In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 179 The Qin Kingdom is established, with 5 against 2!

Chapter 179 The State of Qin was established, with five thousand against twenty thousand!

[The little guy’s words naturally aroused bursts of ridicule from the surrounding ministers.Because of the king's order, they couldn't criticize the little guy, but they could still make some disdainful remarks. 】

[The ministers laughed loudly, but Emperor Zhou was very satisfied.In the eyes of Emperor Zhou, the little guy was obviously a genius born to raise horses! 】

[If a little guy raises horses for him, then the war horses from East Sunday will probably roam the entire human land. 】

[Emperor Zhou was overjoyed and gave the little guy a fiefdom at will.Let the little guy raise horses specifically for him, and he must raise enough war horses to allow the Eastern Zhou army to travel in all directions.Even the country's name was 'Qin' randomly decided by Emperor Zhou! 】

[Although the little guy has a fiefdom, he only changed his job to raise horses for Emperor Zhou and has no real power at all. 】

[Ministers, you still look down upon the little guy.Because at that time, anyone could see that the fiefdom called 'Qin' was just the emperor's large horse farm. 】

[How can a person who has been transferred to raise horses for the emperor have such a small talent to make them fear him? 】

[And after the little guy got the fiefdom rewarded by Emperor Zhou, he immediately thought of his friends.Although he had a fiefdom, it was only used as a reward by Emperor Zhou to raise horses.The only people my subordinates can arrange are the partners who have been with me for many years. 】

[Although Qin Feizi obtained a fiefdom and a Qin State whose name even the Emperor of Zhou could not remember, none of the other princely states looked up to Qin. 】

[Thanks to some of Qin Feizi's previous companions, the newly acquired fiefdom was not left unused. 】

[The State of Qin was established bit by bit under the careful management of Qin Feizi.And those companions who followed Qin Feizi also became the first old people in Qin. 】

[After the country was established, Qin Feizi naturally had to implement corresponding horse-raising projects.After all, this was also the purpose of Emperor Zhou giving him the fiefdom. 】

[It is naturally not difficult to raise a horse, but if you want to raise war horses for the entire Eastern Zhou Dynasty, it will definitely be a long-term project. 】

[And to run this long-term project, we cannot do without the help of other vassal states.After all, the newly established Qin State had to rely on other surrounding vassal states for the corresponding horse breeds and food for feed. 】

[At that time, Qin Feizi, as the king of Qin, visited the surrounding vassal states to discuss some trade matters. 】

[But the surrounding vassal states all regarded Qin Feizi as the horse slave of Emperor Zhou, and did not give him the right to talk to his class at all. 】

[While Qin Feizi was angry, he couldn't help but feel a little frustrated.Facing the empty state of Qin with only a few companions, Qin Feizi fell into confusion uncontrollably. 】

[I appeared to comfort Qin Feizi who was in confusion. I told him that any tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind.Sometimes, being looked down upon is not a bad thing.At the very least, the surrounding vassal states will not regard Qin as a threat. 】

[Qin State can just use this period of time to secretly develop its own strength.As long as there are no external threats, Qin will eventually get out of its predicament step by step and become the strongest vassal state on the land of China! 】

[Qin Feizi was extremely excited when he heard what I said.After all, he had a temper that refused to admit defeat, and he quickly cheered up.He focused on developing Qin's national power. 】

[I also taught Qin Feizi how to use troops, as well as a series of strategies to reform people's livelihood.Qin Feizi studied seriously and tried to understand the knowledge I imparted in his own way. 】

[After stabilizing the situation in the Qin State, Qin Feizi began to try the first reform, and tried his best to make good friends with the surrounding vassal states. 】

[While absorbing the population of surrounding vassal states, it also stabilizes the people's livelihood in Qin. 】【Excellent planting methods were popularized in Qin State.Gradually, the people of the surrounding vassal states seemed to see that Qin was very different from other vassal states.He began to drag his family and dependents into the Qin State to cultivate and live. 】

[In addition, the fiefdom given to Qin Feizi by Emperor Zhou was already extremely fertile.Let the entire Qin State become stronger and stronger without knowing it. 】

When the First Emperor saw this, his expression became more and more excited.

"It turns out that heavenly beings have helped the Qin Dynasty so much as early as the founding of the Qin State!"

"If someone from heaven had not guided the First Emperor to develop the Qin State, I am afraid that no matter how ambitious I am, I would not be able to unify the world."

"The great Qin Dynasty owes so much to heaven and man."

The First Emperor's face was full of sighs and sighs. He could imagine how confused the First Emperor was when faced with a fiefdom that had nothing.

Although he was a king in name, the kings of every vassal state only regarded him as the horse slave of the Emperor of Zhou.

If it were not for the presence of heavenly beings, the First Emperor could not imagine what Qin would be like.

After lamenting the kindness of heaven and man to the Qin Dynasty, the First Emperor turned his attention to the fairy book.

[Because the other vassal states are busy conquering cities and territories.It was precisely because of their disdain for Qin that they gave Qin the best period of development. 】

[When those vassal states turned around, Qin State had developed to a point that could not be ignored! 】

[The current Qin State, both in terms of territory and population, is enough for them to take it seriously!They could no longer treat Qin Feizi as a horse slave. 】

[And because of Qin’s advanced people’s livelihood policies and fertile land.In the other vassal states, the common people who were not wealthy were still joining Qin. 】

[Seeing Qin becoming more powerful step by step, the other vassal states naturally couldn't sit still.The first one to take action against Qin was Qi, one of the most powerful vassal states in this era! 】

[During the Qi State's southern and northern campaigns, the soldiers under his command were extremely brave.At that time, the king of Qi saw that Qin was so rich and had not experienced any wars, so he immediately wanted to suppress Qin. 】

[The king of Qi State sent out [-] soldiers to attack Qin State in a detour to the west.In the view of the monarch of Qi State, Qin State was founded after all. Although it was rich, it had not experienced any wars.The State of Qin was afraid that it would not even be able to form a complete formation of soldiers. The [-] soldiers were enough to break through the capital of the King of Qin and make Qin Feizi take the initiative to beg for mercy. 】

[Facing Qi’s menacing [-] soldiers, the entire Qin State was in panic.The State of Qi was originally a long-established vassal state, and in the struggle for hegemony among the vassals, it became even more famous. 】

[These people who came here to recuperate and recuperate because of the rich land of Qin were all trembling with fear when they heard that Qin’s [-] soldiers were coming to attack! 】

[At a time when the entire Qin State was in panic.The companions who had followed Qin Feizi and came to the fiefdom to found the country stood up. 】

[After so many years of development, they have also formed a large formation, and have given themselves a resounding title-Old Qin people! 】

(End of this chapter)

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