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Chapter 785 Take 1 step and see 3 step

Chapter 785 Take One Step and See Three Steps
One meal took more than two hours.

In fact, they didn't drink much during this meal. It was mainly Shen Lin and Dou Xiaoling who were talking. As for student Shen Hai, he just sat on the sidelines drinking.

In Shen Hai's feeling, it seems that Dou Xiaoling and her younger brother are the schoolmates and classmates, while he himself is a dispensable addition.

This feeling made him a little embarrassed, but this feeling filled his heart.

"Director Shen, listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books. I am suddenly enlightened. If I just look at your plan, I still think this matter can be implemented, but there are certain difficulties."

"But after chatting with you, I found that this matter is not as difficult as I imagined, just like the original saying, how bold a person is, how productive the land is!"

What Dou Xiaoling said was sincere. She felt that today's conversation had given her too much.

For example, product soft articles, such as advertising timeliness, but more, it is Shen Lin's plan for the king of bids...

All of this gave Dou Xiaoling a sense of freshness, and Shen Lin's words helped her reopen a door.

A door she had never set foot in.

She believes that as long as she can walk this path well, the benefits to her will be quite great.

Shen Lin looked at Dou Xiaoling who was full of excitement, and said with a smile: "Senior Sister Dou, I won't leave these few days. If there is any good news, you can inform me at any time."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said solemnly: "I am full of confidence in our cooperation this time."

Dou Xiaoling left, full of confidence.

After Shen Hai waited for Dou Xiaoling to leave, he turned to Shen Lin and said, "Shen Lin, is there something wrong with you tormenting all this?"

Looking at the solemn Shen Hai, Shen Lin knew more about his brother. Although his brother's main focus was on academics, he was not stupid. At least his senses were extremely sensitive.

"Some troubles are about to arise. I am here this time to solve them."

When Shen Lin said this, he said calmly: "Brother, you have to look at it from a different angle. In many cases, troubles also represent opportunities. If it weren't for this trouble, I might have to wait for a while."

"But now, it's time for me!"

Shen Hai patted Shen Lin's shoulder and said: "Okay, since you know what's in your mind, I won't worry about it, let alone business matters, I can't help you, and you have to rely on yourself in the end."

Speaking of this, Shen Hai hesitated and said: "By the way, your plan won't have any bad influence on Senior Sister, right?"

"I can't tell, big brother, you are still a person who cares about beauty and beauty, hahaha, don't worry, no matter who tries my plan, it will only succeed and will not fail."

Shen Lin drank a little wine, and when he spoke, he was more energetic than before. He patted his elder brother on the shoulder, and said in a voice full of complacency: "Let me tell you, if it weren't for me, I really wouldn't be able to carry out this project." I am not willing to give the plan to others!"

"By relying on this, Senior Sister Dou will definitely improve to the next level."

Shen Hai nodded and said: "That's good, let's go, we also came out for a while today, let's go and have a rest."

Shen Lin nodded and said: "Brother, I want to ask you something, do you have classmates from the TV station, do you have any classmates from magazines and newspapers?"

"Male students are the best, but female students are also fine!"

Looking at Shen Lin who looked arrogant, Chen Hai suddenly felt why he wanted to beat someone so much at this moment!This younger brother of mine really deserves a beating.

Just when Shen Hai's heart was filled with all kinds of resentment, he heard Shen Lin say: "Brother, think about it quickly, this is a serious matter."

Shen Hai had no choice, although he really didn't agree with his brother's behavior, but at this moment, he could only follow Shen Lin's orders.

"I do have a classmate who stayed in the newspaper office after graduation. He should have a lot of connections in this regard..."

While Shen Lin was busy, Director Xie was holding a newspaper and reading it with a smile on his face.

The first page of the newspaper was a photo of signing a contract, and his face was in the center of the photo.

In the photo, he is holding the signed contract in one hand, and shaking hands with Ichiro Takeda enthusiastically in the other.And around them, many people were applauding!
And the huge black label of the newspaper even wrote congratulations on the successful joint venture between their factory and Shangmatsu Electric...

Although he had read the above content several times, but at this moment, he couldn't help but read it again.

"Hahaha, old Xie, you are silent, but you have released a David satellite!" The door was pushed open, and Director Dong, who was full of smiles, strode in.

Director Dong's face was full of affection.

Seeing that Director Dong's face had turned into a flower with a smile, Director Xie stood up slowly and said, "Director, I am just lucky, haha, Mr. Takeda from Uematsu Electric, unexpectedly chose the partner for cooperation. Our factory."

"Haha, I was just about to announce the good news to you, but I didn't expect you to come first."

Old Dong laughed loudly and said, "With such a great event, how could I not come here? I heard that you have attracted a lot of foreign capital this time, tens of millions of dollars!"

"Old Xie, we are not outsiders, tell me, when is your factory going to defeat Mi Ke?"

"Director Dong, at the beginning, I really regarded Mi Ke as our opponent, but now, I feel that my situation is too small."

Factory Manager Xie said with deep emotion: "Although Shen Lin's rice husks can be exported, speaking of them, they are far from our joint venture factory. By that time, as soon as we start production, he will lie down."

"Now, we are going to produce water dispensers and air fryers first. These two things are enough to kill Mi Ke."

The old Dong said: "Thank you, Factory Manager, have you confirmed your brand? If so, I will promote it to you first. After all, I still have some connections in this regard."

"Director Dong, I appreciate your kindness. You really don't need to do it yourself for the sales. We are a joint venture factory. As long as we produce, customers will flock to us."

Factory Manager Xie waved his hand and said, "By then, the trucks pulling the goods will probably be waiting in line at the gate of our factory."

Director Dong was a little unhappy about Lao Xie's refusal. He kindly wanted to help, but he didn't expect that he would be rejected, which is really abominable.

But Lao Xie is now popular, and although Lao Dong is not happy, he can only listen.He smiled and said, "That's good, that's good, by the way, Director Xie, you haven't mentioned the name of your joint venture yet!"

"Shangxue Electronics Factory, I originally wanted to call it Shangsong Electronics, but Mr. Takeda was too modest and said that the joint venture would identify both of us, so it was called Shangxue Electronics."

"Haha, our goal is to suppress rice shells in three months and make rice shells disappear from the market in half a year!"

(End of this chapter)

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