In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 113 Nuwa’s patching up of the sky turned out to be real! ! !

Chapter 113 Nuwa’s patching up of the sky turned out to be real! ! !
[I asked Nuwa to control the 'artificial star' in the geosynchronous orbit and use it as a shield to withstand the impact of all meteorite rain.The human race, on the other hand, built an underground fortress suitable for habitat within the protection range of the 'artificial star'. 】

[In this case, even the entire surface of the earth will become a ruin.At the very least, some human blood can still be preserved in the underground fortress. 】

[After hearing my plan, my two disciples finally saw the light of hope.On the one hand, they organized the tribesmen and built a large enough underground fortress.On the other hand, the 'artificial star' in the geosynchronous orbit was slowly unfolded as a large shield. 】

[When all tribes and human races migrated to the underground world. The 'Artificial Star' also slowly floated up, vertically above the underground fortress. 】

[Under the control of Nuwa, this product embodies all the wisdom of the human race.Like a mother, she stretches out her entire body and protects the entire Chinese race in her arms. 】

[When the 'artificial stars' were all unfolded, the meteorite belt seemed to have a definite target to attack.They gathered into a floating black river, just like the mythical River Styx, rushing away like the last protective umbrella of mankind. 】

[I suppressed the urge to take action and waited for the shocking collision to happen]

[That day, an extremely bright light burst out in the sky.It seemed as if the entire sky had switched to a background composed of flames. 】

[The huge impact sound resounded throughout the entire world.The huge vibration was transmitted all the way to the earth through the air as the medium. 】

[When the ultimate light slowly disappears.The huge 'artificial star' has become a huge piece of scrap metal.Gathering the crystallization of the highest human wisdom, she completed her final mission at this moment. 】

[The entire sky is filled with thick dust.The meteorite belt was intercepted, but the entire human earth was completely destroyed. 】

[The dead silence of mass extinction pervades this planet.This time, the sky was still covered in thick dust, and even the sun couldn't shine through. 】

[Wasteland, a breath of apocalypse]

At this moment, when the First Emperor saw this record, he felt a chill running through his body!
"Is this the original version of the legend of 'Nu Wa mending the sky'?"

The First Emperor's face was full of disbelief.

Ancient books have long recorded that in ancient times, great disasters came to the world.A huge gap appears in the sky, and horrific disasters sweep across the world.

It was Nuwa, the ancestor, who used her great power to create the magical stone, which filled the gap in the sky and saved the world.

"Perhaps in the eyes of the ancients, this extraterrestrial metal mixed with various ores was the mysterious Sky-Mending Stone."

"It's just that after Nuwa ancestors spent so much effort, did they save the Chinese race from that catastrophe?"

Reason told the First Emperor that the Chinese nation was not cut off.

But the doomsday scenes described by heavenly beings in fairy books still worried the First Emperor.

The First Emperor was not sure whether the current Chinese nation was still the descendant from ancient times.

With extremely nervous emotions, the First Emperor focused all his attention on the fairy book to observe what would happen after the disaster.

[I don’t like the environment without sunshine in the sky, blowing out a breath.The thick dust in the sky was blown away, and the sun shone on the earth again. 】

[On the devastated land, everything is gone.But when I sent the signal, the exit of the underground fortress was opened.Nuwa and Fuxi led the Chinese people who were still alive and slowly walked out of the underground fortress. 】

[As long as the human race is still there, there will be hope for this land. 】【When I saw that my former land had been reduced to ruins.All the tribesmen who walked out of the bunker couldn't help crying. 】

[After all, this is their former home.Now, all that is left is the wasteland after the catastrophe. 】

[When Nuwa saw the lonely land, she was silent for a long time, as if her mind had been severely hit. 】

[In front of the surviving tribesmen, Nuwa encouraged everyone to slowly rebuild their homes.After nightfall, Nuwa also burst into tears in front of me.It is said that he did not work hard enough and failed to protect the homeland of the human race. 】

[I told Nuwa, you have done enough.The human race cannot avoid the disaster that is coming.To be able to save the vast majority of the human race in the face of such a world-destroying disaster is to use wisdom to the extreme. 】

[Because of my comfort, Nuwa finally cheered up again.After wiping away her tears, Nuwa mobilized all her energy and led all the Chinese people to begin the mighty post-disaster reconstruction. 】

[The actual situation of the land reduced to a wasteland is much better than expected. 】

[The impact caused by the meteorite destroyed everything on the ground to pieces.But the soil from the stars also brings vitality to this land.As long as the tribal people dig out all the life in the soil.Perhaps this land will be richer than before. 】

[It’s just that this time is in the future I don’t know how far away]

[During the long reconstruction process, Nuwa was the first to reach the end of her life.Looking at the little girl who was once in front of me, the last ray of life slowly dissipated.I don't know how to describe my mood at this moment. The effect of the Immortality Pill really cannot allow them to achieve a leap in life level. 】

【Under the knife-like time, I cannot keep them.When Nuwa left, all the Chinese people were crying collectively.My Nuwa's body is permanently frozen. Perhaps in a certain future, after I master a higher level of life technology, I can resurrect the little girl I once was. 】

[Although Nuwa is gone, the legend that she saved the world will always be circulated among the Chinese nation. 】

[Immediately afterwards, Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang also left.Looking at the tribesmen slowly restoring order, they walked peacefully. 】

【The person who has been with me the longest is Fuxi.Perhaps it was his quiet temperament that made him live longer.But Fuxi still left, the last bit of aura slowly dissipating from his eyes. 】

[There is no one I am familiar with among the human race.Although these human races all have different faces, I can’t name each one.]

[This land is slowly becoming prosperous again.The Chinese people were able to recuperate and recuperate on more fertile land. 】

[Seeing the human race regain its former prosperity, I feel it is time to leave.I walked slowly on the earth and felt the landscape was completely different from before. 】

When the First Emperor raised his head, his face could not help but be filled with sadness.

The First Emperor was brought into the state of mind of heavenly beings. When he thought of the familiar people, they slowly left him.

His chest was filled with a feeling of loneliness that could not be resolved.

After a night of silence, under the dim candlelight, the First Emperor slowly closed the fairy book.

Slowly digest this long history of the Chinese race.

(End of this chapter)

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