In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 177 Master appears! ! !The determination of the First Emperor!

Chapter 177 Master appears! ! !The determination of the First Emperor!
The First Emperor's fingertips lightly touched the tombstone and murmured:
"Master, my disciple Ying Zheng's academic performance is still satisfactory to Master."

"The six kingdoms were destroyed by the disciple, and the world was unified. The disciple achieved what the master said back then."

"When you left suddenly, did you want your disciples to grow better?"

"But the disciple has now completed his studies for the year."

"But Master, where are you now?"

The First Emperor looked slightly silent, half missing and half doubtful in his heart.

I don’t know where the heavenly being is now.

Just as the First Emperor was deep in thought, he suddenly saw a figure out of the corner of his eye!
The First Emperor turned around suddenly, his eyes widened to their maximum size, and looked at that extremely familiar figure.

But when the First Emperor turned around, the figure disappeared like a breeze, disappearing in an instant.

But the flashing scene made the First Emperor extremely convinced that that was the person he was looking for!

The First Emperor shouted excitedly and hurriedly chased in the direction where the figure had just appeared.

While running in a hurry, he shouted loudly.

Even though the branches around him had scratched the dragon robe, he didn't care at all.

However, when the First Emperor suddenly ran in excitement, he did not pay attention to the rocks under his feet. He rushed forward too hard and fell to the ground.

Despite being covered in dirt, the First Emperor still shouted "Master" loudly.

Meng Tian, ​​who was guarding outside the mausoleum, heard the commotion made by the First Emperor.

He quickly led his soldiers and rushed into the cemetery. He saw the First Emperor falling to the ground, still shouting.

Meng Tian hurriedly stepped forward to help the First Emperor up, and said with a puzzled expression:

"Your Majesty, what happened just now? What happened?"

Although the First Emperor was lifted up from the ground, he had a look of sadness and loneliness on his face because he had not caught up with the heavenly being.

Facing Meng Tian's doubtful gaze, he slowly said:
"I just now seem to have seen Master's figure."

"Like the white horse that passed by, it disappeared in an instant."

As soon as the First Emperor said these words, Meng Tian was greatly shocked!

Meng Tian knew clearly that the master mentioned by the First Emperor was a heavenly being.

Hearing that the Heavenly Man appeared here, Meng Tian quickly ordered the soldiers beside him to search for him.

When the First Emperor left the city, he naturally brought a large number of soldiers with him.Before long, all corners of the entire cemetery had been searched.

But no trace of the heavenly beings was found.

The First Emperor had expected this result.

With the supernatural powers of heaven and man, if he is unwilling to take the initiative to show up, I am afraid that no one in the world can find him.

Feeling disappointed, the First Emperor slowly climbed onto the carriage and left the cemetery.

The thoughts in my heart never calmed down.

He firmly believed that he was right, and the master must be watching him secretly.

But the First Emperor couldn't figure out why the master didn't want to show up to meet him.

Is it because you haven't done enough?
The First Emperor, who was sitting in the carriage, frowned tightly and looked at himself.

At night, in Zhangtai Palace, the First Emperor was pacing back and forth while thinking about what happened in the cemetery today.

To this day, the First Emperor still doesn't understand why his master is unwilling to show up.

When Handan was held as hostage, Heavenly Man instilled in the young Ying Zheng the idea of ​​unifying the world.And in the end, he and Xiao Ying Zheng agreed to treat this unified world as Ying Zheng's final lesson.

But now that the homework is completed, the master has not shown up to review.

This made the First Emperor unable to help but reflect on himself, whether he had not completed his homework well enough.

But at the same time, the First Emperor also had some excited emotions in his heart.At the very least, the Heavenly Man must be near Xianyang.Otherwise, the First Emperor would not be able to catch a trace of his figure today.

After a while, the chamberlain led Li Si to the First Emperor.

Li Si was summoned by the First Emperor, and the purpose was naturally to answer the doubts in his heart.

"Li Si, I saw the figure of a heavenly being in the cemetery today."

"It's just that Master only showed a vague shadow. When everyone turned around to look, Master disappeared immediately."

The First Emperor finished speaking.

Li Si's mind was moved. The fact that the people in the court knew that the Heavenly Man was the Master of the First Emperor was enough to shock Li Si.

But not long after this, the heavenly being actually appeared in front of the First Emperor for a moment.

The information revealed here made Li Si's scalp tense for a moment, and he couldn't help but said to the First Emperor:
"Your Majesty, you only found out today that the heavenly being is your master."

"I missed him too much in the cemetery. Maybe I had some hallucinations. It's not impossible."

"Are you sure that you really saw the figure of a celestial being, or was it just a fantasy made up of thoughts in your heart?"

Li Si just finished speaking.

The First Emperor immediately said seriously:

"I'm sure! That must be Master!"

Then he asked Li Si:
"Li Si, in your opinion, why is Master unwilling to meet me?"

When Li Si heard this, his brows knitted together tightly.The thoughts in my mind are like a torrent, running continuously.

But Li Si couldn't think of a reason why heaven and humans didn't want to meet in person.

He could only consider it and said to the First Emperor:
"The thoughts of heaven and man are far beyond what I can predict."

"Your Majesty, why don't you look for some answers from the fairy books left by the gods."

When the First Emperor heard this, his eyes instantly lit up.

He quickly took out the fairy book. Now that he saw the fairy book again, the First Emperor had a completely different feeling.

The previous First Emperor was only a god who existed in the human race from ancient times.

Although he often said that gods imparted knowledge to him in the form of fairy books.But these words were more or less a deliberate attempt by the First Emperor to try to build a relationship.

After knowing that the heavenly beings were his mentors, the First Emperor also felt a sense of intimacy towards the fairy books in front of him, as if he were inheriting an important weapon.

The First Emperor slowly opened the fairy book and carefully observed the records on it.

[King Zhou You was killed by the barbarians. His death was an extremely coincidental and extremely frustrating death.But the huge Eastern Zhou Dynasty was still there, and King Zhou Ping finally defeated the phratry and ascended to the position of human emperor. 】

[King Zhou Ping came up through competition after all, and he still had some tricks. He quickly secured his position, allowing the entire Eastern Zhou Dynasty to recognize his status as the Human Emperor. 】

[But although King Zhou Ping had some abilities, after King Zhou You's incompetence, the foundation of Eastern Zhou was completely consumed. 】

[No matter how clever King Zhou Ping is, he is still a clever woman who cannot make a meal without straw.Although the capital of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty was stable, it was already in decline and could only survive. 】

[After this, the princes in various places became more and more powerful and became less and less controlled by the Emperor of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.The era of feudal princes competing for hegemony has also begun. 】

(End of this chapter)

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