Chapter 184 Zhao Gao’s ambition! ! !
The First Emperor's words completely determined Fusu's schedule for the next period of time.

In fact, in the heart of the First Emperor, the most important son was Fusu, but if Fusu's kind temperament did not change, he might not be able to inherit the empire.

In order to cultivate a good enough heir, the First Emperor had to be ruthless and sent Fusu to the frontier for training.

Fusu didn't have a problem with his father's order.

He bowed respectfully to the First Emperor and accepted his father's arrangements for him.

The news that Prince Fusu was demoted to the frontier by the First Emperor spread quickly throughout the palace, as if he had grown wings.

After Zhao Gao learned about this, he ran to find Hu Hai excitedly.

Having been with the First Emperor for so many years, Zhao Gao naturally knew which son the First Emperor preferred to inherit the throne, and now the First Emperor's favorite son had been demoted to the frontier by himself.In Zhao Gao's view, this is undoubtedly Hu Hai's best opportunity!

If we can take advantage of Fusu's absence in Xianyang to allow Hu Hai to become the heir to the empire, then after the death of the First Emperor, Hu Hai will inherit the throne!
He, Hu Hai's teacher, could soar directly into the sky and completely control the entire empire!

When Zhao Gao came to Hu Hai's house, Hu Hai was still playing with his beautiful concubine.

Zhao Gao hurried over and said excitedly:

"I have received news that Fusu was demoted to the border by His Majesty!"

"Since Your Majesty has been disappointed with Fusu, now is your chance!"

"Don't play around like this again during this period, first behave like a gentleman."

"When I run it up and down, I will definitely push you to the position of prince!"

Hu Hai, who was drinking wine and watching his beautiful concubine dance, was just a little gloating when he heard that Fusu was demoted to the frontier.

Immediately after hearing that his teacher told him to behave like a gentleman, Hu Hai frowned tightly.

He said distressedly to Zhao Gao:

"Is it so troublesome to be a prince?"

"Then I don't want to be a prince anymore. If I can't enjoy a lovely wife and beautiful concubines, then what's the point of being a prince?"

"I won't do this. The position of prince can be taken by whomever they like."

After finishing speaking, Hu Hai still stared at the smoothness of his beautiful concubine with relish.

Hearing Hu Hai's words, Zhao Gao couldn't take a breath.But since he chose Hu Hai, he had some expectation of Hu Hai's temperament.

I couldn't help but correct my mentality and advised:

"You are the young master now, but how many beautiful concubines can you choose?"

"How much money does the clan give you every month?"

"Have you ever thought that if you become the prince and the heir to the empire, I don't know how many people will fawn over you in the future!"

"If you fall in love with a girl, you don't have to ask yourself, someone will send it to you right away!" "If something happens to His Majesty, you will be the new emperor of Qin!"

"The whole world is yours. At that time, won't it be all about what you like?"

"How can these vulgar powders in front of me compare to the ultimate prosperity and wealth in the world?"

Following Zhao Gao's words, the desire in Hu Hai's heart was aroused little by little. By the end, Hu Hai's face showed a look of great interest.

When he thought that the whole world belonged to him and that everything in the world was at his disposal, Hu Hai's eyes lit up!
As soon as Zhao Gao saw Hu Hai's lustful look, he felt that the matter was settled!
The First Emperor was extremely disappointed because of the incident of Fu Su.

From the perspective of the First Emperor, not all the people of the Six Kingdoms who had surrendered in the empire now recognized the rule of Qin.

As long as they suppressed it themselves, Xiaoxiao from all sides did not dare to be exposed.

If Fusu succeeded to the throne, with his kind temperament, he would not be able to fight against the remnants of the Six Kingdoms!
He has never seen the sinister nature of people's hearts, and he is afraid that even the ministers in the court cannot control them.If the emperor does not have enough control over the court, how can the world be stable?

Therefore, the First Emperor made up his mind to make Fusu suffer enough in the frontier areas, and then let him return to Xianyang after being completely reborn.

The First Emperor thought of himself and the kings of the Qin Dynasty. Which of them did not grow up in adversity?

Although he couldn't bear the suffering for his eldest son, for the sake of the empire, the First Emperor had to do this!

After deciding on the path of Fusu, the First Emperor placed the fairy book on the desk and continued to observe the footprints of heaven and man on earth.

[The State of Qin is developing and growing silently, while I am wandering among the various vassal states in the world.Sure enough, every time there is a great struggle, many amazingly talented and beautiful people will emerge from the human race. 】

[As usual, those unprecedented geniuses appear frequently in this era.In the process of traveling around the world, I also accepted many disciples one after another. 】

[The first is Li Er. He is obviously young, but he is still full of vitality.But every day after finishing the farm work, I would find a big stone to sit quietly and carefully appreciate the changes in nature around me. 】

【Can you imagine?A half-year-old child, instead of playing with his friends in his spare time, would sit quietly with his eyes closed all day long. 】

[Either find a big rock and sit with your eyes closed, or find an old tree and sit with your eyes closed.Sometimes, this little guy even sits quietly in the shallow stream, just to feel the flow of the stream more intuitively. 】

[Li Er’s weird behavior was naturally regarded as a freak by his fellow villagers.But I could see that Li Er was sitting quietly with his eyes closed to amplify his body's senses.To feel the world around you more intuitively and thoroughly. 】

[I appeared in front of Li Er in a way that was beyond normal people's understanding. Li Er thought I was an immortal descended from the sky.I told Li Er that there is also a world inside the human body.Only by harmonizing and unifying the world inside the body with the outside world can the true path be considered. 】

[After listening to what I said, Li Er's eyes lit up as if he had some understanding, and he tried to follow my instructions and began to understand. From then on, Li Er became my disciple. 】

[While traveling with Li Er, a few years later, I met Zhong Ni again. 】

[This little guy seems to be a natural talker. Whenever something happens, he always wants to come forward and express his opinions.And he uses his sharp tongue to try to make others accept his opinions. 】

[The little guy is not very old, but his tongue is really sharp. He often makes many adults and old people blush.When those people saw that Zhongni, a child with a yellow mouth, spoke so sharply and was often speechless by Zhongni, they would find a branch, chase Zhongni's butt and throw it hard. 】

[Although he suffered a lot of beatings because of his tendency to argue with others.But Zhongni still enjoyed it and wanted to argue with everyone he met.As his experience increased, Zhongni became more interested in becoming a teacher. 】

(End of this chapter)

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