In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 106 The phantom of heaven and man descends into the world! ! !

Chapter 106 The phantom of heaven and man descends into the world! ! !

The First Emperor, who was in Zhangtai Palace and was meditating on the floating carriage, was also alarmed by the strange sight above the Xuanji Pavilion.

"This is coming from Xuanji Pavilion."

"Could it be that Taiyi God has solved the mystery of Canglong Qisu in the Phantom Sound Treasure Box???"

In an instant, the First Emperor only saw the brightly illuminated night sky above Xuanji Pavilion, and immediately thought of the Phantom Sound Treasure Box brought back to Yin Yang's home by the Star and Moon God.

Taiyi Shen had already reported to the First Emperor in advance about the Phantom Sound Box.I know that the phantom sound treasure box can only be opened by using the Yin Yang family's eternal Zhou Liuxu technique.Therefore, the First Emperor asked the Xingyue God to bring the Phantom Sound Treasure Box back to Xuanji Pavilion.

Now seeing the monstrous vision appearing in the night sky, the First Emperor instantly understood. The mystery of the Canglong Qisu will be completely solved today!
In the entire Xianyang City, everyone is watching.The thousands of divine lights in the night sky, after a burst of changes, actually transformed into human figures!
"It's a heavenly being, it's a heavenly being!!!"

The First Emperor's eyes widened to their maximum size, staring intently at the phantom formed by the condensation of light.

That aura of extreme majesty, that eternal momentum that is not affected by the erosion of time, that majesty that mortals cannot look directly at.

Only heavenly beings can possess it!

When the figure of the heavenly being spanning eternity appears in the sky like a mountain.

All the people in Li thought that gods were coming to the world, and they all knelt on the ground.Just like in ancient times, pray devoutly to the gods.

As for Taiyi God and Xingyue God in Xuanji Pavilion, they were completely shocked by the thousands of divine lights blooming from the Phantom Sound Treasure Box!
The eyes of Taiyi God were fixedly staring at the majestic figure of the heavenly being in the void, with a look of incomparable reverence on his face!
Although the Phantom Sound Treasure Box was opened by himself, he never expected that the phantom of a heavenly being would appear in the treasure box!

"Could it be that the mystery of Canglong Qisu was explained by the heavenly being himself?"

"We are so lucky! After thousands of years, we can see the photos of heavenly beings!!!"

At this moment, Taiyi God has entered an extremely excited state.

Seeing the phantom of heavenly beings appearing in person to teach the Dharma, Taiyi God was extremely excited!

In the entire Xianyang City, under the gaze of countless eyes.

After the huge phantom of the heavenly being appeared in mid-air, it first silently stared at the human world, as if the phantom still had spiritual consciousness.

Afterwards, the heavenly man spread his hands, and a void of chaos appeared in front of him.

In the chaos, some small stones slowly appeared, and those stones gradually pulled each other together, turning into a bright galaxy!

Those little stars are exactly the same as the eternal galaxy above the sky!
It is as if the heavenly beings, with their supreme supernatural power, have copied the galaxy containing infinite worlds in the nine heavens to the human world!
Two galaxies appeared together in the sky. Although they were separated by an unknown distance, they looked exactly the same.

This scene made all the people kneel down and worship even more devoutly.

Guiguzi, Xunzi, and Bei Mingzi also looked at the phantom created by the gods with shock on their faces.

At this moment, these three heavenly beings have gathered together.

Bei Mingzi said with a horrified face:

"You two, pay attention and observe!"

"This is how the gods are demonstrating to us and future generations the birth process of the eternal galaxy."

Guiguzi was also shocked and said excitedly:
"Have you noticed that if the stars are all slowly gathered from dust?"

"Then the ground beneath our feet is probably the same!"

"Oh my god. How many thousands of years did it take to form the vast and boundless land it is today?"

Guiguzi's eyes showed a slightly hollow look, and his whole mind was immersed in the process of heaven and man's evolution of the ancient galaxy.

Xunzi's eyes also shone with unprecedented brightness. As the highest-ranking person in the Confucian lineage, Xunzi believed that no one in the world could compare with him when it came to the classics he had read.But no matter how many classics I have studied, they will not contain the knowledge of the eternal galaxy!

Not to mention, the evolution of the entire galaxy is in front of your eyes.

Such an intuitive way makes everyone immersed in it, and they can concentrate on understanding the supreme avenue of the evolution of the stars into the world!
"Huh?! Look! The ancient galaxy evolved from the heavenly beings has changed!"

Following Xunzi's exclamation.

In the eyes of everyone in Xianyang City, the Milky Way where the stars gathered in front of the heavenly beings slowly underwent huge changes!

It's not that the Milky Way has transformed into another form, but that the direction of observation has changed!
It seemed that what everyone was staring at before was always the side of the Milky Way.But now, the heavenly beings are slowly showing the front of the Milky Way to everyone's eyes.

This scene made everyone staring at the night sky at this moment stunned and speechless! ! !

The Taiyi God in the Xuanji Pavilion was already trembling all over, and the gaze in his eyes seemed to be absorbed by the starry scene of the evolution of heaven and man.

Because, when the heavenly beings revealed the front of the Milky Way, everyone suddenly discovered it.

The entire galaxy turned out to be a huge whirlpool!

Four huge cantilevers radiate out from the center of the light point.It brought up rounds of halos and formed a huge vortex shape!

The Milky Way in everyone's eyes is only because they see the side of the huge cantilever and think that the eternal stars above their heads are converging on the river.

In fact, the entire galaxy is a huge whirlpool! ! !

In Zhangtai Palace, veins were pulsing on the forehead of the First Emperor!
Although in fairy books, we already know that the world outside the sky is composed of stars.

But when the First Emperor understood that the eternal galaxy above his head turned out to be a huge whirlpool.

It still gave the First Emperor a sense of sitting and observing the sky.

"It turns out that the galaxy that has been hanging above the heads of the human race since ancient times is just a cantilever of a huge whirlpool."

"Unexpectedly, as the first emperor of China, I am just a person who sits in the sky and watches the sky."

"If heavenly beings hadn't appeared in this world, I would have been still at the bottom of the well, quietly being a frog."

After knowing the truth about the Eternal Galaxy, the First Emperor's whole body was shocked by the whirlpool.

The huge star vortex above Xianyang City is still slowly rotating.

At this moment, the heavenly being stretched out his finger and pressed it towards an inconspicuous star in the cantilever of the vortex.

With deep meaning, he took another look at this human world.

All the thousands of divine lights disappeared from the night sky.

Slowly put it back into the Phantom Sound Treasure Box in Xuanji Pavilion.

Xingyue Shen was so shocked by the scene just now that he didn't know why. With a pair of almond-shaped eyes, he stared at the phantom sound treasure box that had returned to peace.

As for Taiyi God, after observing the evolution process of the galaxy, his eyes seemed to be filled with wisps of chaos, and his whole person fell into an epiphany.

Although the huge vision above Xianyang City has dissipated.

But in the imperial capital, people who knew about this matter had already come to Xuanji Pavilion one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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