In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 165 The real taboo, breaking the shackles of time! ! !

Chapter 165 The real taboo, breaking the shackles of time! ! !
After Li Si thought rapidly for a moment, he said carefully:
"Your Majesty, Young Master Fusu's philosophy of governing the world is to imitate the ancient emperors and bring kindness to the world with benevolent governance."

"If this move is made during the prosperous times, it will definitely make the empire more prosperous."

"As for the young master, it is naturally advisable to imitate His Majesty's various governance policies. Your Majesty is an eternal emperor, so he can naturally face various complex situations."

"But whether Young Master Gao can be as capable as His Majesty depends on the future."

"Young Master General Lu, with the sharpness of his military force, dominates the world. His intention to open up new territories and expand the territory is clearly revealed. If Young Master General Lu succeeds to the throne, I think the territory of the Qin Dynasty will be expanded even more."

"However, it is easy to conquer the world, but difficult to defend it. If we blindly expand our military power, we may neglect the recuperation of the people and plunge the empire into emptiness."

"Well, as for Young Master Hu Hai, he has a romantic nature and is blinded by the prosperity of the empire. I guess it is also a manifestation of the strength of my Great Qin Empire."

Although Li Si did not say it explicitly, he commented on each of the four princes one by one and pointed out all the shortcomings of each one.

After hearing this, the First Emperor couldn't help but sigh.

There was a hint of discouragement in his eyes, and he murmured:
"Li Si, you don't have to be so secretive. I also know that among the four bloodlines, no one is qualified to inherit the throne!"

"If there is no qualified heir to this huge empire, what good will the talents and strategies be of what use?"

The First Emperor clenched his fists, and when he thought about the current situation in the empire, he became increasingly angry.

Not to mention that he has not achieved true immortality now, even if the First Emperor does reach the realm of immortality, a perfect empire still needs to have qualified successors on standby at any time.

After all, even if Shou Yuan is freed from the shackles of time, if Da Qin wants to conquer the world, there will definitely be continuous assassinations from the shadows.

Maybe one day, the First Emperor's own life would be in dire straits.

Even if it can be stopped by human power, how can it be stopped by the will of God?

The First Emperor had not forgotten that the terrifying natural disasters that would come inexplicably every once in a while were recorded in the Book of Immortals.

Furthermore, the history of the human race is so long.But from ancient times to the present, even the great gods such as Fuxi and Nuwa have not been buried in the long river of time.

Although the First Emperor believed that his qualifications were better than those of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of ancient times, he did not think that he could truly be immortal.

Li Si saw the First Emperor falling into anxiety about the future of the empire. After thinking for a moment, he said:
"Since Your Majesty is in confusion, why not find the answer in the fairy book?"

"After all, the gods have already anticipated the current situation. Perhaps there is a solution hidden in the fairy book."

As soon as Li Si said this, the First Emperor's eyes immediately lit up.

He quickly took out the fairy book and read its contents, trying to find a new way to solve the problem of empire continuation.

[After Shang Tang firmly established himself as the Human Emperor, he did not slack off even a moment and managed the land of China conscientiously throughout his life.The impact of the fall of the Xia Dynasty was minimized. 】

[The people of the world no longer think of the previous dynasty, and slowly accept the new regime of Shang. 】

[In this way, the land of China returned to its short-term tranquility]

【The world must be divided as long as it is divided. This is the number of days.Even if there is forced intervention by external forces, the wheel of history will always return to its established track in various ways. 】

【I'm tired of the change of dynasties and don't want to care about these things anymore.】

When he saw this, the First Emperor felt his heart tighten, and he suddenly panicked.The First Emperor was afraid that heaven and man would no longer care about the affairs of the world. If heaven and man just sit back and watch the storm, wouldn't the Great Qin really have to be destroyed in the long river of history?

After the panic, the First Emperor quickly turned the fairy book to the next page and continued reading.

[During the long time, I suddenly came up with a new idea.I have fought against aliens, endured countless rounds of annihilation, and even made many forbidden weapons. 】

[But there is a truly taboo area that I have never set foot in. 】

【That is time itself! 】

[When I decided to start studying time, I discovered a new formula over the years.Even after a long time of discovering this new formula, I still can't contain my inner joy. 】

[Because I know that if this formula can be fully analyzed.Maybe one day, I will break the shackles of time!Time is with me, and I will no longer have the slightest restraint. 】

First Emperor:"."

After reading to this point, the First Emperor suddenly raised his head, with a look of disbelief on his face.

The First Emperor could understand all the fonts used in this narration of the Celestial beings. After all, seriously speaking, the writing of the human race was handed down by the Celestial beings from ancient times.

But although he could understand the words, the First Emperor still couldn't figure out what the gods were saying.


Can this thing be studied?

The First Emperor didn't know what kind of mysterious formula the heavenly beings had discovered, let alone what would happen after breaking the shackles of time.

At this moment, the heart of the First Emperor was only filled with shocking emotions. His whole figure seemed to have been struck by lightning, and he froze directly on the dragon chair.

Seeing the shocked look on the Emperor's face, Li Si couldn't help but wonder in his mind what kind of horrifying description the Emperor had read in the fairy book.

It took another half a while before the First Emperor came back to his senses and quickly turned his attention to the fairy book.I want to explore from the fairy book whether heavenly beings can break the shackles of time.

[Time is like an invisible cage, imprisoning all existences, whether divine or godless, within it. 】

[When I started studying time, I realized what the real taboos were.In comparison, the nuclear energy burst out from the mass collapse of an object is simply not worth mentioning. 】

[Everything in the world will spontaneously fall into the process of entropy increase under the action of time.And this formula that I accidentally discovered actually points to reversing the entropy increase! 】

[Time flows against the river. I don’t know what kind of existence I will be after I completely master this avenue.I hope it won’t turn into a USB flash drive like the legend. 】

[Time flies by like a flash. I didn’t expect that it would take a thousand years just to decipher this formula.But compared to setting foot in this forbidden territory, it was all worth it. 】

[I began to travel around the world to prepare for the complete release of the shackles of time.When I walked on the land again, I had a completely different view of the space I was in.All living beings are still the same people, the wind is still the same, and even the starry sky above our heads has not changed much. 】

[But because of my interpretation of the formula of time, my perspective on observing all things has changed. 】

[This may be the sequelae of fanatical research. While trying to get rid of the influence on my mind, I searched for a suitable place to conduct experiments on the earth. 】

(End of this chapter)

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