Chapter 109: Eight Hundred Miles Expedited! ! !Civil war! ! !

Such a dramatic change in his image overnight was naturally enough to make all officials, both civil and military, stunned.

The First Emperor glanced at the numb civil and military officials, with a smile on his lips, and spoke majestically:

"What? Don't you know me?"

As soon as the First Emperor said these words, all the civil and military officials came to their senses and bowed respectfully to the First Emperor.

Afterwards, Li Si came out of the queue and said after careful consideration:

"Your Majesty, are you using your magical powers in a dream?"

" did you become so young overnight?"

Li Si's opening asked all the doubts in the hearts of the civil and military officials in the hall.

The First Emperor laughed and said:

"Although I didn't get any magical powers from heaven and man last night."

"But I opened the mysterious box in the underground palace under the sea, which contains the immortality pill left by the gods!"

"Now, I have entered the realm of immortality and have infinite longevity!"

"There is enough time to create a dynasty for all eternity!"

As soon as the First Emperor finished speaking, all the civil and military officials in the hall showed extremely excited expressions!
Congratulated in unison:
"Congratulations, Your Majesty, for entering the realm of immortality!!!"

The First Emperor's journey to immortality was tantamount to consolidating the foundation of the empire!

As long as the wise emperor is not in trouble, the empire will naturally not collapse.

The wealth and lives of all the ministers in the court have long been tied to the empire.If the empire can continue to prosper, they will naturally be excited!

At that moment, the entire court was filled with joy.

Suddenly, outside the court, an urgent message came from eight hundred miles away!

The messenger's face looked extremely tired, and it was obvious that his physical strength had reached its limit.

Using his last remaining strength, he rushed outside the court and shouted at the top of his lungs:

"Report!!! The border is in an emergency!"

"15 Xiongnu troops invade the northern border of the empire!!!"

This is an urgent report.

Immediately, as if in the court hall, a nine-day thunder sounded!

All the civil and military officials were very excited just now because the First Emperor had gained immortality.I was immediately shocked by the urgent news coming from eight hundred miles away, and I was a little confused.

When the First Emperor, who was sitting on the dragon throne, heard this urgent news, his face immediately showed anger!
"Send the general's report to me!"

The eunuchs in the chamber hurriedly handed the military report they received to the First Emperor.

When the First Emperor's sharp eyes scanned the contents of the military newspaper.A cold murderous aura suddenly appeared all over his body!

The general slapped the armrest fiercely and shouted angrily:

"Good! Very good! Every time winter comes, the Huns will invade south!"

"This time, they dare to assemble an army of 15 people! Do they really think that my Great Qin cavalry has no blades?"

"I didn't attack them first, but they came to the door first!"

"This time, I want to make this despicable race of Xiongnu completely disappear from this world!"

At this moment, the First Emperor's eyes were full of fierce light.

When we were about to raise an army from the north, we didn't expect that the Huns came first!Under the sudden attack, several villages in the border area were wiped out.It only caused the anger of the First Emperor to be completely ignited!

After the initial shock, all the civil and military officials were filled with indignation at this behavior of the Xiongnu!
They all expressed their intention to attack the Xiongnu.The line of military commanders even called for battle!
This situation of sharing the same hatred with the enemy appeared for the first time after the establishment of the empire.

The Xiongnu's invasion with a large army completely affected the nerves of every official in the empire.

The First Emperor's eyes fell on Gong Shuqiu, and he spoke majestically:

"Gongshuqiu! How are the preparations for Shenwu cannons, fire guns and other weapons?"

When Gongshu Qiu heard this, he immediately went out and reported truthfully: "Your Majesty, counting the ones that have been delivered, five hundred Shenwu cannons have been built at this time, and there are six thousand fire guns!"

"If the subsequent ore can keep up, Weichen is confident that we can make [-]% of the firearms within five days!"

As soon as Gong Shuqiu said this, all the civil and military officials looked at Gong Shuqiu in shock.

How long has it been?

There are five hundred Shenwu cannons? !
The previous destruction of the Mo family's machine city probably only used hundreds of divine cannons.These five hundred Shenwu cannons are probably enough to plow the entire grassland in the north of the Qin Dynasty.
The First Emperor nodded slowly and said:

"No need to wait any longer! I can't bear it any longer!"

"You can transfer all the Shenwu cannons and fire guns from the workshop to the Shenji Battalion!"

When the First Emperor said this, his eyes fell on Meng Tian again.

When it comes to the person with the most military exploits in the Qin Dynasty, it is Wang Jian.But Wang Jian is old after all and is not as fierce as Meng Tian!
This time, the First Emperor was completely murderous towards the Huns.A fierce enough general must be sent to completely wipe out the entire Xiongnu.

The First Emperor looked at Meng Tian and said majestically:

"Meng Tian, ​​I have ordered you to lead an army of [-] troops and [-] divine cannons, and head to the border immediately! Go out to attack the Huns!"

"This time, we must destroy the entire Xiongnu clan and destroy their country! Their species will be destroyed!"

"I will not allow the blood of the Huns to appear in this world again!"

After the First Emperor finished speaking these words with murderous intent.

Meng Tian immediately came out of the queue, knelt on one knee and faced the First Emperor, and said sonorously:

"Here! The final general will definitely slaughter all the Xiongnu bloodline!"

"I will not destroy the Xiongnu! I swear not to return to Xianyang!"

The First Emperor looked at Meng Tian, ​​who was exuding fighting spirit, and nodded with satisfaction.

With the help of firearms, it shouldn't be difficult for Meng Tian to completely kill the Xiongnu.

After arranging the crusade against the Xiongnu, the First Emperor turned his attention to Gong Shuqiu and said slowly:
"Mr. Gongshu, how is the development of the armored warship going?"

"There are still many small countries in the four seas surrounding Da Qin."

"If our empire wants to expand its territory at sea, it must rely on that sea artifact!"

Hearing the words of the First Emperor, Gong Shuqiu's scalp tightened and he quickly replied:
"Your Majesty, I already have an idea."

"The experimental phase has now begun. After all, the armored warship has to sail under huge waves."

"If we don't experiment with a strong enough hull, the lives of the soldiers may be sacrificed in vain."

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for a while longer."

Seeing Gong Shuqiu's nervous look, the First Emperor frowned slightly and urged again:
"You have to step up on this matter!"

"Now, I have infinite longevity, and I want to unify the universe and create a dynasty for all generations."

"This artifact that roams the sea is a top priority!"

Hearing the words of the First Emperor, Gong Shuqiu could only nod his head and repeatedly promised to speed up the casting of the armored warship.

On the day Meng Tian's army set off for the expedition, all official agencies in Xianyang City were operating tightly like machines.

Whether it is the supply of food and grass, the supply of weapons, or the various mobilizations of soldiers, they are all going on in full swing.

This time, it was different from the last crusade against the Mohists.

No matter how independent the Mohist family is, it can only be regarded as the strongest sect in the world.The Mo family, who was in the territory of Da Qin, couldn't make any waves at all.

But now, it is time to attack the Huns!

It was to attack the Huns who would go south to plunder every winter!

Under the strict order of the First Emperor, the Xiongnu were to be destroyed and their entire nation was to be destroyed. Naturally, all agencies in the Qin Dynasty were fully prepared to cooperate.

This is a national war!

(End of this chapter)

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