In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 194 The Rise of the Killing God Bai Qi! ! !

Chapter 194 The Rise of the Killing God Bai Qi! ! !

Hearing the words of the First Emperor, Han Xin blurted out his long-cherished wish without thinking:
"Return to your majesty! The common people want to command the three armies of the Qin Dynasty! Be the true first general of the empire!"

As soon as Han Xin said this, Li Si, who introduced him to the court, immediately frowned and thought: "It's broken!" '

Is this boy so immature? If he said such arrogant words in front of the public, where would he put those generals?

Each one of them has made great contributions to the Qin Dynasty. On the way to unify the world, they have gone through many mountains of corpses and seas of blood before they reached their current position.

But even Wang Ben or Meng Tian cannot be regarded as commanders of the three armies in the true sense.

I'm afraid this kid's unruly words will bring him a lot of trouble.
Sure enough, there were generals including Wang Bi, Meng Tian and other generals who had previously been extremely optimistic about Han Xin.At this moment, everyone was frowning, and the gaze on Han Xin changed little by little.

Previously, they regarded Han Xin as a promising young man, or at most as a rising star of the imperial army.

But when this young man they were optimistic about said he wanted to command the three armies and be above them.

No matter how broad-minded the generals present were, they felt that Han Xin was a little ignorant!
If you want to command the three armies, do you have to rely solely on strategy to qualify?
You haven't even been in the army for a day, who will serve you?

Can those millions of soldiers in the empire be so bold as to entrust their lives to your arrangement?


This is the view of the court ministers on the unification of Han and Xin at this moment.

The First Emperor's gaze on Han Xin was even more intriguing than that of the court ministers.

The First Emperor had read Han Xin's examination papers on the art of war.

His military strategies even impressed the First Emperor.From Han Xin, the First Emperor saw a powerful talent in the art of war!
In the eyes of the First Emperor, this kind of old-fashioned military strategy was probably only as good as Jiang Ziya, the ancestor of the military at that time.

But Han Xin's previous answer finally disappointed the First Emperor.

After all, they are young people with too high mindedness and do not know how to be down-to-earth step by step.

Excessive confidence is arrogance.

With such a character, if he makes a mistake at a critical moment, it is very likely that the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers of Qin will be ruined.

After thinking for a moment, the First Emperor said:

"The young young man is quite angry."

"But how can the empire's general be able to take over before he has accomplished anything?"

"Look at the generals in the court! Which one of them didn't walk through mountains of swords and seas of fire countless times before they could stand there?"

"You are too sharp and need to be polished!"

"I will temporarily name you a general in the army. If you perform well in the future, we will consider other options!"

As soon as the First Emperor said these words, Han Xin's position was completely determined.

As the de facto leader of the empire's first imperial examination, Han Xincai was awarded the title of a good general, which was somewhat of an understatement.

Even Han Xin himself had a look of despair after hearing that the First Emperor conferred this position on him.

This General Lang was a world away from the commander-in-chief of the armed forces in his heart, and he was not even worthy of his status as the leader of the imperial examination.

Han Xin felt that even those candidates who were far inferior to him felt that the positions granted by the court were above those of generals.

Such a huge gap in his heart made Han Xin unable to recover.

It wasn't until Li Si coughed lightly that Han Xin suppressed the huge sense of loss in his heart and thanked the emperor for his kindness.

Afterwards, Li Si came to Zhangtai Palace, with a worried look on his face, and finally said to the First Emperor after careful consideration: "Your Majesty, Han Xin, although he is arrogant and confident like a young man."

"But his talent in the art of war is extraordinary."

"Although he is white, he is also the leader of this imperial examination."

"If you see those candidates who are still ranked below you, become your superiors in the army."

"I'm afraid that Han Xin's self-esteem will be burned by the fire."

Hearing Li Si's words, the First Emperor naturally knew how much he valued Han Xin, and said righteously:

"If he hadn't been so arrogant in court, I might have given him a higher position."

"But he is a little arrogant after all. If he is given a high position in the army, I am afraid it will chill the hearts of the soldiers."

"Besides, enduring other people's rumors is a test for Han Xin!"

"Look at how many times Wang Ben and Meng Tian have experienced the power of life and death to reach their current position!"

"Look at me again. I have been a hostage since childhood and have been in adversity!"

"If Han Xin really wants to command the three armies of the empire! He must pass this heart-training test!"

"The edge of a sword comes from sharpening. If it cannot withstand the sharpening, Han Xin will not be worthy of becoming the Sword of the Empire!"

After hearing what the First Emperor said, Li Si finally understood.

It was not that the First Emperor did not value Han Xin's talents.

On the contrary, the First Emperor knew better than anyone else how powerful Han Xin's military talent was!

It was precisely because the First Emperor valued Han Xin that he put Han Xin through such hardships.

If Han Xin can't bear it, it also proves that he is not a talent!
And once Han Xin can withstand it, he may really become the sword of the empire that commands millions of soldiers in the Qin Dynasty!
Li Si had no doubts anymore and respectfully resigned.

After Li Si resigned, the First Emperor took out the fairy book again and observed the footprints of the heavenly beings.

The current First Emperor's mood when taking out the fairy book was completely different from before.

The last time a heavenly being read his own words in a fairy book was already in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

And this time, it is very likely that it will be recorded to this day.

Therefore, the First Emperor's mood was so complicated that he himself could not describe it.

I longed to see my own records in the fairy books.At the same time, he was struggling with what the gods thought of him.
All kinds of complex emotions lingered in the heart of the First Emperor.

After suppressing all these messy thoughts, the First Emperor opened the fairy book.

[During the Warring States Period, my disciples each displayed their magical powers and discussed the level of Taoism.Among them, Wang Xu was the only one who pushed the skills I taught him to a new level. 】

[My disciples realized that they had overlooked something during the fight. 】

[Since then, they no longer persist in their disputes with each other.Each began to move towards the realm of their hearts, hoping to be like Wang Xu and realize a further path.On the contrary, the disciples they left behind in the human world still continue to fight against each other as the ancestors did. 】

[In this era, perhaps because the Chinese race will undergo great changes that have never been seen in a thousand years.More and more geniuses are born in the world. 】

[I met a little guy named Bai Qi in the Qin Kingdom.This little guy has been passionate about swordsmanship since he was a child. At a young age, he defeated the elders of the clan with the long sword in his hand. 】

[After there was no stronger opponent, Bai Qi began the process of practicing swordsmanship alone.At the beginning, he realized that he could use the big trees in the mountains as imaginary enemies to practice his sword. 】

(End of this chapter)

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