In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 150: An era in which gods and men emerge in large numbers! ! !

Chapter 150 An era in which gods and men emerge in large numbers! ! !

After hearing Xiang Zhuang's words, Xiang Yu's eyes flickered.

As the current person in power of the Xiang family, he also bears the hope of restoring the Chu Kingdom.Xiang Yu's character cannot be compared to Xiang Zhuang's.

Looking at the endless line of Da Qin soldiers in the distance, Xiang Yu said lightly:

"Zhuang, you are too impatient! The Qin Dynasty is ruthless and the heaven will strike down on it!"

"Even if Ying Zheng gets a valuable treasure, how can he get the anger in our hearts?"

"One day, I will make that dirty Xianyang City fall into endless fire to pay homage to our motherland."

Hearing Xiang Yu's words, Xiang Zhuang also realized his impulse and quickly suppressed his anxious mood.

Now all the territory of the world belongs to the Qin Dynasty, the people's hearts are not in chaos, and the Qin Dynasty has a very powerful army.If they act rashly, they are afraid that even the last chance of restoring the country will be wiped out.

But Xiang Zhuang really couldn't sit still if he watched Wang Ben obtain a valuable treasure in the cave where a monstrous phenomenon appeared.

"Brother, are you just watching Wang Ben take away the valuable treasure?"

When Xiang Yu heard this, a sharp light appeared in his eyes, and he chuckled:
"Of course it can't be like this. Wang Ben's army of [-] people is obviously coming for the farmers."

"Now, the farmers are much more anxious than us!"

"They have many farm disciples, so how can they safely watch Wang Ben take away the important treasure and then lead an army to attack them?"

"Let's go! Go to the Emperor Yan's Tomb! Let's join forces with the farmers to rob this worldly treasure!"

"With his farm disciples as cannon fodder, the chance of that valuable treasure falling into the hands of our Xiang family is not small."

Hearing this, Xiang Zhuang felt hope on his face.His cousin Xiang Yu's bravery was absolutely invincible in Xiang Zhuang's opinion!

As long as the peasant disciples can hold back those [-] Great Qin soldiers, then Wang Ben will definitely not be his brother's enemy!
After the two reached an agreement, they hurriedly activated their body skills and headed towards the Tomb of Emperor Yan in the depths of Daze Mountain.

Wang Ben hesitated for a long time in front of Tianren Cave Mansion, but finally couldn't restrain his curiosity.

He led his elite troops to investigate the cave first.

The stone gate is not only tall, but also extremely heavy.Wang Ben sent fifty soldiers forward, and finally slowly pushed the tall stone door open.

"Buzz buzz~~~~~~~"

As the sound of huge rocks rubbing against each other was heard, Wang Ben's heart began to beat violently.During the previous trip to the land of Bashu, Wang Ben saw a scene that he had never imagined in his entire life in the land of gods, humans, and miracles.

The frozen corpses of thousands of giant dragons, and the armored warships standing quietly in the abyss.

The wonders of this land of gods, humans, and miracles impact Wang Ben's cognitive outlook every time.

"I wonder what kind of majestic scene will appear in the Tianren Cave here."

"But don't bring up those thousands of frozen dragon bodies. The scene that suddenly jumps out is really fucking scary."

Thinking of his last exploration experience in Bashu land, Wang Ben felt as if it happened yesterday.

After the stone door was completely pushed open, Wang Ben quickly led a group of soldiers and strode into it.

Sure enough, after entering the cave, Wang Ben discovered that every miraculous place had been sealed away for many years.

But inside, it was still brightly lit.In every corner, there is an oil lamp that has been burning for who knows how many years.

According to what Gong Shuqiu said, the oil cup seemed to contain ancient whale oil, so it could burn for thousands of years without being destroyed.The first thing that caught Wang Ben's eyes was still a long and narrow mural.

Wang Ben hurriedly ran to the mural and carefully observed the content displayed on it.

The line style of the mural is as freehand as ever.

Because the content of the murals is very close to the present day.It seemed to be something that happened in the Shang Dynasty, so Wang Ben took it very seriously!
But as Wang Ben looked more carefully, his eyes became rounder.

Above, Wang Ben saw a magnificent era!

An era in which gods and men emerge in large numbers!

Heavenly beings are active in the world, and all the strange people and strangers in the world are more or less influenced by heavenly beings.

They all have extraordinary magical powers, some can fly through the clouds, some can be invulnerable, and some can be burned without fear of fire.

Seeing this mythical era, Wang Ben suddenly had an extremely amazing idea!

"Damn it! When King Wu defeated Zhou, it wouldn't really be like the legend. It would be a direct collision between immortal magic and immortal magic."

"How can such a terrifying technique exist in the world today!!!"

Wang Ben's scalp felt tight and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He had never thought that the mysterious things in the late Shang Dynasty actually existed.

At this moment, Wang Ben no longer dared to think about how earth-shattering it was when King Wu defeated Zhou.

"The four generals of the Demon Family can't really be [-] feet [-] feet tall, right?"

"You're much taller than me in stature."

"Wait! Where is Jiang Shang? He is the protagonist of King Wu's defeat of Zhou!"

Only then did Wang Ben remember that this cave was probably built by Jiang Shang, and he quickly looked for Jiang Shang's figure on the mural.

In Wang Ben's opinion, in an era when so many talented people emerged, Jiang Shang, the ancestor of military strategists, could be regarded as the brightest star at that time.He is also a direct disciple of the Heavenly Being, and he must have learned the earth-shaking supreme treasure technique from the Heavenly Being!
After Wang Ben found Jiang Shang, he quickly took a closer look at Jiang Shang's deeds.

In the mural, Jiang Shang was still a naughty boy. With incredible luck, he was lucky enough to meet a heavenly being by chance.Jiang Shang used up all his willpower in his life and insisted on begging to be placed under the gate of heaven.

Perhaps the gods also saw Jiang Shang's extraordinary perseverance, so they also accepted Jiang Shang as a disciple.

Just when the gods originally thought that a naughty young man like Jiang Shang would definitely want to learn the martial arts that could break mountains and rivers with his fists, or the immortal magic techniques that could fly through the clouds and mists.

What Tianren didn't expect was that Jiang Shang shook his head firmly regardless of whether he was facing the most violent and intuitive martial arts power or the mysterious and unpredictable techniques.

When people asked Jiang Shang what he wanted to learn.

Jiang Shang gave an answer that even heaven and man had not expected - the science of governing the world!
This answer also shocked Wang Ben.Looking at Jiang Shang's determined young figure on the mural, Wang Ben couldn't help but admire him.

If he had exchanged his body for it, Wang Ben would not have learned any complex knowledge of world governance. He would have been focused on reaching the extreme realm of martial arts.

The content of the mural that follows is that the heavenly being took the young Jiang Shang through the complex world.Little by little, Jiang Shang was able to understand the nature of this world.

Wang Ben was really dizzy when he saw the profound road of governance that tended to wash away the worldly world.

(End of this chapter)

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