In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 158 The heavenly being has entered the world! ! ! !

Chapter 158 The heavenly being has entered the world! ! ! !

[In my spare time, Chang'e has been following me closely, chirping like a lark. 】

[Looking at her lively nature, I suddenly had an idea.I taught her musical instruments such as pipa and guzheng.Let that touching voice touch this world in another way. 】

【When I make various musical instruments and use these instruments to play various moving sounds.Chang'e seemed to have found her destiny in life, and her whole mind was directly glued to these musical instruments that could produce beautiful sounds. 】

[After I taught her how to use these instruments, I also left her some more classic pieces.Chang'e indeed has considerable talent in music.In other words, her beauty in music is no less than her face that brings disaster to the country and the people. 】

[When that perfect and delicate face, with an expression that incorporates emotions, plays a variety of moving music.I finally understood. No wonder the emperors of the world like these. Sure enough, the charm exuded by beautiful women paired with unique music is not something that mortals can resist. 】

[Since then, in my travels, there has been a beauty who plays beautiful music every day.In the directionless journey, I finally had some more fun. 】

[Sound is also a conveyance of emotions. During my travels, I continued to teach Chang'e various pieces of music.Her character also changed, and she was no longer obsessed with her own beauty.And try to use the limited life to burst out more moving music. 】

[I am very pleased with Chang'e's change.I told her that she could try to pass on these moving music.Let everyone in the world have the opportunity to listen to these sounds of nature. 】

[Chang'e followed my suggestion and wanted to build a place dedicated to listening to music.And in this world, even in prosperous times, there are still not a few displaced people. 】

[After Chang'e took in many lonely and helpless women, she taught them exquisite piano skills.And the place where they live is named Guanghan Palace by me! 】

In Zhangtai Palace, the First Emperor in front of the desk was once again shocked and his chest was filled with shock.


"So it turns out that Guanghan Palace is not in heaven, but in the human world?"

The First Emperor raised his head, the numbness on his face clearly showing how shocked he was at this moment.

"Perhaps Chang'e's special place for people to listen to music will make people feel like they have entered a fairyland after listening to it."

"That's why later generations spread the myth that Guanghan Palace lives in the sky."

The first emperor immediately recalled in his mind the best music he had ever listened to in his life.

I thought to myself that no matter how exquisite the chimes were, they would not be able to play the kind of beautiful music taught by gods themselves.
After sighing for a long time, the First Emperor looked at the fairy book again and continued to observe the next deeds of the heavenly beings.

[Watching Chang'e devote herself wholeheartedly to the pursuit of music, and relying on her own understanding, she played a piece that amazed me.As I admired that face that was completely integrated into the music perception, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pity.Such a peerless beauty should not wither in time. 】

[Although I don't want to grant immortality to mortals, if you use the Beauty Pill, you can also achieve the effect of keeping Chang'e's appearance from aging. 】

[While I was out searching for herbal medicine, the reputation of Guanghan Palace was also growing.It seems that people all over the world want to listen to the natural sound that shakes the soul. 】

[The beautiful music that has never appeared in the human world is enough to make their souls immersed in it. 】

[Coming into Taoism through music, Chang'e already had good martial arts attainments.Coupled with the sound of nature that soothes the sharp edges in the heart, Guanghan Palace has never been disturbed. 】

[But among these people who came here with admiration, there was an evil guest after all.Hou Yi, who was driven from the throne by Taikang, came. When he saw Chang'e's beautiful and fragrant face, Hou Yi directly led the remaining troops to take back the entire Guanghan Palace. 】

[At that time, I was still thousands of miles away.When I felt Hou Yi's evil thoughts towards Guanghan Palace, I felt angry.After all, Hou Yi is seeking death on his own, and I can only help him! 】

[When I came to Cangming, it was like nine great suns appearing in the sky.In the eyes of outsiders, my murderous aura condensed into substance is Chang'e's safest harbor.I showed up, and she no longer had to be afraid. 】

[Chang'e, wearing a flowing fairy dress with wide sleeves, immediately danced for me with the moon as the background. 】

[Under my anger, Hou Yi and the remaining tribes of him were all reduced to ashes in the blink of an eye. 】When the emperor looked away from the fairy book, his face was full of complexity.

He never expected that the myths of "Houyi shooting the sun" and "Chang'e flying to the moon" turned out to be like this.

It is completely different from what has been passed down from generation to generation.

"Hou Yi can only be said to be seeking death."

"For such a greedy person to perish under the power of gods and humans is the most proud thing in his life."

Faced with Hou Yi's miserable life, the First Emperor didn't know how to evaluate it.

He only has one thought in his mind right now, that is, history books must be written!And it’s a big change!
Daze Mountain, in the cave left by Jiang Shang, the ancestor of the army.

While Wang Ben was waiting for the reinforcements from Xianyang, he looked deep into the cave from time to time.

It was as if a kitten had been stuffed into his heart, scratching him constantly.

In that unknown area, Wang Ben didn't know what kind of amazing treasures there were.

"Damn it, this guy Zhang Han moved too slowly, and he didn't even see anyone."

"Hey, so does Meng Tian. His Majesty has clearly ordered him to come to the rescue."

"How many days has it been? I haven't seen any sign of the army."

Although after seeing the previous stone tablets and murals, Wang Ben felt that this cave was most likely left by Jiang Shang, the ancestor of the army.It may not necessarily contain the unpredictable treasures of heavenly beings.

But I can’t resist the curiosity in my heart!

The more he looked at the large unexplored area in front of him, the more Wang Ben felt itchy in his heart.

After struggling for a while, Wang Ben gritted his teeth and went straight to explore deeper.

After walking a few steps inside, Wang Ben inadvertently discovered that there was a line of writing on the dimly lit wall.

The font is the current common text in Da Qin, and the content above makes Wang Ben even more flawed!

There were only two short sentences, but like two sharp swords, they only penetrated into Wang Ben's heart, making him stand frozen in place.

I saw writing on the dim wall:
'I have been around for a long time, but today I am unified, but it is difficult for me to defeat the second generation!I can't bear the world to be in chaos again and enter the world today! '

At this moment, Wang Ben felt like a divine cannonball was detonated in his mind.

The whole person's mind has experienced an unprecedented impact!

Right now, there is only one thought in his mind.

"This is a gift from heaven!"

"He, the heavenly being, has already entered the world!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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