Chapter 192 Zhao Gao’s true identity!
Zhao Gao sat quietly on the high chair in the lobby and recalled his life.

Not even the First Emperor knew about his origins!In other words, all the details that Zhao Gao is well known to everyone are all deliberately made known by Zhao Gao!

Because Zhao Gao's true origin was never revealed, once the First Emperor found out, it would be a disaster!

Zhao Gao was originally a descendant of the Zhao royal family, and he had been very resourceful since he was a child. Although he was far away from the position of king of Zhao, if Zhao Gao had started planning since he was young, he might not be able to sit on the position of king of Zhao.

But Zhao Gao didn't sit there like that. After being taught by experts since he was a child, he knew that the Qin Dynasty's power to unify the world was unstoppable!
Therefore, Zhao Gao was cruel and gave up his identity as the son of the Zhao royal family.He traveled thousands of miles to the Qin Kingdom, and even mutilated himself to become an eunuch in the Qin Palace!
Relying on his extraordinary forbearance, Zhao Gaocai finally climbed to where he is today step by step!

Now, as long as Hu Hai is pushed to the emperor's throne, he can control the entire Great Qin in his hands!

By that time, the huge empire was no longer a plaything in his hands.
Even at this moment, Zhao Gao has thought countless times about how to deal with the heroes who destroyed Zhao State after he has the power.

"After Da Qin's sacrifice, Fusu will be sent to the frontier."

"That's the best opportunity for me to take action!"

"I will take advantage of this opportunity to push Fusu into the abyss of eternal destruction!"

"If I secretly add fuel to the flames, how can Prince Gao and General Lu compete with Hu Hai?"

Hu Hai knew very well that the First Emperor undoubtedly favored Fu Su to inherit the empire.Otherwise, Fusu would not be allowed to go to the frontier for training.

When it comes to fun, which prince can compare to Hu Hai?
But did the First Emperor have the intention to cultivate Hu Hai?


Therefore, from beginning to end, the First Emperor was optimistic about Fusu!
Zhao Gao was slowly brewing a poisonous plan in his heart. After a moment, Zhao Gao's eyes showed an extremely ruthless look!

He decided to take a decisive step directly!
Directly at the Qin State Festival, he sent people to assassinate the First Emperor!
As long as the First Emperor dies, it will be spread among the people that Fusu killed his father in order to fight for the throne.

In this case, Fusu would never be able to stand up again.

Without the ancestral dragon of the First Emperor, wouldn’t Great Qin still belong to Zhao Gao?

Thinking of this, a knife-like smile appeared on Zhao Gao's fair face.

Facing the shadow behind him, he said:

"Come here! Transfer all the killers of the Dizi and Huangzi levels in the Huangquan organization back to Xianyang!"

As soon as Zhao Gao finished speaking, a black shadow behind him said respectfully: "Here!"

Then, like a flying swallow, it shot towards the outside of the house.

After holding a high position in the empire for so many years, Zhao Gao has also secretly networked his own forces!

A killer organization composed entirely of cold weapons - Huang Quan!
This killer organization is the sharp blade Zhao Gao uses to stab the dragon!
I have been patient for decades, and now I want to show my shocking strength in this world!
The secrets that Zhao Gao had hidden for decades were now revealed, which naturally had a huge impact.

Within a few days, rumors began to spread all over the world.

It is no longer enough to verify where this rumor originated.

All of a sudden, the streets and alleys were all talking about the same thing:
"Hey, you said that Mr. Fusu will be sent to the border by His Majesty after the national sacrifice." "Tsk, what's the matter? Let me tell you, I have more powerful materials here! Mr. Fusu is dissatisfied with being sent to the frontier and plans to attack the First Emperor during the national sacrifice. He wants to kill his father before ascending to the throne!"

"Oh~~~ No way, who doesn't know Mr. Fusu's reputation for kindness? How could he do such a treacherous act just for the sake of the throne? I don't believe this. I have heard about Mr. Fusu's character. of."

"How can there be any kindness or unkindness? Mr. Fusu is the eldest son of the First Emperor. What a noble status he has. He was suddenly sent to the frontier. With such a huge sense of gap in his heart, it is not surprising that he would do something against nature. "

"Hey, what you said makes sense. Isn't His Majesty in danger? Mr. Fusu assassinated him in the same way as the Son of Man. How could Your Majesty take precautions?"

Various rumors about Prince Fusu preparing to assassinate the First Emperor and seize the throne of the empire are spreading all over the world.

Naturally, most people didn't believe it at first.

However, rumors spread widely, and with the help of thoughtful people, every common person heard more or less about Prince Fusu's intention to assassinate the First Emperor.

With the three of them becoming tigers, everyone even came up with various reasons for Mr. Fusu's assassination.

This rumor, which was originally extremely false, became somewhat confusing.

The common people treated this rumor as nothing more than child's play from the beginning, and gradually began to ponder the logic behind it.

After being led into the logic of rumors, the more he realized that Mr. Fusu was very likely to do such treacherous things.

In Zhangtai Palace, Zhang Han came to the First Emperor with a serious look on his face and reported:

"Your Majesty! I don't know when the people started to spread the news that Mr. Fusu wanted to assassinate Your Majesty during the national sacrifice!"

"My subordinates also discovered that there is a group of unknown people secretly adding fuel to this rumor."

"After in-depth investigation by my subordinates, it was discovered that there is a group of elite killers who indeed want to use the sacrifice to carry out a major assassination against His Majesty."

After hearing Zhang Han's report, a dangerous light burst out in Emperor Shi Huang's eyes!
A cold breath spread all over his body, and he said in a cold voice:
"Ha~ how long has it been? Since the last time the clans joined forces to force the palace, rats have appeared in the empire again!"

The First Emperor knew very well how difficult it was to be an emperor. In addition to enjoying the greatest power of the empire, he also carried the fate of all people in the world!
With Fusu's temperament, he would definitely not do such a treasonous thing for the sake of the throne that carries great responsibilities!
And if this rumor can spread so widely, the person behind it may have great intentions!
Assassinate the widow?Stealing the country?

With such a huge appetite, aren't you afraid that others will uproot you?
After the First Emperor figured out the inside story, he put away the dangerous aura on his body and said to Zhang Han with a calm expression:
"You investigate this matter secretly!"

"We must find out all the rats behind the scenes!"

"How dare you commit such an act of stealing the country? I will let him die with no one to worship him!"

As soon as the First Emperor finished speaking, Zhang Han quickly respectfully accepted the order and left.

At the same time, there were many more Black Ice Platform secret guards protecting the First Emperor.

Zhang Han was afraid that the person behind the scenes would take advantage of him, so he mobilized all the elite members of the Black Ice Platform.

While protecting His Majesty's safety, he secretly investigated the origin of the rumors.

(End of this chapter)

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