Chapter 98 Silly and Bold

Seeing Lu Xiaorong's worried face, Shen Lin couldn't help laughing.

Shen Lin understood Lu Xiaorong's mentality very well. After all, if he hadn't been reborn with absolute certainty, he would never have done such a desperate thing.

"I can only use them all, even if it's not enough." Shen Lin brought the blueprints he had drawn and said, "Look at these, I think the opportunity is rare!"

Lu Xiaorong looked carefully at these blueprints drawn by Shen Lin. Although she didn't understand much, she still asked Shen Lin a lot of questions about the content on the blueprints.

"Okay, but you have to promise me that it's fine to invest the money and don't owe too much foreign debt. With my salary like this, we can still live." Lu Xiaorong said seriously.

Lu Xiaorong's attitude made Shen Lin feel more tender. It seems that his wife still trusts him quite a bit.

Lu Xiaorong's final condition is not only for himself, but also for this family, and even more for the child who is about to be born!

"Okay, I promise!"

Lu Xiaorong, who was originally full of interest in boiled fish, suddenly felt that boiled fish was not so delicious, even when he was going to sleep, he was a little worried.

But early the next morning, Lu Xiaorong became more relaxed, and she also told Shen Lin not to be impatient.

After watching Lu Xiaorong go to work on a Phoenix bicycle, Shen Lin took Qiangzi with him and went to the bank to withdraw money first.

1 yuan was not a small amount for the bank at that time. When Shen Lin was withdrawing money, the person in charge of the counter glanced at Shen Lin from time to time.

I was afraid that there was something wrong with this young man.

"By the way, take two of the 500 yuan for me, and give me 100 yuan for the other one." Shen Lin said suddenly when the teller was counting the money.

The face of the teller changed. She had already prepared ten and five yuan, but she did not expect that this person would make such a request.

Does he think that I just saw him, so I made things difficult for myself on purpose.

Just as the displeased teller was about to get mad, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Sister, I'm going to pay my colleagues in the unit. If you don't pay ten yuan, I will cause you trouble!"

The teller, who was about to call someone, suddenly looked better. After all, it is normal to use change for things like salary payment.

"Young man, you have to pay attention in the future, and finish speaking in one breath, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings."

Speaking of this, the teller took out another stack of bills and said: "These bills are 30 yuan, so you can use them too. Let me tell you that when you pay wages, you can't get a penny or a dime." Less, otherwise, it will be very troublesome."

Seeing the teller whose face was full of my consideration for you, Shen Lin nodded repeatedly and said, "Thank you big sister, I will definitely pay attention in the future."

Qiangzi, who was following Shen Lin, couldn't understand what Shen Lin was doing.He scratched his head vigorously, and when Shen Lin came out with the bag, he said to Shen Lin, "Brother, what do you want those change for?"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Change is naturally useful, you will understand after a while."

In the past, Qiangzi drove a motorcycle tricycle as fast as he could, for fear that others would not know that he was driving a motorcycle.

But this time, he drove steadily, slower than a bicycle, as if he was afraid that if he drove fast, he would spill the money in Shen Lin's bag.

Shen Lin could see Qiangzi's nervousness, he smiled and said: "It's okay, just drive according to the previous situation."

"Brother, I don't want to be nervous, but I can't control my hands. You have 1 yuan in your bag. This is the first time I've seen so much money!" Qiangzi whispered without turning his head. .

Shen Lin looked at Qiangzi, whose arms were tense, and said, "1 yuan is a small amount. You will have many opportunities to see so much money in the future." Ten minutes later, Shen Lin walked into Ye Yichen's office with his bag in hand.

Seeing Shen Lin coming so quickly, Ye Yichen was a little surprised: "Shen Lin, are you ready?"

"Let me tell you, you still have a chance to regret it now. When the money is handed over to the finance department, it will be too late for you to regret it!"

Shen Lin's voice was pretty good at first, but now, he pretended to be hoarse and said: "Chief Ye, I ran all day yesterday, and you can hear that my voice is almost broken, but I have already paid for this year's rent." All right."

"Well... if it's convenient for you, come with me to the finance department, how about we count the money first?"

Ye Yichen thought in his heart that this kid is really brave enough to borrow money to do such an obviously loss-making business.

I don't know how his parents would agree.Maybe they did it behind their parents' backs, but what does this have to do with him, Lao Ye?He has already said what he should say, Shen Lin wants to rent, that is his freedom.

"Okay, come with me." Ye Yichen stood up, holding a water glass and leading Shen Lin towards the Finance Department.

After just a few steps, Shen Lin came to the Finance Department. After Ye Yichen explained his purpose, Shen Lin poured out all the money in the bag.

The accountant who was in charge of counting the money frowned when he saw a lot of bills and one or two dollars.Ye Yichen turned to Shen Lin and said, "Xiao Shen, why don't you go to the bank to change some real money? Look at your money, it's a lot of trouble."

"Section Chief Ye, isn't this the rush you asked for? I haven't had time to change the money, but don't worry, I definitely have enough money."

"The rent of 1 yuan a year is definitely not less than one cent!"

Ye Yichen waved his hand and said, "Okay, I believe you're not good enough." He said to the accountant who was standing aside, "Xiao Luo, it's not easy for Xiao Shen, so why don't you help me with the counting?"

The accountant nodded and said, "Okay, for the sake of Chief Ye, I'll count it once, but it's agreed, it's only this time, and it's not an example."

While talking, the accountant started counting quickly, and he counted 1 yuan for seven or eight minutes before he could count.

"Chief Ye, it's 1 yuan." After the accountant finished speaking, he gave Shen Lin a receipt.

Ye Yichen looked at the colorful pile of money, and thought to himself that this young man is really stupid and bold, so much money was spent in one go.

Even if I am myself, I dare not do this!

The money was collected, and Ye Yichen wanted to get this matter done quickly so that Shen Lin wouldn't regret it, so he took Shen Lin, and within half an hour, he found the director of the second match factory, This matter was finalized.

"Xiao Shen, the director of the factory has already signed, and you have already paid the money, and you can't change it if you want to. Next, you can only rely on yourself."

Ye Yichen took his own contract and said solemnly: "Here, I wish you a prosperous business and all the best."

Although Shen Lin sneered in his heart, he still said sincerely on the surface: "Mr. Ye, speaking of it, I still want to thank you. If it weren't for you, the factory manager might not be willing to rent it to me!"

"Don't worry, I will pay the rent on time in the future."

Looking at the grateful Shen Lin, Ye Yichen felt a trace of guilt in his heart.But soon, his little bit of guilt disappeared completely.

"Young man, work hard!"

ps: The new book sets sail, please support me!

(End of this chapter)

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