In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 143 If 3 people can’t be caught, then 3 people! 3! ! !

Chapter 143 If 300 people can’t be caught, then 3 people! 30! ! !

"Open to me!!!"

Zhang Han's eyes widened, and blood streaks emerged from his eyeballs, just like the last roar of a fierce dragon!

After breaking several blood vessels in his body, Zhang Han finally made a bevel in the formation.

At this moment, Zhang Han was bleeding everywhere, all because his fighting spirit had been unleashed to the extreme.

After using this move, Zhang Han also completely fainted.

The remaining elite members of the Black Ice Platform quickly caught Zhang Han who fell from the air and retreated along the breach created by Zhang Han.

In this battle, Black Ice Platform is defeated!
Facing the formation handed down from heaven, Zhang Han and the remaining elites of Black Ice Platform had no choice but to retreat.

In Xianyang City, the First Emperor at this moment did not know that Heibingtai was defeated by the peasants.

He was bending over the desk seriously, carefully observing the fairy book left by the heavenly being.

[Yao followed my method and selected those who were academically outstanding in the tribe to assist him in managing the tribe.Sure enough, the entire tribe of humans became more and more organized. 】

[Before, there was only Yao. Even if he worked until he died of exhaustion, there were still many things in the tribe that he could not take care of.With other people who are equally sensible, we can manage it together.In the entire tribe, both the customs and the popularization of culture are gradually changing for the better. 】

[The tribal people have reached a peak of reproduction not just in terms of numbers.In terms of civilization, it has also reached a new level. 】

[Seeing the changes in the tribe today, I couldn’t help but sigh.In any era, universal education is extremely important. 】

[The human race is the spirit of heaven and earth, and everyone has the potential to become a dragon.As long as the spring breeze of knowledge is brought to them, the ambitious people among them can turn into shining stars. 】

[Today’s tribal people are no longer just one or two talented people leading a group of ignorant people.But the whole tribe has talented people emerging. 】

[If things continue like this, it can be foreseen that there will be countless great talents among the tribal people. 】

[They will slowly lead Chinese civilization and reach its peak step by step. 】

When the First Emperor saw the changes in the tribes in ancient times, he was so excited!
Especially what the gods said, humans are the spirits of all things, and they are born with the potential to become dragons!

The First Emperor became increasingly aware of the importance of popularizing knowledge.

In today's empire, knowledge can only be found in clans and families.Ordinary people have no access to knowledge at all.

As a result, all the new officials in the entire court came from the clan.

"We must promote the learning of various schools of thought to the whole world."

"Only when everyone is wise and sensible can the court of the poor be filled with talented people!"

"If you want to create an unparalleled dynasty, it cannot be done by just one person!"

"Everyone in the world must work together as one!"

Thinking of this, the First Emperor wanted more and more to cut off the shackles of the clan's monopoly on official positions.The road to the poor family must be opened in order for Great Qin to take a further step!
While the First Emperor was still sighing, a secret report suddenly came.

When the First Emperor turned around, he saw the Heibingtai spy who had come to report, with a look of panic on his face.

In an instant, the First Emperor secretly thought something was wrong.A pair of sharp eyes locked on the Black Ice Platform secret agent and said majestically:

"What happened?"

Hearing this, the secret agent of Heibingtai was stared at by the domineering eyes of the First Emperor. He felt more and more frightened in his heart, and reported in a panic:

"Your Majesty, something went wrong with the arrest of Liu Bang."

"The two wise men of the peasant family and many of their fellow peasants guarded Liu Bang with all their might."

"They even set up the 24 Dize formations left by Tianren." "Heibingtai lost to the farmers' 24 Dize formations. Even Commander Zhang Han is now seriously injured."

After saying this, the spy hurriedly buried his head deeply, fearing to face the thunderous wrath of the First Emperor.

After hearing the spy's report, a real murderous intention burst out from the First Emperor's body.

In a pair of eyes, the sharp light almost condensed into two sharp swords!

"Farmer! Okay! Okay, cruel!"

A cold voice came from the mouth of the First Emperor:

"The 24th Formation of Dize was the No. 1 company in the Qin Dynasty in the past. The God of Killing Bai Qi was seriously injured under this formation."

"So much so that the great Qin Dynasty has lost a killing god!"

"Now, the peasants dare to use this Dize 24 formation to carry out such a treasonous act!"

"Are they really like butcher's knives in the hands of a poor man, not sharp enough???"

The First Emperor suddenly stood up, and overwhelming ferocity emanated from the first emperor of China.

Like an ancestral dragon, he is showing his most ferocious murderous intent.

"Since 300 people can't catch Liu Bang."

"Then I will send 3000 people! 3 people! 30 people!!!"

"Even if we gather all the troops in Da Qin! I don't believe it, I can't take a single Liu Bang's life!!!"

Having said this, the First Emperor slowly let out all the anger in his chest.

Then he ordered in a cold voice:
"Send an order to Wang Ben to lead [-] Qin elites and rush to Daze Mountain as quickly as possible!"

As soon as the First Emperor finished speaking, the waiter beside him immediately tightened his expression and hurriedly said respectfully:

This chamberlain knew that when the order from the First Emperor was passed down.I am afraid that the peasant family will become a piece of history forever, just like the Mohist family before it.
The next day, above the court.

The civil and military officials lined up on the left and right were all the same old faces except for Wang Ben.

But since the imperial court began to increase its efforts to sell fine salt among the people, the atmosphere in the court finally became a little different.

The officials who belong to a series of clans and the ministers who were personally promoted by the First Emperor became increasingly distinct.

This made Li Si, the prime minister, always have a solemn expression.

Those clan officials, after the empire unified the world, relied on the blessings of their ancestors to enjoy all their glory and wealth.Without any conflict of interest, those clan officials followed Prime Minister Li Si's lead and cooperated with the various policies of the imperial court.

But now, fine salt has just been promoted, and the clan's interests have not been cut for a few days.This group of clan officials have already shown themselves to be alienated from the imperial court.

In the court position, Li Si is no longer the leader.Everyone looked at the representative of the clan lineage, Jun Xinhou Fan Wuji!

Sitting on the dragon throne, the First Emperor naturally had a panoramic view of the faces of the clan officials.But how could the First Emperor care what these imperial worms thought?
After the First Emperor glanced at the court, he spoke majestically:

"Since the many miracles of heavenly beings appeared in the world, the empire has undergone rapid changes from the people's livelihood to the army!"

As soon as he said this, all the civil and military officials nodded subconsciously.

No matter which camp they belong to, as long as they are of the Chinese human race, no one can say anything about the changes that the inheritance of heaven and humans has made to the Qin Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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