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Chapter 79 Don't look at people with old eyes

Chapter 79 Don't look at people with old eyes

When Shen Lin rode his bike home, Shen Lin's second sister, Shen Hong, and second brother-in-law, Chu Feng, also rode their bikes to Shen Xingye's yard.

The two of them didn't know the news of Shen Xingye's reassignment, and the reason why they hurried over was because of Zhao Honglian's phone call yesterday.

Because of the matter of Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong, Zhao Honglian couldn't sleep.At home, she basically listened to Shen Xingye for everything, so she couldn't express any opinions on many things.

But this time, she really couldn't sit still.

She couldn't find someone to confide in, so she chose to call her daughter Shen Hong.And Shen Hong, who heard her mother's confession, asked for leave that day, and rushed towards her home with Chu Feng today.

"It's so hot today!" Chu Feng touched the sweat on his forehead, and said with a touch of emotion: "It would be great if I had a motorcycle."

"Hey, it's different to be the deputy director. I used to be happy riding a bicycle, but now I'm thinking about motorcycles."

Shen Hong is notoriously sharp-mouthed. Hearing Chu Feng's emotion, she sarcastically said mercilessly: "Didn't I say that I asked you to borrow the Bisan motorcycle in the store, and let's use it. You just don't like it." listen."

Chu Feng felt helpless for a while. He could borrow the three-wheeled motorcycle, but it was difficult to use the motorcycle in the institute. He really couldn't do such a thing by borrowing it for personal affairs.

So Shen Hong's complaint, he really didn't listen to it.

"This Chen Hongying, I knew she was not a cheap lamp. When she wanted to marry Lu Xiaorong to Shen Lin, I just disagreed."

Shen Hong waved her hand and said, "Although Lu Xiaorong is a good girl, it would be troublesome to have such a mother."

Knowing Shen Hong's character, Chu Feng waved his hand towards Shen Hong and said, "Shen Hong, you should stop talking about such things in the future."

"It's not that you don't know, now that Lu Xiaorong is pregnant, what's the use of saying these words?"

Shen Hong snorted and said, "Aren't I worried? Lu Xiaorong's mother is like this, and my younger brother is unreliable. I don't know where the two of them will live in the future? "

Looking at Shen Hong who complained about Shen Lin, Chu Feng was really helpless. He coughed and said, "Shen Hong, didn't I tell you? Shen Lin is really doing a good job now."

"Although he doesn't have a job, he is doing his job honestly and earning a lot of money."

"Even when I mentioned the deputy director this time, it was his help."

Shen Hong curled her lips and said, "I believe you said that others are so nice, but Shen Lin, I really don't believe it."

"He helps you catch criminals. That's definitely a blind cat meeting a dead mouse. As for you saying that you see it selling things and willing to work, it's definitely a few minutes of enthusiasm."

Speaking of this, Shen Hong took out her handkerchief and wiped her face again, "Maybe he has already quit."

Chu Feng knew that it was useless for him to say anything at this time, so he shook his head and said, "Okay, let's stop talking, everything depends on the couple."

"Anyway, they live their lives."

Shen Hong snorted and said, "You can shut up, but I have to say, that's my own brother, why can't I care about it."

"My surname is Chu, let me tell you, don't think that if you become the deputy director, you will look down on me as an elementary school teacher. If it doesn't work, I will take the child home."

Chu Feng was completely speechless, he just scolded himself for being stupid, why was he arguing with Shen Hong on this matter, and now he made himself a stranger inside and out.

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything, I'm almost home, let's talk at home if we have anything to say." As Chu Feng spoke, he had already turned into the family courtyard, but when he came to the entrance of the corridor where Shen Xingye lived At that time, I felt that there were a lot of people at the door.

"Is there something wrong with this?" Before Chu Feng could speak, Shen Hong said worriedly.

Chu Feng didn't say a word, but the speed of his bicycle was already much faster. "Shen Hong is back, tsk tsk. They say you have found a good uncle, Shen Hong. This seems to be a strange pomp."

A middle-aged woman in her 40s spoke enthusiastically the moment she saw Shen Hong.

Shen Hong was stunned for a moment, she had some impressions of this aunt, and she was very enthusiastic towards her in the past, but since Shen Xingye stepped down from the position of factory manager, she has basically avoided her house and left.

Now, why is she here?
"Hello, Sixth Aunt." Shen Hong hesitated for a moment, but still greeted warmly.After all, her upbringing made her used to doing this.

At this time, Chu Feng whispered in her ear: "Shen Hong, don't worry, I think the family should be a good thing."

Although Shen Hong was looking forward to good things in her heart, she knew that it was really difficult for her family to have good things now.

Among other things, the targeting of a white-eyed wolf alone has already made her family a little stretched in many things.

The door of the house was wide open, even so, before entering the door, a strong smell of smoke had already passed.

Looking at the old smokers who were smoking with her father, Shen Hong suddenly felt as if she was back before she was married.

At that time, Shen Xingye hadn't retired yet, and the situation at home seemed to be like this, and it was not as lively as it is now.

"Shen Hong is back!"

"Shen Hong should also come back to celebrate the old factory manager."

"Haha, I think it's time for us to go too. The old factory manager is here, so you should treat him well."

Several old workers who were talking to Shen Xingye stood up, greeted Chu Feng with a smile, gave up a cigarette, and left with a smile on their faces.

The family gradually returned to calm. After Shen Hong sent the last person away patiently, she turned to Shen Xingye who was full of smiles and said, "Father, what's going on?"

Before Shen Xingye had time to speak, Zhao Honglian, who came out of the kitchen, was already full of joy and said: "Just now, Director Lu of the Personnel Department in the main factory announced the decision of the main factory to let your father become the second workshop Deputy head of the preparatory group."

The second workshop of the main factory!

As a child of the hardware machinery factory, although Shen Hong has left the factory, she is very clear about the situation in the second workshop.

She knew that this new second workshop was the most important thing in the future of Dongzhou Iron and Steel General Factory. In order to build this second workshop, the general smelting factory had piled up a lot of resources on it.

Being able to become the deputy head of the preparatory team of the second workshop is definitely a promising thing for young people.

But why did my father become the deputy head of the preparatory team of the second workshop?

You know, although my father's age is not yet fully retired, he is not far from the second line.

"Father, is what my mother said true?"

"Why isn't it true? They also said that your father's valuable advice to the main factory saved a huge loss?" Zhao Honglian said with a proud face.

When Shen Xingye heard Zhao Honglian's words, he felt a little depressed.

Because he has not yet figured out when he made this opinion.

"This opinion should have been brought up by Shen Lin." In front of his wife and children, he did not hide it, and finally said it out.

ps: The new book sets sail, please support
(End of this chapter)

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