In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 162 Zhao Gao, is this how you taught Hu Hai? !

Chapter 162 Zhao Gao, is this how you taught Hu Hai? !
None of the answers given by the First Emperor's four sons satisfied him.

What Hu Hai just said directly ignited the anger in the heart of the First Emperor.

What's better than being safe?

Isn’t he talking about eating, drinking and having fun all day long?

Especially when he thought of the words left by the heavenly being, the First Emperor became even more furious!
If Great Qin had such a successor, how could it not perish in the second generation?

What Li Si said before is good!The crisis that can destroy the empire is indeed within the empire!
The First Emperor was filled with rage. He looked at Zhao Gao beside him like a ferocious beast and said angrily:
"Zhao Gao!!! How did you teach Hu Hai?"

"My son has been taught by you to be a loser who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun!"

The First Emperor's voice was like thunder, and he was furious, and the majesty of the ancestral dragon was undoubtedly revealed.

Zhao Gao was only touched by the First Emperor's sharp eyes, and his liver and gallbladder were split instantly. His legs went limp and he knelt in front of the First Emperor.

"Your Majesty, it's my fault. I didn't teach the young master well."

"Please punish me, Your Majesty"

The First Emperor looked at Zhao Gao, who buried his head deeply, and then looked at Hu Hai, whose face was filled with fear, as if his chest had completely turned into a volcano.

"Get out!!! Useless things, get out of here!"

"And you guys, I'm very dissatisfied with the answer just now!"

"After I go back, I will be grounded for half a month. When I think about it clearly, I will come back to test you guys!"

Under the thunderous wrath of the First Emperor, Zhao Gao rolled and crawled away from Zhangtai Palace.The four young masters were also frightened and panicked.

Li Si looked at the backs of the four young masters, feeling increasingly uneasy in his heart.

The vague guess became increasingly clear.

Now, Li Si feels more and more that the 'Hu' in the proverbs left by the gods is probably referring to the exact person!
In Daze Mountain, after the farmers and Xiang Yu reached an alliance agreement.

Leading all the elites that could be summoned now, they quietly arrived at the cave where the Great Qin Cavalry was in charge.

This time the peasants came out in full force. Not only did Chen Sheng and Wu Guang join the battle, but even Liu Bang also participated with the Red Sky Sword in hand.

After digesting the gallbladder of the white snake and strange beast, Liu Bang felt that his body was completely different from before, and it was not an exaggeration to say that he was born with supernatural powers.

Coupled with the magical Chixiao sword in his arms, Liu Bang believed that he could be regarded as a first-rate master in the world.

While everyone was running, Liu Bang also glanced at Xiang Yu quietly several times.

Looking at Xiang Yu holding the Overlord Spear in his hand, he was moving like a dragon and a tiger, looking like an extremely strong man.

While Liu Bang was frightened, he also became more and more confident about robbing the treasure in Tianren Cave.

In a short time, the peasant family and the elites of the Chu Kingdom had arrived at the outskirts of the Tianren Cave.

As soon as Liu Bang saw the Tianren Cave that was cracked out of the rock wall of Daze Mountain, it was surrounded by layers of Daqin soldiers.

I feel more and more in my heart that there must be a treasure here.

"Brother Xiang! I think we don't have to wait any longer!"

"The army led by Wang Ben has surrounded this place so tightly. This is obviously to protect the important treasure!"

"The treasure in this Tianren Cave must be amazing!"

Liu Bang said to Xiang Yu with shining eyes while looking at the looming Heavenly Man Cave.

Hearing this, Xiang Yu's face was full of anticipation and he said, "Although there are many soldiers in Da Qin, it is impossible to form a formation here."

"We can only increase our chances of winning by making a surprise attack. Otherwise, if our whereabouts are discovered by Da Qin's spies, I'm afraid we will still fall into the inferior position!"

"In that case, let Xiang Mou clear the way!"

Xiang Yu finished speaking and his eyes flashed brightly.

Carrying an Overlord Spear weighing a hundred kilograms, he leapt into the Qin army like a tiger emerging from the mountains.

The tremendous power within the body spurted out in an instant, and the Overlord's Spear was like a huge boulder, directly swaying a group of Qin army soldiers!
Xiang Yu's landing seems to be a signal.

Seeing Xiang Yu's bravery, the peasants were naturally not willing to lag behind.Under the leadership of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, all the peasant disciples showed up and attacked and killed the Qin army.

The flowers of blood blooming on the battlefield completely inspired Xiang Yu's ferocity.This remnant of the Chu Kingdom has completely transformed into an overlord on the battlefield.Under his unparalleled fighting power, no one can stand in front of him.

Liu Bang saw a chaotic battle outside the cave.Then he emerged from his hiding place, pulled out the Chixiao sword in his hand, and joined the battle with the fiery red sword energy.

The sudden attack by the farmers and the remnants of the Chu Kingdom caught the Great Qin soldiers off guard at first, but after the initial chaos, the Great Qin army immediately began to organize its troops to fight with the enemy.

Such a big movement had already shocked Wang Ben out of the cave.

As soon as Wang Ben came out, he saw Xiang Yu holding the Overlord Spear, as if he was in a deserted place on the battlefield.The Daqin soldiers standing in front of him would vomit blood and fly backwards at worst, or be torn into pieces at worst.

In an instant, the fighting energy in Wang Ben's body surged like a fierce horse, and the steel knife on his waist was unsheathed in an instant.

"court death!!!"

"You young man! You actually dare to deliver it to your door yourself!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Ben turned into a white bolt and attacked the fierce Xiang Yu on the battlefield!
Xiang Yu also instantly felt locked by a murderous aura and turned around suddenly.


Under a series of strikes between gold and iron, Xiang Yu was defeated by Wang Ben's attacks even though he was born to be the overlord.


Xiang Yu turned his head sharply to avoid Wang Ben's knife in front of his face. Although the hairband on his head had been shattered by the sword's energy, he managed to avoid this fatal knife.

As the last glory of the Chu Kingdom, Xiang Yu was born with supernatural powers, but he was still young after all.Both in terms of martial arts strength and combat experience, they are far inferior to Wang Ben.

Being attacked and killed by him in surprise, he fell into a disadvantage on the spot.

And Wang Ben's sword power was like an endless river, one sword after another.There was no room left for Xiang Yu to turn around, so he couldn't reverse the situation and could only passively endure the deadly attack.

The sword energy that goes straight into the bone marrow, as long as one sword is not blocked, he will probably die here.

This is Wang Ben's strategy, he attacks with all his strength as soon as he takes action!

Don't give your opponent any chance to breathe!
At this moment, Wang Ben felt that his fighting spirit had reached its peak, and a slight tingling sensation was felt in the meridians all over his body.But Wang Ben ignored it. As long as he could chop off this man's head, it would be all worth it.

Wang Ben's chops became more and more fierce, and even one of his eyes showed a faint blood-red color.

As for the chaotic fighting on the battlefield, he was so full-strength that he had no time to care about the situation on the field.

Unknowingly, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were killing Wang Ben.

When Xiang Yu was about to lose his strength, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang showed their fangs in an instant!
"Get up!"

With a loud shout, the Dize 24 formation reappeared, trapping Wang Ben who had fallen into madness.

(End of this chapter)

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