In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 129 Is he the son of the Red Emperor? ! !

Chapter 129 Is he the son of the Red Emperor? ! !

That huge sound was like a signal.Liu Ji finally came back to his senses after completely killing the big white snake.

He looked at the huge snake corpse in front of him with a look of disbelief, then looked at the dirty blood all over his body, and the Chixiao sword that had regained its composure.

Liu Ji froze on the spot, his whole body trembling slightly.

"What's wrong with me? I fucking possessed by a god?"

"Did I just kill such a big white snake?"

While Liu Ji carefully looked at the motionless body of the white snake, he wondered if this was what he had just done.

After being blown away by the breeze for quite a while, Liu Jicai accepted this exaggerated fact.

Liu Ji, a pavilion chief who was idle and liked to do some sneaky things, actually killed a big snake with one sword.

Is this something that Liu Ji can do?

"Just do it, do it! This big white snake is probably the dragon that people around here call it!"

"Damn it, you came here to hunt for treasure at such a late hour. If you didn't find the treasure, you took the snake's gallbladder as interest!"

After Liu Ji calmed down, he looked at the big white snake with his eyes.I remembered that the old man from Peixian County once said that among all snakes, their gallbladder is the most precious.

"For such a big snake, if the snake gall is used to brew wine, it would be even more useful than the thousand-year-old precious ginseng!"

With the thought of going into the mountains late at night and never returning empty-handed, Liu Ji looked for the snake's gallbladder in the huge seven-inch hole in the snake.

Liu Ji pulled up his sleeves and put his hand into the open flesh of the big snake. After some groping, he actually touched something the size of a child's fist!

Liu Ji's eyes lit up immediately and he took out the spherical object!Under the moonlight, this round ball the size of a child's fist continued to glow with fluorescence.

There seems to be all kinds of magic in it. The more Liu Ji looks at it, the brighter his eyes become!
He quickly took out the wine bottle from his waist. Fortunately, the wine bottle was a large water bag sewn from a skin bag. The opening was extremely wide, just enough to stuff the magical snake gallbladder into it.

Shaking the liquor soaked in snake gall, Liu Ji felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart. "Hey! I didn't find the exotic treasure, but I got a magical snake gall wine. It's not a bad idea!"

When Liu Ji was satisfied, he didn't notice a figure crawling in the grass in the distance.

I witnessed the whole process of Liu Ji holding the Red Sky Sword, killing the big white snake, and soaking the snake gall in wine!

This person is a disciple from a nearby farmer. He heard that there was a trace of a dragon looming on Mangdang Mountain, so he came here to make some arrangements.

After being attracted by the big noise made by the big snake, he used his body skills to rush here, but he saw Liu Ji covered in blood, carrying a magic sword to kill the big white snake.

The peasant disciples were so shocked by the scene just before their eyes!

Seeing the big white snake that could transform into a dragon being killed heroically by Liu Ji, the peasant disciples were so shocked that they kept shouting wildly.

He was also afraid that Liu Ji would discover his presence, so he crouched in the grass more and more, not daring to make any movement.

It wasn't until Liu Ji took the snake gallbladder and soaked it in wine and came down the mountain that the farmer's disciples dared to come out.

Looking at the ferocious white snake corpse on the ground, the farmer's disciples were almost shocked out of their eyes, "Such a snow-white snake, I'm afraid it is the son of the White Emperor recorded in ancient books!"

After the big white snake died, the fierce aura dissipated from its body, and it seemed to have a somewhat monstrous and fairy aura.The white scales looked like row upon row of broken white jade under the moonlight.The peasant disciple turned around and looked in the direction Liu Ji left. The expression on his face slowly became extremely complicated in the blink of an eye, and he murmured:

"This man was actually able to kill the White Emperor's son, and just now he burst out with the aura of fire and virtue that was as frightening as the sun."

"Could it be that he is the son of the Red Emperor?!"

The peasant disciple seemed to have remembered something, and the expression on his face became visibly excited, "That's right! Only the son of the Red Emperor can kill the son of the White Emperor who is close to transforming into a dragon with a mortal body!"

"Dragon ball vision, the destined person appears! Now that the son of the Red Emperor has come out of the mountain, it is undoubtedly proved that he is the destined person that my farmer is looking for!"

"No! I have to report what happened here to Chen Sheng and Wu Guang as soon as possible!"

After getting excited, the peasant disciples hurried towards Daze Mountain.

After Liu Ji slaughtered the white snake and took its gall, he went down the mountain.

I just felt that the experience I had this night was really touching.Although he didn't get any exotic treasure, he killed a huge snake.Such experience is enough to brag to outsiders.

While drinking and going down the mountain, Liu Ji felt that after soaking in snake gall, the wine seemed to have turned into fairy wine, without any of the fishy smell that he was worried about before.

"Huh?! What's going on with the snake gallbladder? Why is it completely soaked in wine?"

After Liu Ji drank the entire pot of wine, he found that there was no trace of the snake gall he had thrown into it before.It was as if the whole thing had turned into wine and been absorbed by it.

With drunkenness, Liu Ji stretched his body.I just feel like there is an inexhaustible energy in my body.

When Liu Ji staggered and returned to the escort team.He didn't realize how shocked he was by the blood-stained condition all over his body.

Several minor officials who escorted the prisoners with Liu Ji just thought that Liu Ji had gone to kill people under the cover of night.Especially when Liu Ji fell asleep, he was still holding the Chixiao sword tightly in his arms, which undoubtedly proves this point!
When Liu Ji woke up, he was faced with nervous colleagues and many common people holding hoes and other objects.

Liu Ji also discovered that his whole body was tied with ropes, and the Chixiao sword was connected to the scabbard and he was holding it tightly.

Encountering this situation as soon as he woke up, Liu Ji was immediately confused.With a pair of innocent eyes, Liu Ji glanced at his colleagues who were facing a formidable enemy, and Liu Ji said loudly:
"Wang Lao Er, Li Lao San! Are you crazy? Why did you tie me up?"

"Damn it, I am the pavilion chief, not a criminal who went to Lishan Mountain to build an imperial mausoleum!"

Liu Ji's innocent expression was directly regarded as pretentious by his two colleagues.

Wang Laoer plucked up the courage, tightly grasped the simple knife in his hand, and shouted fiercely:
"Liu Ji, stop pretending!"

"You secretly went out last night with your sword and came back covered in blood!"

"Tell me, who did you secretly kill last night?"

"Otherwise, don't blame me for ignoring the interests of my colleagues!"

No wonder Wang Laoer was so anxious. He and Liu Ji were just close friends.If Liu Ji really killed someone at night, once the incident happened, he, a fellow official, would most likely be implicated as an accomplice!
When Wang Laoer said these words, Liu Ji glanced at the smelly blood all over his body, then looked at his two colleagues who were facing a formidable enemy, as well as the people on guard around him.Only then did Liu Ji come to his senses. It turned out that two of his colleagues thought he had gone to kill someone yesterday.

Liu Ji stared at his two stupid colleagues and cursed:
"You two idiots! You are the director of the Surabaya Pavilion, and you have a bright future! Are you worthy of killing someone at night?"

"The blood stains on someone's body came from killing a big snake in Mangdang Mountain last night!"

(End of this chapter)

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