In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 136: Princes and Generals Are Relatively Kind! ?

Chapter 136: Princes and Generals Are Relatively Kind! ?
Liu Ji was immediately froze in place by the voice behind him, and he didn't even have time to take back the foot that had already moved forward.

He never thought that someone would find him even though he was hiding in the tall grass!
Damn it, the person following you must be a stray dog ​​that has become a spirit!
Liu Ji tightened the Chixiao sword in his hand, retracted the leg he just stepped out, and turned around slowly.

I saw a group of Jianghu people appearing behind me, led by two strong men who looked to be highly skilled in martial arts.

Liu Ji only saw the number of people on the other side and the aura that was already faintly exuding.I mentally assessed my own foot strength, and I'm afraid that even if I use all my strength, I still won't be able to outrun this large group of people in the world.

After understanding the current situation, Liu Ji instantly had a smile on his face, like meeting an old friend in a foreign country.

He opened his mouth and said:

"Hello fellow warriors, I am just a folk ranger. My surname is Zhang, I am named Yingcai, and I am from Yuyang County."

"How can I be a hero? How can I save the world?"

"Oh! That's right! I just paid my respects here. Now that I'm done paying my respects, it's time for me to return home."

After saying that, Liu Ji pretended not to know anything, walked onto the road and left.

Chen Sheng and Wu Guang looked at each other and saw the indescribable look in each other's eyes.

These people in the world are exactly the kind of farmers who come to find someone they are destined to meet.

Now that the son of the Red Emperor is in front of him, how could Chen Sheng and Wu Guang let him go so easily.

Chen Sheng circulated his true energy, and with a tap of his feet, his whole body was like a fallen leaf wrapped in the wind.Floating in front of Liu Ji, blocking all directions of Liu Ji's escape.

As soon as Liu Ji turned around, the group of martial arts men in the middle, led by another strong man, had completely blocked his retreat.

Seeing this situation, Liu Ji's forehead was sweating, his eyes were moving rapidly, and he was thinking about a way to escape.

"Cough cough~~~"

"Liu Ji, don't be nervous. The people who want to take your life now are the people from the imperial court."

"We are all farmers, and we are not here to take your life."

Wu Guang saw Liu Ji's eyes flashing, and he didn't know that the other party was trying to get through again.They quickly made their purpose clear to Liu Ji.

When Liu Ji heard this, he let down his guard.The opponent has a large number of people. If they really want to take your life, there is no need to play any deception tricks with you.

Thinking of this, Liu Ji smiled without any embarrassment and said:

"Well, since all you farm heroes already know the details about me, Liu Ji."

"It should also be clear that Liu Ji is now being slandered by a despicable villain as the reincarnation of the Red Emperor's son because of his killing of the strange snake."

"Now, I'm only afraid of people in the temple trying to arrest me everywhere."

"You heroes, if you come to look for me now, aren't you afraid of getting into trouble?"

When Liu Jiyan was a despicable person, it was said that he was the son of the Red Emperor.Chen Sheng and Wu Guang also showed the spiritual state that a great farmer should have.I didn’t feel at all that the despicable guy was talking about the peasant disciples.

After Liu Ji finished speaking, Chen Sheng stepped forward, looked at Liu Ji seriously, and said loudly:

"No! That's not slander!"

"If you can kill the White Emperor's son who can turn into a dragon, you must be the reincarnation of the Red Emperor's son!"

As soon as Chen Sheng said these words, Liu Ji was stunned!He tilted his head mechanically and looked at Chen Sheng in bewilderment.He glanced numbly again at the peasant disciple who looked like an elite man.During these few breaths, countless thoughts burst out in Liu Ji's mind.

Finally, Liu Ji stretched out his fingers tremblingly, and pointed at Wu Guang and the elite farmers behind him first, with an expression on his face that said, "You can't find anywhere after wearing iron shoes."He cried out sadly:

"Is it possible that my reputation as the son of the Red Emperor was spread by you?"

"Damn you guys, all the heroes in the world, you have admitted your mistake!"

"Damn it, how does it look like the reincarnation of the son of Akachi!"

"Do you think I look like this?"

Liu Ji opened his arms and spun around in a circle, displaying his rogue temperament to the fullest.

"Liu Ji! Haven't you noticed yet? The white snake beast you killed is close to transforming into a dragon!"

"That kind of strange beast, even the top martial arts masters in the world, will never be able to break through its scales!"

"But what about you? You killed it with one sword! Isn't this enough to prove that you are special?"

Chen Sheng stepped forward excitedly, patted Liu Ji's shoulders with a pair of big hands, and said to him seriously.

Hearing Chen Sheng's words, Liu Ji frowned. He had already felt a little strange in his heart.Such a huge white snake, if it were before, he would never have dared to dream that someone could kill such a strange beast alone.

But the problem is, that night on Mangdang Mountain, after a few sips of wine, he actually chopped up the strange beast!
The person who made such a shocking move was himself.Even now, Liu Ji feels a little weird when he thinks about it.

He raised his head in confusion, looked at the serious Chen Sheng in front of him, and said hesitantly:
"Am I really the reincarnation of the Red Emperor's son?"

What greeted Liu Ji was Chen Sheng's extremely serious nod.Even the elite farm disciples looked at Liu Ji with a hint of reverence.

For a moment, Liu Ji felt an inexplicable sense of glory in his heart.

Liu Ji was looked down upon by his father since he was a child. Even after becoming a pavilion chief, he still couldn't stand upright in front of his clan.Liu Ji is easy to make friends with some Sanyong, mostly because he can find some dignity in those Sanyong.

Now, Liu Ji, who had never experienced much glory in his life, was suddenly regarded by the peasant family as the reincarnation of the son of the Red Emperor.

Seriously, Liu Ji felt very comfortable.Of course, it would be more comfortable if he was not arrested by the imperial court because of his identity as the son of the Red Emperor.

When I thought about the fact that Great Qin had always offered sacrifices to the White Emperor, and now I had the identity of being the son of the Red Emperor.Liu Ji was a little scared and said:

"Everyone! Just think of me as the son of the Red Emperor in your heart, but don't shout out!"

"Didn't this Laoshizi, the son of the Red Emperor, put an 'anti-thief' flag directly on my forehead, Liu Ji?"

"I only have a few ounces of meat on my body, how can I cut it off for His Majesty the First Emperor?"

"All heroes, please listen to my advice. If it is really for my own good, Liu Ji, please don't ever call me the son of the Red Emperor again."

"I, Liu Ji, am here to thank you all."

Seeing this, Wu Guang couldn't help it!
He came to Liu Ji with a full face and said excitedly:

"You are the son of the Red Emperor, and this is your destiny! Even though we are queens of heaven and humans, how can we dare to disobey destiny?"

(End of this chapter)

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