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Chapter 772 Joint venture, we don't need it

Chapter 772 Joint venture, we don't need it

Although the ceiling fan happily turned round and round on the ceiling, the office was still as hot as a steamer.

In Mi Yuan's hand, she was holding a small fan, and while fanning, she was looking at the documents in her hand.

"Mi Yuan, it's already August, and the weather is still so hot, it's really annoying." Sister Dan stood directly under the ceiling fan, but sweat continued to drip down.

Mi Yuan smiled and said, "Sister Dan, I heard that Mi Ke is now producing table fans, or you can ask your brother-in-law to buy one for you later."

"Really, of course that's fine. It seems that Director Shen is producing more and more things."

"There's even a desk fan."

At this point, Sister Dan slapped herself heavily with the book in her hand and said, "Mi Yuan, I heard that Du Xiaoxu ran over again yesterday."

"Let me tell you, after passing through this village, there is no such shop. People say they are willing to transfer to Dongzhou to work. You, just accept it when you see it. Don't be too picky!"

Mi Yuan said: "Sister Dan, I don't think Du Xiaoxu and I have a common language, so to me, I'm not interested in his best conditions. After all, two people are together, and it's okay to keep silent. This life is too long." I don't want to embarrass myself!"

Sister Dan nodded her head and said, "Mi Yuan, my sister is from here. I agree with what you said, but I think some conditions should be lowered appropriately. What's more, how can there be so many love at first sight? Emotions come out slowly!"

While the two were chatting, Li Qingbo walked in quickly.

Because Li Qingbo has now reached a higher level, Sister Dan's attitude towards him is even more respectful.

"Director Li, why are you here? Let someone inform us of something, why don't we go to your office to listen to instructions, and you can go there yourself." Sister Dan stood up and said with a smile.

Li Qingbo waved at Sister Dan and said, "Mi Yuan, you and I will go to Mishell Electronics later, let's go see Shen Lin."

Having said that, he said to Sister Dan again: "Xiao Dan, please sort out the situation of all the enterprises related to electrical appliances in Dongzhou later, and I will use them later."

While speaking, he was about to go out.

Sister Dan was inexplicably arranged to complete the information, and she was a little confused.

She is not an introverted person, so she immediately asked: "Director, what happened? To what extent should these materials be sorted out?"

"Shangsong Electric is going to build a factory here and is looking for a partner. The first object of their investigation is our place."

Li Qingbo said: "That's why the higher authorities instructed that we must try our best to keep this investment in Dongzhou."

Joint venture!
Sister Dan's eyes lit up immediately!
She is very clear about the importance attached to the joint venture factory.After all, this not only represents the introduction of foreign capital, but also represents advanced technology and management.

For many semi-dead factories, if they can attract foreign capital, it is equivalent to injecting a shot of stimulant, so most factories are full of expectations for this joint venture factory.

"This is a good thing, tsk tsk, Director, you have such a great thing since you took office, you are so proud of yourself!"

Sister Dan's comment seemed to tickle Li Qingbo's palm, and she smiled happily, but Mi Yuan, who was sitting on the side, asked softly at this time: "Director, let's go to Mishell Electronics, Could it be that you want to recommend Mishell Electronics?"

"Yes, Director Shen's Rice Shell Electronics is the most powerful home appliance industry here. If we can cooperate with Shangmatsu Electric, it will be a strong alliance."

Li Qingbo said: "So in this matter, I am going to recommend Mishell Electronics."

Mi Yuan frowned, she had a strong premonition that things were definitely not as simple as Li Qingbo imagined, but she didn't want to spoil Li Qingbo's good mood for a while.

After getting on the jeep, Li Qingbo took Mi Yuan and a male colleague from the office and set off towards the Mihu Electronics Factory. Although the car was not driving slowly, people could not help but sweat because there was no air conditioning. "I heard that the air conditioner in the car is so cool that it makes people shiver. I don't know if it is true." The male colleague said while wiping sweat with his hands.

"Of course it's true. I took Shen Lin's car a few days ago, and the air conditioner was very good." Li Qingbo said with emotion: "Let's go, wait a while when we get to Boss Shen's office, let's have a good time." Enjoy it."

"This guy has already installed the air conditioner!"

Mi Yuan and the others understand the meaning of the word air conditioner, but the price of the air conditioner is really staggering, so those who can buy air conditioners are not ordinary people.

Twenty minutes later, Mi Yuan was already sitting in the air-conditioned office. Although she didn't shiver from the cold, she still felt extremely comfortable.

"Director Shen, it's better to stay here." Li Qingbo said with emotion: "The fan on my side is turned to the highest, and people who are still hot feel panic."

Shen Lin looked at Li Qingbo, smiled and said, "When we produce air conditioners, I will sponsor one for you."

"Hahaha, then I'll wait." Li Qingbo's expression suddenly became serious when he said this: "Master Shen, the main purpose of my visit this time is about a joint venture."

"You should be familiar with Shangmatsu Electric. They are going to invest in a joint venture processing plant here, and they chose our Dongzhou as the first stop."

"Besides, according to the meaning conveyed above, they want to be the first to investigate Mike Electronics. This means that they have a strong intention to cooperate with you."

Li Qingbo said: "Shangmatsu Electric not only has a lot of high-precision technology, but also has a first-class management level. If you Mishell Electronics can form a joint venture with them, it should be easy to reach a higher level."

"So, the higher-ups hope that, Director Shen, you can use all your strength to win this joint venture project."

Shen Lin listened to Li Qingbo's words with a smile, and then said flatly: "Director Li, how much are they going to invest?"

"Oh, this seems to be 2000 million U.S. dollars." Li Qingbo scanned the information in his hand and said in a deep voice.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Director Li, we went out to sign the order together. Do you think we, Mi Ke, need this kind of cooperation?"

"My annual order is much more than his 2000 million. Can I make a joint venture with him?"

"So, this kind of joint venture should be given to other factories."

Li Qingbo came over excitedly and talked about the benefits of the joint venture for a long time, but he didn't expect such a result.

Not only was Shen Lin not interested, but Li Qingbo even heard a layer of repulsion and disgust in that tone.

Of course, Li Qingbo felt that what Shen Lin said was quite reasonable.

"Director Shen, you are right, but when Uematsu Electric said it would invest here, the higher-ups have already told others that they will definitely support it."

Li Qingbo coughed and said: "Since he was the first to choose to inspect your factory, do you agree or not? You must cooperate with this inspection."

"As for whether we can cooperate or not, we don't care."

"Boss Shen and we are old friends, you won't make things difficult for me, will you?"

Looking at Li Qingbo, who looked like an old friend, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Since Director Li said so, I must be well prepared for this inspection."

(End of this chapter)

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