In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 111 The appearance of celestial bodies! ! !

Chapter 111 The appearance of celestial bodies! ! !
[Faced with the huge meteorite that ended the Cretaceous period, I also took action.That time I gave up my ultimate power beyond the structure of reality and instead used my wisdom.Developed an absolute gem on the technological side, violent nuclear weapons.However, even if I smash the entire meteorite into pieces.The countless fragments that exploded, carrying a huge amount of kinetic energy, still ended the era of dinosaurs. 】

[After these two visits, I realized that the earth seems to be pulled by an invisible thread called destiny]

[No matter how powerful the force is, it will never be able to cut off the invisible thread. What is coming will always come. 】

[Every living thing on the earth appears, and is bound to that invisible thread innately.That thread cannot be worn away by external forces. The only thing that can be relied on is the earth's creatures themselves. 】

[Only by relying on their own strength can they completely break free from the shackles of fate! 】

[So, I am not planning to intervene in the catastrophe this time.Perhaps, in the most critical time, I will retain some of the last blood of the human race.But the human race has already faced these hardships, and I shouldn’t be the one to forcibly help them resist them.】

[Seeing that the disaster that is about to cause great destruction is getting closer and closer.At this time, my smartest disciple, Nuwa, ran up to me.She excitedly told me that she had developed a celestial body!You can borrow the power of this celestial body to resist all kinds of external disasters that befall the earth! 】

When he saw this, the First Emperor suddenly raised his head, his eyes widening wider than a bull's eye.

Staring at the contents of the Heavenly Book with a look of disbelief on his face, when he saw Nuwa created a 'celestial body'.

The horror that filled my heart was beyond words.

Nuwa is a native human race!In ancient times, did the human race have such mysterious and unpredictable generosity? ? ?
It is actually possible to create a 'celestial body' using human power.

Although the First Emperor did not know how big this 'celestial body' was, and whether it could be comparable to the moon in the sky, he created the 'celestial body' out of a mortal body.It was enough for the First Emperor to have infinite admiration for Nuwa, the ancestor of the human race.

"Ancestor Nuwa is indeed the brightest shining light in the history of our Chinese race!!!"

"It's no wonder that Shang Zhou had evil intentions towards his ancestor Nuwa!"

"Such an unparalleled image is indeed the most colorful figure in history."

After the First Emperor sighed, he concentrated on the fairy book.I want to see clearly what kind of 'celestial body' Nuwa's ancestors have researched to save this world.

[When I saw the 'celestial body' developed by Nuwa, I fell silent]

[And my most intelligent disciple, Nuwa, is cheering like a little girl, constantly showing off around the celestial body she designed and built. 】

[That look made me understand that no matter how old she is, Nuwa will always be a little girl in front of me. 】

[Although Fuxi is more mature, he still stands aside with an embarrassed look on his face.The design concept of this celestial body was proposed by Nuwa, and Fuxi, as his senior brother, also assisted in its creation. 】

[The entire celestial body is a huge and solid ink pad.To be precise, it is a huge controllable moving metal plate.It's just that this metal plate is huge enough and was cast by Nuwa into the shape of an ink pad.Well, it looks a bit like the legendary Heaven-turning Seal.If it were launched into space, it would be enough to be called a moving 'celestial body'. 】

[The hundred-foot-square 'artificial star' in front of me is made entirely of Kepler star alloy.These alloy materials were all removed bit by bit from the wreckage of the Kepler star fleet by Nuwa and Fuxi. 】【Because of its huge thickness, this 'artificial star' is many times tougher than the Kepler spacecraft! 】

[Nu Wa said that the corresponding controller has been installed in this 'artificial star'.As long as this 'artificial star' is thrown into the starry sky, it can become a freely controllable star, just like the moon, rotating around the earth.Resist all attacks on the earth from the vast starry sky.If there is another Kepler invasion and all nuclear bombs are thrown at the earth, this huge 'artificial star' can intercept all the energy of nuclear explosions. 】

[Nu Wa happily said that this mobile 'artificial star' is not only a defensive strategic weapon for the earth, but also the first step for mankind to ascend the vast starry sky!Represents humanity as a springboard into the space age! 】

When the First Emperor saw this, he could no longer suppress the shock in his heart.

He suddenly stood up from the dragon chair and looked at the vast starry sky!A pair of eyes showed unprecedented seriousness, and even the man-made creature that could see thousands of miles was taken out by him.

In order to be able to see clearly all the scenes in the sky, the First Emperor put away the celestial artifacts in his hands and murmured:

"Ancestor Nuwa, where is the 'celestial body' that was launched to the nine heavens?"

"Could it be that after so many years, the 'celestial body' that gathers human wisdom has been destroyed by a catastrophe?"

" the years go by, that 'celestial body' has transformed into some other form?"

Full of doubts, the First Emperor leaned over the desk again and read the subsequent records in the fairy book.

[How should I put it, the idea of ​​Nuwa is somewhat romantic.If it were a smaller meteorite, this huge 'artificial star' might actually be able to block it.But if it encounters the huge meteorite that ended the Cretaceous Period, I am afraid that the only way to stop it is to use the moon to block it. 】

[Although Nuwa’s idea is not that perfect.But in my short time of retreat, Nuwa was able to create such a huge and complex creation, which is enough for me to be proud of her! 】

[I appropriately expressed some affirmation of the huge "artificial stars" and gave this idea some appreciation it deserved.Hearing my praise, Nuwa became more and more happy, and Fuxi was also proud of it.After all, Fuxi also put in a lot of effort to complete this huge 'artificial star'. 】

[Under my detailed inspection, this huge 'artificial star' not only contains Kepler metal.It is also mixed with the strongest ore native to the earth.At its strongest level, it also adds a lot of toughness. 】

[With such a huge mass, if it is put into the earth's low-Earth orbit.Under the pull of each other's complex gravity, it is very likely to become an artificial satellite of the earth like the moon. 】

[The ultimate form of this 'artificial star' is not just a shield. If various living facilities are built on it, it even has the potential to become a space city. 】

[I asked Nuwa why she thought of building such an 'artificial star'. 】

[Nu Wa replied that although the current changes in the natural environment are caused by the violent movement of the earth's crust.But this activity in the earth's crust is also caused by external influences from the planet.The various disasters on the earth do not originate from the earth itself, but more from external causes from the vast starry sky. 】

(End of this chapter)

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