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Chapter 799 The Unstoppable Light

Chapter 799 The Unstoppable Light
Mi Yuan, who was sitting in the office, was also paying attention to the report on Mishell Electronics Factory.

Looking at the familiar statistics and Mi Ke's dazzling achievements, Mi Yuan felt that her heart was a little hot at this moment.

She felt that there was nothing wrong with Mi Ke's name in the title.

She even felt that Mi Ke was a little too modest and low-key in this regard!
With her keen sense, Mi Yuan could smell the breath of that outstanding man.At this moment, she really wanted to call him and say congratulations.

Just when she was wondering whether to call Shen Lin, the door of the office was pushed open.

"Mi Yuan, did you watch TV yesterday?"

Sister Dan, who was wearing a gray dress, asked excitedly.

Mi Yuan went out to dinner with her friends yesterday and didn't have time to watch TV at all, but when Sister Dan asked her this way, she realized that there must be something on TV that she didn't know about.

"What's wrong?" Mi Yuan took her most common method, and she believed that Sister Dan would say it herself.

"Some people say that seven o'clock in the evening, 07:30 and [-]:[-] are the prime time for advertisements, do you know that the prime time yesterday was all given to Mi Ke!"

Sister Dan waved excitedly and said, "My mother said that she only knew that Dongzhou has such a big company after she saw the advertisement yesterday."

Big business!
Hearing this title, Mi Yuan lost her mind for a while, but in an instant, she felt that this title seemed very accurate.

Mi Ke, isn't it a big company now?

"Three such important advertisements, tsk tsk, how much do they cost! Boss Shen is really generous!"

"However, only a company like Mishell is able to obtain such support."

"Other companies simply can't do it."

Listening to Sister Dan's chatter, Mi Yuan handed the newspaper in her hand to Sister Dan.

At first, she was still a little puzzled as to why Mi Yuan gave her the newspaper, Sister Dan. After reading the above content, she didn't speak for a while, and then said: "The above seems to be quite reasonable."

"Rice shell, isn't it the light of domestic electrical appliances?"

"Others don't know, don't we know? Among so many electrical appliances companies, it seems that rice shells are the only ones that can exchange for foreign exchange and sell things!"

Mi Yuan nodded and said: "Yes, but Director Shen's action this time is a bit big!"

Shen Lin gave Mi Yuan the feeling that he was a very low-key and introverted person. In many cases, he would always do more than talk.

But now, Mi Ke, who had always kept a low profile, showed her fangs unabashedly. This made Mi Yuan a little puzzled as to whether something had happened.

While the two were talking, the phone in Mi Yuan's office rang, and it was Li Qingbo who called, asking the two to quickly sort out the materials for the Mi Shell Electronics Factory.

In fact, these materials were all prepared long ago, so there was no need to sort them out. Mi Yuan found a copy and read it again, confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, she took it into Li Qingbo's office.

"Director Li, you are in such a hurry to get the materials of Mishell Electronics, is there something wrong?"

Although Mi Yuan knew that there were some things she shouldn't know, she had better not inquire about them, but it was related to Shen Lin who she was concerned about, so at this moment, she couldn't help asking.

Li Qingbo received the materials, and said: "How can the higher-ups not pay attention to such a big commotion caused by Mi Ke? This is to be sent to the higher-ups. I heard that today, Mi Ke Electronics will be inspected."

"Is this a good thing for Director Shen or..." When Mi Yuan asked this question, she realized that she had said too much.

These words, I should not ask at all.

However, Li Qingbo didn't realize anything at this time, he said excitedly: "Of course it's a good thing, after all, the higher ups pay more attention to it, and there will be more support for Mi Ke."

"I also heard that Mihu Electronics Factory is planning to spend tens of millions to jointly build a scientific research campus with the University of Technology." When Li Qingbo said this, he said with a trace of reluctance in his voice: "Tens of millions, and it's still Scientific research park, what a wonderful project this is, but it’s a pity that it can’t be found here.”

"Hey, I heard that while the higher-ups are feeling heartbroken, they are also afraid that the Mishell Electronics Factory will be abducted by the provincial capital."

"In that case, our loss will be great."

Mi Yuan didn't ask any more, but just smiled happily in her heart!She is willing to hear everything about this man, worry about him, and rejoice for him.Although she has basically had no contact with Shen Lin recently, she is silently paying attention to everything about Shen Lin.

For example, what is Shen Lin busy with recently, such as...

Back in her office, Mi Yuan hesitated for a while, and finally decided to call Shen Lin.

But just when she was about to pick up the phone, Sister Dan came over with a smile on her face and said, "Mi Yuan, I just heard that we are going to inspect the Mishell Electronics Factory, so I called Director Shen. "

"Tsk tsk, Director Shen is very polite on the phone. He not only calls me Sister Dan, but also allows us to go to him to guide our work when we have time."

"Director Shen is really good at talking, tell me, if the two of us go, what can we do for Director Shen?"

Mi Yuan's hand quietly retracted.

Although she and Sister Dan are good friends, at this moment, her heart is full of complaints. This Sister Dan, how could she be so pretentious...

Listening to Sister Dan's chattering for half an hour, Mi Yuan, who hesitated for a long time, finally picked up the phone.

I don't know if he can answer the phone!

"Beep beep..."

It rang seven or eight times in a row, but there was no response at all from the phone.

Such a situation made Mi Yuan feel very disappointed, but at the same time, she also felt a little bit of relaxation.

At this moment, what she thought of was not to answer.

I have already made the phone call that should be made, but Shen Lin is not there, it is actually a relief for both of them.

But just when Mi Yuan was about to put down the phone, Shen Lin's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hi, I'm Shen Lin, who are you?"

Hearing this voice, Mi Yuan felt full of grievances and sadness, the person she misses, don't you even know who I am?I burn like this for my beloved you, but you don't know anything!
She wanted to cry a little, but she quickly controlled her emotions. She hid her thoughts about this man very secretly, and her heart was often overwhelmed, and what was revealed was only the tip of the iceberg.

Mi Yuan tried her best to keep calm and said, "Hello, Director Shen, I'm Mi Yuan. I'm calling you this time mainly to congratulate you!"

"Thank you, Mi Yuan, our promotion this time also feels a bit forced to go to Liangshan..."

After chatting for a few words, the two parties put down the phone.

Mi Yuan didn't hang up the receiver immediately, but silently thought about the situation when she was talking with Shen Lin.

Shen Lin's attitude towards him was very peaceful, as if the joy of the two of them was very good, but Mi Yuan felt a feeling of repelling others thousands of miles away.

This feeling is like that person standing beside you, but thousands of miles away from you!

She cared so much about him, but in real life, she could only live by the rules!Mi Yuan was distracted and avoided this question, but was troubled by it from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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