In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 203 The truth behind Bai Qi’s suicide! ! !

Chapter 203 The truth behind Bai Qi’s suicide! ! !
[Bai Qi, who was haunted by countless vicious and vicious spirits, was getting worse day by day, but his eyes never dimmed from beginning to end. 】

[Although Ying Ji remembered Bai Qi's hard work and achievements, he did not want the Qin God of War to go to the battlefield again.How can he spend his remaining years in a hospital bed peacefully if he can live forever? 】

[The killing god Bai Qi will naturally not wait for death on the hospital bed.Whenever the Qin State went to war, Bai Qi would definitely go to the battlefield in person wearing armor. 】

[Although his body is seriously injured, Bai Qi, wearing armor, is still the most powerful weapon in Qin at this time. 】

[As long as Bai Qi appears on the battlefield, the enemy will automatically flee.With this, Qin gained a huge advantage.Although the six countries had long been afraid of Qin's power, they joined forces and attacked it several times. 】

[Even Emperor Zhou, who had no real power, was even invited to issue an order to retaliate. However, as long as Bai Qi still existed in the Qin army, the armies of the Six Kingdoms would never dare to cross the Leichi. 】

[Bai Qi carried the fate of Qin with his murderous aura! 】

[Bai Qi has done everything he can for this country.After the final battle, Bai Qi was so haunted by evil spirits that he didn't even have a horse to carry him onto the battlefield. 】

[At that time, Ying Ji, the king of Qin, finally persuaded Bai Qi with his emotions and reason.He would not let his life be completely wiped out by endless wars. 】

[During successive years of war, Bai Qi's feelings for Qin have reached an inseparable level. 】

[It can be said that Bai Qi accounts for a full one-third of the glory of Qin State today. 】

[I tell Bai Qi, you are only half a step away from the truly peerless fierce soldier.But you have accumulated too much resentment and evil energy in your body. If you eventually die of old age, the endless evil energy without the restraint of your body will backfire on Qin's national destiny! 】

[Because the killings you have caused are all for Qin.That mysterious cause and effect will inevitably come to the entire Qin Kingdom in the end. 】

[Bai Qi asked me if there is a solution. 】

[I told Bai Qi that the only way to seal the evil spirit that is coming is with my own murderous intent.Completely refine his body into a peerless fierce weapon, capable of suppressing the fate of Qin! 】

[Then Qin will definitely unify the world in the end! 】

[Bai Qi realized it clearly, before sacrificing his life.Bai Qi looked back at himself and said: From the time he held the sword at a young age, he knew that he was born to kill. Now, in order to protect the country that he has fought for all his life, he wants to kill the last murderous person in the world. . 】

[For Da Qin, Bai Qi committed suicide and died.With extremely ferocious murderous intent, he suppressed the resentment and evil spirits that were attacking the Qin State. 】

[The moment the killing god Bai Qi died, a peerless vicious weapon was formed! 】

When the First Emperor saw this place, he, who was the Nine-Five Supreme Emperor and the first emperor in China's history, couldn't help but have a mist in his eyes.

The emotions in it are both touching and exciting!
What is touching is that a worldly hero like Bai Qi has fought for the Qin Dynasty all his life.In the end, when he died, even with his own life, the fate of the Qin Dynasty must be ruined!
Today's empire is naturally forged with the blood of countless soldiers.

But the hottest blood among them is undoubtedly the killing god Bai Qi!
What is exciting is that the real cause of Bai Qi's death was not because of his superior achievements.

His great-grandfather, King Zhuang Xiang, was not afraid that Bai Qi could not be granted the title, but gave him death.

The First Emperor took a deep breath and murmured:

"Bai Qi's high righteousness is enough to win the admiration of others!"

"If it weren't for your efforts back then, Da Qin would never have the foundation to destroy the Six Kingdoms!"

After the First Emperor was in a state of agitation for a moment, a servant sent word that Prince Hu Hai came to see him.

The First Emperor's brows furrowed slightly. Naturally, the First Emperor did not have a good impression of the playful Hu Hai.

But after all, it was his own child, and the First Emperor did not want to watch Hu Hai sink like this.

After all, no matter which son succeeds to the throne in the future, the power of the clan will naturally be stronger, the better.

In this way, the empire can thrive forever.

But when the First Emperor Xuan Huhai came in.

I saw Hu Hai, who was usually not doing his job, holding a bowl of ginseng soup in his hand and placing it respectfully in front of the desk.and said:

"Father, this is what my son and I have worked hard for. If my father feels tired, drinking this soup will replenish your energy."

After saying that, Hu Hai stood aside honestly.

The First Emperor was greatly surprised and said:

"Huh?! You kid, why did you have the time to do this today?"

"Is the mansion short of money again?"

The First Emperor didn't quite believe Hu Hai's statement that he personally cooked ginseng soup.

This son never does his job properly. If he can make ginseng soup, it would be because the sun has risen from the west.

Hu Hai heard this and said respectfully:
"My son is not short of money. I rarely have fun now. I just study classics all day long."

Having said this, Hu Hai added a more sincere tone and said:
"My father has devoted his whole life to the people of the world, but my sons and ministers are unworthy and cannot share my father's worries."

"I can only make a bowl of ginseng soup for my father. I hope my father can take care of his health."

As soon as he finished speaking, Hu Hai's face showed a look of prayer that he had been preparing for a long time.

When the First Emperor heard this, he nodded slightly.Although Hu Hai is a little ineffective, at least he still has a positive attitude.

As long as you make some changes, it may be of great use.

The First Emperor was just about to try the taste of the bowl of ginseng soup, but when he picked it up, he saw that the soup in the pottery bowl was not the normal color at all.

If it weren't for the strand of ginseng floating inside, the First Emperor wouldn't even have recognized it as ginseng soup.

Even if the radish is boiled, it won’t look like this!

Now the First Emperor believed it, and the ginseng soup was definitely cooked by the traitor himself.

If any servant in the palace could make ginseng soup like this, he would have been kicked out of the palace long ago.

The First Emperor looked at Hu Hai's expectant look, frowned slightly, put down the ginseng soup, and slowly said:

"This soup is a little hot. If you have nothing to do, just go down."

"I'll wait until the soup cools down before using it."

The direction to the south of the Great Qin territory.

Meng Tian and Han Xin led an army of 15 to the land of Baiyue.

Along the way, the army ran like a dragon.Because the previous imperial armies went on expeditions and all returned with great victories.

The soldiers of the empire now have almost condensed an invincible belief!

As long as you see the hundreds of carriages covered with black cloth in the team, all the soldiers are full of momentum!
They firmly believe that with powerful weapons such as the Shenwu Cannon, no matter which opponent the imperial army faces, they will be able to easily destroy them!

The soldiers were naturally confident about this expedition.

But as the commander-in-chief of this army, Meng Tian frowned all the way.

In Meng Tian's view, this battle would probably not be that easy.

(End of this chapter)

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