiaoshan's introduction, Shen Lin picked up the phone on the table and dialed out.After the call was connected, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Director Li, I heard that you are in need of manpower. I have a relative..."

In three or four minutes, Shen Lin put down the phone and said, "Xiaoshan, tell Xiaoyu's elder brother to go to the district office tomorrow and report to Director Li."

"Go to work first, and then transfer the working relationship over."

Listening to Shen Lin's words, Lu Xiaoshan's face was a little dull. He didn't expect that this difficult matter that had been entangled for a long time was so easily solved by Shen Lin with a phone call.

For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

Although my future uncle did not enter the rice shell, this arrangement is actually more in line with my uncle's mind than entering the rice shell.

"Brother-in-law, I'll tell Xiaoyu right away!"

Looking at Lu Xiaoshan who was about to leave in a hurry, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Don't worry, we have to finish the meal anyway, you, you need to use your brain more when you do things in the future."

"Some things are difficult for us, so just turn around."

Lu Dahai didn't say a word, just drank quietly, but he knew very well that although Shen Lin said it was so simple, in fact, it was not an ordinary difficulty for other people to do this matter.

After all, not everyone has such influence as Shen Lin.

"Come on, let's have a drink." Lu Dahai raised his wine glass to his son-in-law, and then said to Lu Xiaoshan, "When talking about this matter, let's talk to my in-laws by the way, it's best to get married on October [-]st. "

"Don't delay the child like your brother-in-law said."

(End of this chapter)

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