In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 152 The storm is coming!Great Qin is about to change! ! !

Chapter 152 The storm is coming!Great Qin is about to change! ! !

The First Emperor never expected that he would get such an unexpected surprise if he just sent Wang Ben to attack the farmers and kill Liu Bang.

While his mind was shaken, the First Emperor had another plan in his mind.

Nowadays, although the clans are constantly making various small moves, they have yet to dare to do the treasonous thing, and the First Emperor has no excuse to carry out thunderous killings.

Since these clans are too afraid to take action, why not give them some courage?
Thinking of this, the First Emperor immediately said to his chamberlain:

"Send an order to Meng Tian and ask him to lead his army to Daze Mountain to excavate the place where the man's miracle happened!"

Wait until the chamberlain comes out of the palace to deliver the order.

There was a cruel look on the corner of the Emperor's mouth, and he sneered:

"Wang Ben, Meng Tian, ​​and Zhang Han are not in Xianyang."

"This is such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I believe you will take advantage of it."

When Meng Tian led his army out of the city, the heads of each clan secretly gathered in Jun Xinhou's mansion that night.

In the lobby, several clan leaders could not help but shouted:

"What a God-given opportunity! What a God-given opportunity! Now that the land of immortal miracles has appeared in Daze Mountain, Your Majesty has sent Meng Tian out again."

"In Xianyang City, the troops under your Majesty's control are extremely empty. This is simply the best opportunity we have been waiting for."

"I think it's time for us to take action!"

"With all the strength under my command, I will definitely replace Da Qin with a new emperor!"

The words of all the clan leaders in the hall had this meaning in mind.

They all regarded Meng Tian's departure from Xianyang as their best opportunity.

Since the clans have already begun to kill, they naturally will not look forward or backward.

Jun Xinhou Fan Wuji looked at the impatient expressions of the people in charge of each family in the hall, frowned tightly, and said slowly:
"Although Wang Ben and Meng Tian are not in Xianyang now, we have not mobilized all the forces from various places."

"Even the guards at the gates of each city have not all been replaced by our people."

"At this time, it may not be the best opportunity."

Jun Xinhou carefully calculated in his heart the various forces in Xianyang City now.It was not that he doubted the First Emperor's intention to let Meng Tian leave Xianyang and lure them into action.

But I simply feel that the strength of each clan family has not yet been gathered.After all, if such a treasonous move fails, the entire clan will be exterminated directly.With such a heavy price to pay, why didn't he make a foolproof plan?
The clan heads of each clan had different opinions after seeing that Jun Xinhou Fan Wuji was reluctant to take action.

The head of the Zhang family said excitedly:
"Master Marquis, we can't wait any longer. Now Wang Ben and Meng Tian have left Xianyang, taking a large number of troops with them."

"The defense force around His Majesty is far less than it used to be. If we don't take action now, how can we accomplish anything until Wang Ben and Meng Tian return to the city?"

"The lives of my Zhang family are all hanging on our necks now. If this doesn't happen, we will all have no descendants."

As soon as he said these words, a sharp light appeared in Fan Wuji's eyes, he fiercely gouged out the head of the Zhang family, and said coldly:

"The number of people in my Lord Xinhou Mansion is smaller than that of your Zhang family?"

"For such a treasonous thing, who among you here has not pinned the heads of the whole family to the waistband of their pants?"

"We have been grasshoppers on the same rope for a long time! If we want to have no descendants, we have to have no descendants together!"

"Let's wait for two more days for this matter! When I feel that I am sure of victory, I will be the first to draw my sword against the First Emperor!" Fan Wuji's words only made everyone's ears ring. Facing those sharp eyes, No one in the field dared to look at him.

Seeing that Jun Xinhou is so firm, everyone can only act according to Jun Xinhou's words.

The next day, above the court.

The First Emperor waited all night and found that the clan members showed no signs of taking action.Now sitting on the dragon chair, although there is no abnormality on his face, how can he express the disappointment in his heart.

Looking at the many officials of the clan above the court, the First Emperor's eyes flashed and he decided to press harder.

The First Emperor glanced at Xunzi, Beimingzi, and Guiguzi, and said slowly:

"The three great sages are Confucian, Taoist, and political strategist. They are the highest-ranking people in the three families."

"Now I have decided to promote the imperial examination, and want to gather the classics of various schools in Xianyang and establish Jixia Academy."

"You three families, are you willing to set an example for this matter?"

When Xunzi, Beimingzi, and Guiguzi heard this, excitement appeared on their faces, and they said excitedly:

"Your Majesty, the three of us will inherit the knowledge of heaven and man. What we pursue is to spread the knowledge of heaven and man throughout the world!"

"Now His Majesty wants to establish Jixia Academy so that all people in the world can learn the laws of heaven and man."

"The three of us are extremely excited and are willing to set an example!"

Hearing this, the First Emperor nodded slightly and said to Li Si:
"Li Si, I leave it to you to prepare for the establishment of the school!"

"I not only want to build a school in Xianyang City, but also build a school in every county in the Qin territory."

"Let everyone in the world be able to read and write, and be able to understand justice!"

As soon as the First Emperor finished speaking, Li Si quickly accepted the order respectfully.

Xunzi, Beimingzi, and Guiguzi were naturally overjoyed.As for the officials of the clan lineage, their faces turned completely black.

The First Emperor watched it secretly, his heart full of joy.

Everyone is being forced like this, so it’s time for you to take action, right?
In the entire court, since the First Emperor promulgated the decree to overhaul the Academy.

All the officials of the clan fell into silence.

At this moment, they did not try to persuade the First Emperor based on their reasons. Perhaps they already knew that the First Emperor was determined to cut off the clan's monopoly on knowledge.Or perhaps, they knew to some extent that the elders in their family were already planning to commit such a treasonous act.

Jun Xinhou Fan Wuji, after hearing the decree issued by the First Emperor.There was an expression on his face that had nothing to do with him, but deep in his eyes, there was extreme coldness!
After resigning from the court, the clan officials also left the court like zombies.Several of the people in high positions glanced at Jun Xinhou secretly.

After receiving the signal from Jun Xinhou's eyes, he left silently.

The undercurrent surrounding Xianyang City for several days reached a peak after retreating from the court!
In the darkness, the power controlled by each clan family seemed to be like a school of fish that had received a signal and began to swim rapidly!
When Jun Xin waited in the mansion, Fan Wuji clasped his hands behind his back and looked towards the palace with a silent look on his face.

Behind him, the clan leaders of each clan have gathered.

Some of their faces looked pale after being nervous, while others were filled with a cruel look that they had never seen before in their lives!

From the moment they gathered together at Junxinhou Mansion, they had already firmly established a belief in their hearts!
They are going to do it!

(End of this chapter)

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