Chapter 166 The girl in the photo
In an instant, the gluttonous giant lizard felt severe pain and roared upwards!
Those scarlet eyes suddenly began to tremble!
Then, it and Ye Yunyi fell down together!

After Ye Yunyi landed, he looked at the blood stains on the battle ax!
At that moment, the battle ax was in full swing in his hand!
Then he waved towards the ground, and a line of blood suddenly appeared!
The entire battle ax suddenly glowed coldly!

Just like before, spotless!


After the Taotie Lizard landed, the severe pain became even more obvious!
It felt the severe pain, and then looked at Ye Yunyi in front of it!
A pair of huge scarlet eyes with extreme anger!
It never thought that such a tiny human being could cut off its hand!

It is the king of this area!
How many strange beasts were slaughtered by it!

Now such a tiny human enters its territory!

Can't stand it!
Another fierce roar!

Sound waves come out!

The leaves all around are falling down!

The ground shook!
The sound did not decrease and spread rapidly towards the distance!
next moment!
In the rain of fallen leaves, the Taotie Monitor came directly towards Ye Yunyi to kill him!
Through the rain of falling leaves!
The gluttonous giant lizard came directly towards Ye Yunyi!

The bloody mouth opened wide, as if he was preparing to kill Ye Yunyi with one blow!

next moment!
In its eyes, Ye Yunyi disappeared in a flash!
Ok? !

The gluttonous monitor lizard's scarlet eyes widened, and he couldn't believe what he saw!


Ye Yunyi appeared on the head of the Taotie Giant Lizard!
The giant ax in its hand appeared on top of its head!


Ye Yunyi's body kept flashing next to the Taotie Monitor!

It’s like a cook trying to untie a cow!
After a few clicks!

The gluttonous monitor lizard's skin and flesh were all smashed to the ground!

Even more so!

Qingling Dapeng saw this on the battlefield.

He also let out a chirp immediately, as if to celebrate Ye Yunyi's killing of the gluttonous giant lizard!

Ye Yunyi came to the Gluttonous Monitor Lizard, and then lightly chopped down with the battle ax in his hand, one chop at a time!
A huge star-level alien beast crystal core appeared in Ye Yunyi's hand!
Then, Ye Yunyi put the alien beast crystal core into the system space.

He waved to the Qingling Dapeng in the air.

Qingling Dapeng here also understood and came down directly!

Ye Yunyi looked at the white color that was gradually rising on the horizon!
Also know.

It's almost dawn, and the blood moon is about to set!

"It's been a long time. You're tired too. Let's have breakfast." Ye Yunyi said and touched the Qingling Dapeng.

The latter leaned his head towards Ye Yunyi like a spoiled child.

Here, Ye Yunyi is making a fire!
Then the best meat of the gluttonous lizard is shaved off and grilled directly!

Qingling Dapeng went over and directly ate the flesh and blood of the gluttonous lizard.

"This way!"

Ye Yunyi shouted when he saw Qingling Dapeng like this, and then took out the god-level animal food!

It goes well with it!
At this moment, Qingling Dapeng started feasting even more!
It’s simply not a pleasure to eat!

For Qingling Dapeng!

The flesh and blood of the alien beasts in the middle of the stars!
With the addition of this god-level animal food, it is already a perfect match!
Here, Ye Yunyi is not in a hurry!

Slowly turn the branch covered with flesh in your hand!

After a while, the aroma came out!

Ye Yunyi smelled the aroma of meat, and then got ready to eat it!

next moment!
not far away!
There was a rustling sound!
Ye Yunyi immediately narrowed his eyes!
"Come out!"

After one sentence.

A girl came over from a distance.

She looked at Ye Yunyi, her eyes still wary.Ye Yunyi looked at the girl, and then he was stunned!
[Name: Lin Xuerou]

【Height: 171CM】

【Appearance: 98】

[Size: C]

[Stature: 98]

[Purity: 100%]

However, what stunned Ye Yunyi was not this girl's beauty and figure!
this man!

Almost instantly, Ye Yunyi recognized it!
When the barrier was destroyed before, he found a dying man in the cave in the back mountain!
He has a bronze key in his hand!
One more photo!
The girl in the photo is the person in front of me!
How could this person appear here!

What is the bronze key?
What can be opened?
Ye Yunyi was thinking about it right now, but no one told him now!
He looked at the girl's vigilant look and knew that this secret needed to be explored slowly!
Here, Ye Yunyi looked at the girl, "Come here!"

The girl looked at Ye Yunyi with caution.

But I was attracted by the smell of meat!

The gluttons in my stomach are aroused!

She is extremely tired now and hasn't eaten for a long time. Now when she sees this, she naturally moves her index finger!

He gritted his teeth and walked over!
After coming over, he sat down and Ye Yunyi directly handed over a bunch of meat.

"Eat it!"

The girls didn’t show any pretense, they just took it and ate it.

Then, the two of them started eating!

Here, Ye Yunyi looked at the girl. There were a few scars on her legs, and they were bleeding.

Ye Yunyi used his backhand to explore!
A bottle of medicinal powder appeared in his hand in the system space!

Then, Ye Yunyi grabbed the girl's leg!
Ok? !

For a moment, the girl's eyes widened and she couldn't believe what she saw!
This guy actually attacked her directly? !
She wants to resist!
Then, she was stunned!
What power is this? !

To know!
She is in the mid-diamond stage!

It is within the first line of barriers!
There is also a place!
However, she is exerting all her strength now!

There is no way to escape at all!
This man has so much power!

"Okay, don't move!"

Ye Yunyi is also a little impatient!
Shout out!
Then, the powder was sprinkled directly on the girl’s wound!

In an instant, the girl yelled and her body began to tremble!
what is this!

Who can tell her!
what is this!

It hurts so much!
Why is it so painful!
"You scream as if I did something to you!"

"This is a powder for hemostasis treatment. It's very expensive!"

“I don’t know how many people are rushing to get it outside!”

Ye Yunyi said.

Then he let go of the girl, and then started eating by himself.

After listening to Ye Yunyi's words, the girl immediately understood.

Then look at your legs!

It really doesn’t bleed anymore!

There seems to be a numbing feeling, which relieves pain!

She looked at Ye Yunyi with complicated emotions in her eyes. She didn't know why this man would directly help her.


the other side.

Just a few figures came over.

After searching for a while!
I just saw Ye Yunyi and the girl here!
Then he set his sights on the girl!
With a ferocious smile on his face, he walked towards her!
(End of this chapter)

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