In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 125 The real dragon appears in Daze Mountain! ! !

Chapter 125 The real dragon appears in Daze Mountain! ! !
The First Emperor raised his head, but when he saw that there were less than a thousand old, young, sick and disabled people in the Mayan tribe, the First Emperor couldn't help but murmured:
"Well, gods are gods after all. Compared to humans, they are much, much more merciful."

"If I were a widower, I would have to kill all the last old, young, sick and disabled, and exterminate the entire race to vent my hatred!"

After the First Emperor sighed with emotion, he looked at the fairy book again.

[I left this piece of scorched earth and continued my journey, walking slowly toward the horizon where I don’t know the direction.]

[In a strange land, I found many crops that I was once familiar with.Potatoes buried in the ground, corn that can produce two thousand kilograms per acre, and my favorite peppers. 】

[When I traveled across the land of China, I found no traces of these crops.Unexpectedly, these vital crops were discovered on another continent at this point in time. 】

[I took some seeds from all three crops and prepared to bring these seeds back to the land of China.Let the people of China also enjoy the benefits of these crops. 】

Seeing the First Emperor here, his whole body began to tremble slightly again.This time it was neither anger nor excitement, but the purest emotion!
"It turns out that those magical seeds left by the gods actually came from this strange continent."

"If it weren't for these seeds from heavenly beings, how could the thousands of people in our Great Qin live such a prosperous and well-fed life today?"

"When winter comes, there are no longer frozen bones on the roadside. The granaries of every household are full. They even breed fat rats."

"Such a scene of great unity is all due to the grace of heaven and man!"

The First Emperor was so moved that he couldn't help but stand up and bow respectfully to the heavenly beings who lived in seclusion in the distant sky.
This worship is only for the common people in the world!
When the First Emperor straightened up, he was still immersed in the grace of heaven and man.

Suddenly, Zhang Han walked into the palace from outside and reported excitedly:

"Your Majesty! Traces of the Dragon Balls have been found!"

Zhangtai Palace.

When Zhang Han's voice sounded, the First Emperor's whole body seemed to be struck by a thunderbolt.

His eyes showed excitement, staring at Zhang Han in front of him, and said excitedly:
"Tell me! Tell me where the dragon beads appear?"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Han faced the First Emperor's sharp eyes and hurriedly reported in detail:

"According to the information sent back by Black Ice Platform's spies in various places, deep in the Daze Mountain, there was once a sky full of fluorescent light."

"Moreover, the roar of the dragon there is extremely bright, and it even sounds like the roar of thousands of dragons."

"All the masters from the farmers gathered in Daze Mountain at that time."

"Based on these clues, I dare to conclude that the dragon ball must have fallen in Daze Mountain! It has been guarded by the farmer for generations!"

When the First Emperor listened to Zhang Han's report, the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Black Ice Platform is the largest intelligence organization under the First Emperor.It was like an invisible net covering the territory of Da Qin.

On behalf of the First Emperor, he monitored all affairs within the Qin Dynasty.

Daze Mountain is the main altar of farmers, and Longzhu has the ability to control celestial phenomena.Such a strange phenomenon appeared in Daze Mountain again, and the First Emperor immediately understood that the gods must have left the dragon beads at the farmhouse!

The First Emperor suppressed the excitement in his heart and ordered Zhang Han:

"The Dragon Ball can control the time of day. If used well, it can benefit all people in the world!"

"How important are these artifacts to Great Qin?" "Zhang Han! I order you to take people to Daze Mountain immediately!"

"We must get the dragon ball back to me!"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Han quickly bowed respectfully and said sonorously:
"Here! The general will definitely fulfill his mission!"

After Zhang Han left, the First Emperor walked out of the palace and looked at the world with his hands behind his back.

The thoughts in my heart fluctuate like the tide.

Divine weapons such as Dragon Balls can control the natural climate between heaven and earth.If it is used for people's livelihood, it will definitely make the land of all people in the Great Qin territory smooth.The people will no longer suffer man-made disasters due to the weather.Many natural disasters will disappear without a trace.

Even the First Emperor had an idea in his mind.

If this dragon ball is used to its extreme, can it be used as a terrifying weapon by changing the celestial climate?

If we use extreme celestial phenomena and climate as our frontline to attack a country, I'm afraid the empire's combat effectiveness will be unfathomably strong!

Zhang Han led the elite troops from Heibingtai and quickly headed towards Daze Mountain.

Although there are already spies from Heibingtai closely monitoring Daze Mountain.But now Daze Mountain is full of master farmers.

With the power of Black Ice Platform around Daze Mountain, it is impossible to prevent farmers from doing anything. They can only closely monitor the farmers.

If you really want to get the dragon ball that conquers the heaven and earth from the hands of the farmer, you will have to wait for all the elites from the Black Ice Platform to rush to Daze Mountain.

Zhang Han traveled under the stars and nights, and occasionally stopped in the city to repair and replenish dry food.

After all, if you drag your completely exhausted body and rush to Daze Mountain, you may miss important events.

Just as Zhang Han was replenishing food and grass, the people around him were talking about it, and they continued to spread to Zhang Han's ears.

Zhang Han also pretended to listen casually. Most of the information on the entire Black Ice Platform was obtained through the occasional gossip of the people.

Therefore, most of the restaurants and inns in the entire Daqin area directly belong to Heibingtai.It's because only in the inn, there are the most talents from the three religions and nine streams.

A lot of information can be picked out from those idle words.

"Hey, have you heard? An extremely strange event has happened in the world recently!"

"Tch, what other big thing could it be, other than the change in the climate of heaven and earth that day? Someone else said that they heard the faint sound of dragon roars. Damn it, there are no dragons in the world now! There are quite a few dragon bones, they are all there It’s on display in Xianyang City!”

"Hey, I'm not talking about the climate change that day. Moreover, the sound of the dragon's roar is actually something! Let me tell you, my uncle's neighbor's cousin saw a dragon while doing his work on Mangdang Mountain! !!”

"Oh~~~Dragon? Don't brag! It might be some kind of big snake, or simply a wild boar. The little noise caused by you must have been thought to be a dragon! Let me tell you, this place is now There have been no dragons in the world for a long time. There is a real dragon, and that is our Majesty the First Emperor!!!"

"You're such an elm-headed person! Let me tell you, I just came from Mangdang Mountain. There are clear dragon paw prints on the rocks there! Damn it, that paw print is as big as a door panel , your wild boar has such big footprints?"

"Uh, are you serious? No, are there really dragons in this world?! Then I have to stay away from Mangdang Mountain, so I don't want to be swallowed by a dragon."

(End of this chapter)

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