In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 127 Will heavenly beings be in Mangdang Mountain?

Chapter 127 Will heavenly beings be in Mangdang Mountain?
After the Xiongnu were exterminated, the northern grasslands where the Xiongnu tribe originally lived were all included in the territory of the Qin Dynasty.

Although it is a bitter and cold land, the land area is simply astonishingly large!

Ju Mengtian's soldiers measured and reported that the original land of the Xiongnu clan was as large as the five counties of Daqin.

This huge land can be regarded as the biggest gain from the annihilation of the Xiongnu clan.

If it were the previous empire, no matter how vast the bitter cold land the First Emperor owned, he would not be able to use it at all.

In such bad weather, not many crops can be cultivated.Moreover, the people of Da Qin are probably not willing to go to such a place to herd horses and sheep.

But today’s Great Qin has those magical seeds from the gods!

Thinking of this, the First Emperor's eyes fell on Shi Nongling among the officials, and he spoke majestically:

"Shi Nong Ling, in your opinion, are any of the seeds left by the gods capable of growing in bitter and cold places?"

As soon as the First Emperor finished speaking, Shi Nongling hurriedly came out of the queue. After thinking about it for a while, he said:

"Your Majesty, according to Wei Chen's observation, although the yields of corn and pepper are abundant, they seem to be unable to adapt to the cold environment."

"But potatoes are different! Potatoes grow under the soil and are extremely cold-resistant!"

"It must be feasible to plant potatoes on a large scale in the bitter cold land in the north."

After Shi Nong Ling said these words, the First Emperor immediately became happy.

Immediately arrange the corresponding officials to start cultivating large areas of land in the bitter cold land of the north to plant potatoes.

At this moment, the spies from Heibingtai quickly came to the court with the information from Mangdang Mountain.

Reporting loudly to the First Emperor sitting on the dragon throne:

"Your Majesty! There is a dragon trace looming on Mangdang Mountain!"

"This matter has been widely spread among the people around Mangdang Mountain!"

"Commander Zhang Han has already led his people to Mangdang Mountain to find out what's going on!"

As soon as this urgent news was exported, it was like a thunderous explosion in the court hall!
All the civil and military officials looked at the secret agent of the Black Ice Platform in disbelief, their eyes almost bulging out of their sockets!

"Dragon?! What's going on? In this day and age, there is still a dragon appearing in this world?"

"Yes, I have seen a lot of dragon bones, but in all my years of living, I have never seen a living dragon!"

"Hey! It's also a great blessing for us! In today's era, miracles of gods and humans appear in the world, and traces of dragons appear in the human world. This is the real world!!!"

"I have done good deeds all my life and shed blood for the empire! Now I am almost stepping into the coffin with half my foot. This dragon is what I should see!"

The civil and military officials were talking a lot, and the First Emperor was also full of shock.

Compared with the civil and military officials, the First Emperor knew the inside story better.

A few days ago, the dragon beads showed strange phenomena, and now there are dragon traces looming on Mangdang Mountain. There must be some connection between the two!

Mangdang Mountain is not that far away from Daze Mountain.
After the First Emperor read the secret letter presented by his chamberlain, his sharp eyes fell on the Black Ice Terrace spy, and he spoke majestically:

"Send an order to Black Ice Platform and ask its elites to quickly support Zhang Han!" "Secondly, ask Zhang Han to pay attention to the movement of the Dragon Ball when searching for traces of dragons!"

"That dragon most likely appeared in Mangdang Mountain because of the abnormality of the dragon beads!"

At the same time, there was another guess lingering in the heart of the First Emperor.

Both the dragon genus and the dragon pearl have appeared in the world.Where was the person that day?
There has been no dragon activity in this world for who knows how many years.Traces of dragons suddenly appeared on Mangdang Mountain. Could they be the pets of the gods?

The First Emperor's brows were furrowed, and he had all kinds of doubts. He could only wait until Zhang Han investigated the traces of dragons on Mangdang Mountain before he could judge whether the heavenly beings had already entered the world.

At night, in Mangdang Mountain, the moon and stars are scarce.

The entire Mangdang Mountain was silent, ever since rumors spread about a dragon appearing here.All the people are afraid of this mountain and stay far away from this mountain even during the day.He was afraid that he would be swallowed up as meat by the dragon who didn't know where he was hiding.

There was no sound at all in Mangdang Mountain at night.Only the squeaking sound of the cool wind blowing through the leaves spreads through the vast mountains.

Under the dim moonlight, a slightly obscene and thin figure shuttled between the rocks with great flexibility.

A mat of dark fabric was wrapped around the body in a messy manner. In the dim light, it looked like a patch of tangled grass in the mountains.Coupled with the occasionally rapid movement speed, if you don't observe this place carefully, you may really ignore this figure.

This person is none other than Liu Ji, who wants to take advantage of the night to go up the mountain to hunt for treasure!

At this moment, Liu Ji was holding a sword in one hand, which he never showed to others, and a pot of sake in the other.

A pair of eyes were as sharp as the stars, "Damn, you are a bunch of courageous people. The dragon has been an auspicious beast since ancient times!"

"Now that a dragon has come to the world on Mangdang Mountain, why won't a strange treasure appear?"

"Ji has the sword in his hand. Even if he really collides with the dragon, he still won't be able to kill him! I'm certain of this rare treasure from the sky!"

After Liu Ji Yangtian drank a large sip of wine, he felt that all his energy and blood were aroused by the alcohol, and the hot feeling filled his heart with courage.

Holding the Chixiao sword in his hand a little tighter, he continued to walk deeper into Mangdang Mountain, looking for the unknown treasure.

Speaking of the Scarlet Sky Sword in Liu Ji's hand, it is already the most valuable item in Liu Ji's entire family.

Although Liu Ji couldn't help but do some sneaky things on weekdays, he was also extremely forthright and often made friends with people who were nomads.

While in Peixian County, Liu Ji was drinking with his knight-errant friends when he saw a man with a beautiful beard appearing on the roadside.

This person's appearance is extremely unfamiliar, but his temperament is extremely otherworldly.When Liu Ji saw it, he immediately thought that this handsome man was a traveling hero.

Invite this beautiful bearded guest to have a drink at the same table.After looking at Liu Ji carefully for a while, the man with the beautiful beard took his seat and had a drink with Liu Ji's friends.

After everyone had a drink, the man with the beautiful beard gave the Chixiao sword to Liu Ji, saying that the sword was destined to return to the Han Dynasty.

While Liu Ji was still thinking about this sentence, the man with the beautiful beard had already disappeared.

The identity of the man with the beautiful beard has become a mystery in Liu Ji's mind.Although he couldn't guess where the man with the beautiful beard came from, looking at his unearthly temperament, Liu Ji concluded that the man was definitely not an ordinary person.

And the Chixiao sword he donated became a treasure in Liu Ji's heart.On weekdays, even when facing brothers with whom he has the best relationship, Liu Ji never takes out the Scarlet Sky Sword to show others.

Now Liu Ji dares to go to Mangdang Mountain and snatch the rare treasure from the fierce dragon's mouth. The Chixiao sword in his hand is Liu Ji's greatest source of confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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