Chapter 159 Joint Hunting
Ok? !

Several family heads nearby were originally planning to talk to Family Master Liu, but when they heard his words suddenly stop, they also felt confused.

They all looked at him!

Everyone was stunned!
Good guy!
What an expression!
So surprised? !
Although this scene is quite strange, it shouldn’t be such a surprise!
"Old Liu, what's wrong with you? Why did you become like this after just one look?"

"No, you are already at the level of a star. You can't be so intolerable! Are you shocked when you see Mr. Wang with a young man?"

"Stop standing there, look at you like that! Your eyes are about to pop out!"

"Hey, why are you still still? What's going on? Speak quickly! Stop being stunned!"

After a few words!
Here, the head of the Liu family also came back to his senses. After listening to the words of the people next to him, he waved his hands and said, "Go, go, what do you know? This is Mr. Ye!"

Mr. Ye? !

which one? !

Amid everyone's confused gazes, the head of the Liu family pointed at Ye Yunyi, "This is Mr. Ye. There used to be a Fire Barrier in Qingmo Barrier, which is relatively far away from us!"

"However, he is also a distinguished person!"

"It is estimated that Mr. Ye's strength should have reached the late stage of the star stage! Previously, he killed two powerful strangers in the middle stage of the star stage with two moves! His skills shocked everyone!"

"Furthermore, Mr. Ye is also a senior alchemist. He used to refine medicines, and the aroma of medicine filled half of the Qingmo Barrier!"

"Our Evergreen Barrier is far away, so it's understandable that we don't know Master Ye's deeds."

As soon as he said these few words, the eyes of the people around him widened!

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing!
He is powerful and a senior alchemist!

The fragrance covers half of the green ink barrier? !

How broad is that? !

What kind of medicine was made?

What the hell, if you eat one, you won’t go straight to heaven?
It's so scary!

Here, Patriarch Liu looked at the situation here and added, "The Patriarchs on the Qingmo Barrier and Xinhuo Barrier are already crazy about Master Ye! Rumor has it that Master Ye has the appearance of a king!"

"You have no idea how crazy those family heads over there have been to pursue Lord Ye!"

"Master Wang is actually leading Master Ye here. It seems that the third and sixth generals are inviting Master Ye!"

"Tsk tsk! No wonder the young hero was invited by two kings!"

Here, the head of the Liu family was talking, and when he heard the sound gradually disappearing next to him, he also looked over.

I saw other family heads looking at him, "Tell me more about the madness of those family heads!"

"Tell me more about Mr. Ye's deeds!"

"Tell us how you feel!"

In an instant, every word was spoken, and all the family heads were not calm anymore!
Why don't you quickly curry favor with such a person?
at the same time.

Here, Ye Yunyi followed, and after a while, he arrived at the living room.

At the moment, he was looking ahead!

Ok? !

This is?

Two generals?

so pretty?

next moment!
The light curtain rose from the heads of Fu Huiyu and Yu Bingyan!
[Name: Fu Huiyu]

【Height: 172CM】

【Appearance: 99】

[Size: D]

[Stature: 99]

[Purity: 100%]

[Name: Yu Bingyan]

【Height: 170CM】

【Appearance: 99】

[Size: C]

[Stature: 98]

[Purity: 100%]

Ye Yunyi looked at it.Um.
The size of this king general is a little bit underwhelming!

Ye Yunyi also sighed with emotion. Now he has once been in trouble.

Actually, this is okay.


The two king generals looked at Ye Yunyi and did not expect that Ye Yunyi was so young.

This is far from the decisive and decisive look in the rumors!


This guy is actually a bit handsome!
With this face and this strength, no wonder he can attract so many girls and become a wife-crazy maniac.

After getting to know each other.

Ye Yunyi was also sitting there.

"I don't know. Why did the two kings call me here?"

Ye Yunyi got straight to the point.

"We don't have anything to do. Even if you come to my place, we can do our best as landlords and give you a gift by the way."

With that said, Yu Bingyan stood up and walked towards the back.

Ye Yunyi also looked behind him, but he didn't see anything and could only look back.

After a while.

Just take out a huge crystal core.

Ye Yunyi took a look.

This is quite a feat!

One shot!

It’s a late-stage alien beast crystal core!

"This is a welcome gift for you."

With that said, Yu Bingyan gave the crystal core to Ye Yunyi.

Ye Yunyi understood the meaning of the two people in an instant. In this way, it seemed that he was the same as Shangguan Yulan before!
They all want to be friends with him.

Ye Yunyi was naturally happy. After all, if he didn't take something, wouldn't he be a fool?

"Thank you two generals."

After seeing Ye Yunyi accept it, the two of them also had smiles on their faces.

Then he said, "There will be a joint hunting event here in a few days. Do you want to participate?"

"Huh?" Ye Yunyi was stunned for a moment, then looked at him with doubt.

Why do we still need to hunt together?

It stands to reason that since there are two king-level experts guarding the Evergreen Barrier, there is no need for such a big fight. Ordinary beasts would not dare to attack!

"This time of joint hunting, the family heads and the Alliance Guards will go hunting in the jungle together to clean up the strange beasts around the Evergreen Barrier."

"You may not know it yet. Now, in the end of the world, our human strength is getting stronger, and the strength of those alien beasts is also expanding with time!"

"It has not been peaceful recently. News has come from the west, northern Xinjiang, and the other side of the ocean. Many king-level strange beasts have been discovered one after another. There are even rumors that king-level beasts have now evolved among the strange beasts. A strange beast above!"

A beast above the king level!
One sentence made Ye Yunyi squint his eyes!

Now, the king-level beast is already terrifying!


Now that such a strange beast appears, it is simply terrifying!

However, this is reasonable!

In the jungle, alien beasts devour each other, and it is indeed easier to evolve into higher-level alien beasts!
However, this is a challenge for humans!

"So we also need to regularly expand the safe area of ​​the barrier to the outside. This can ensure that high-level alien beasts do not evolve nearby, which can also be regarded as ensuring the safety of the barrier."

"Cleaning it up regularly like this can also help everyone gain a lot."


Ye Yunyi nodded.

"Okay, we will take you to meet the owner of Evergreen Barrier later. Let's get to know each other. Come on, let's have tea first." Fu Huiyu, the general of the third king, saw that Ye Yunyi had collected his things and agreed to join the hunt. He was in a good mood.

They may have been disturbed by Shangguan Yulan's obstruction before, but now Ye Yunyi's cooperation makes them feel that things are going particularly smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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