In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 209 When Yue returns to Qin, Han Xin deserves to be regarded as a world-famous soldier! ! !

Chapter 209: Baiyue returns to Qin, Han Xin is worthy of being the world’s soldier! ! !
[But little Ying Zheng will be the emperor of China in the future.Therefore, he must not be allowed to specialize in military art.In the army, it is enough to appoint suitable generals. 】

[The great affairs of the country lie in sacrifice and military affairs.Rong is the way of the army, and Xiao Yingzheng has done a good enough job in this regard.And sacrifice is the overall spiritual core of a nation! 】

[If the people do not have a unified spiritual program, over time, etiquette and justice will collapse, and bandits will become rampant among the people.I then taught little Ying Zheng various mental techniques. 】

[Little by little, build a perfect spiritual core for him.Only an emperor who has spiritual beliefs and is not deceived by external things can guide the people of the world and show a happy and upward attitude. 】

[Throughout the entire process of training Xiao Ying Zheng, Xiao Ying Zheng held on and slowly mastered all this knowledge.But gradually, I seem to have discovered new problems. 】

[Because of the existence of the Communist Party of China, although Xiao Yingzheng was a new proton, he was imprisoned in Handan.But no matter from any aspect, it is not a big adversity. 】

[After all, with me by your side, there is no big threat to little Ying Zheng’s life or his own life. 】

[Little Yingzheng is a little too smooth. Perhaps a situation that is too smooth will greatly weaken little Yingzheng's ability to withstand pressure in the future.If the ability to withstand pressure is not enough, when setbacks come, he is likely to be knocked down and unable to recover. 】

[In order to allow little Ying Zheng to grow better and become the emperor who unified China.I had to harden my heart and create a stormy situation for little Yingzheng. 】

[After making the decision, I faked my death and retreated, hiding behind the scenes.Let little Ying Zheng face the world alone. 】

[The disciple I brought up since childhood, I hope you can understand my teacher’s good intentions.You are the emperor who will eventually unify China, and you will never be afraid of the difficulties and obstacles ahead. 】

[After I leave, Xiao Yingzheng may be in a very difficult situation at first, but I believe in him!Because he is indeed my most outstanding disciple! 】

In front of the desk in Zhangtai Palace.

The First Emperor sat upright on the dragon chair, his body trembling slightly.

It was only at this moment that the First Emperor truly understood the good intentions of his former mentor.

Thinking about it now, if it hadn't been for surviving in adversity during that period, it would be difficult for the First Emperor to have grown to where he is today if he asked himself.

Although he will be happier if he has always been perched under the wings of the gods.

But if he grew up with such happiness, how could he have enough power to engulf the six countries?

The First Emperor took a deep breath, and the somewhat eventful years flashed through his mind, and he felt no regrets in his heart.

If he were allowed to choose now, he would definitely let himself bear the adversity alone!

And in the fairy book, at the end the heavenly being mentioned him as his most outstanding disciple, which made the First Emperor extremely excited!
Looking at the footprints of heavenly beings, from ancient times to the present, which great sage of the human race has not experienced the teachings of heavenly beings?
But even among this group of outstanding people, the gods still call him the best one.

How could this not make the First Emperor proud?
When the thoughts in my heart are ups and downs.

Suddenly, a servant came in from outside Zhangtai Palace and reported excitedly:

"Your Majesty, General Meng Tian defeated Baiyue!"

"Now, all the land of Baiyue has returned to our territory of Great Qin!"

After the servant said this, the First Emperor was immediately delighted!

"Meng Qing has indeed lived up to my trust!"

"In less than half a day, he actually captured the land of Baiyue. He is truly the tiger general of my Great Qin!"

"Bring the battle report! I want to see for myself how Meng Qing defeated all the tribes of Baiyue in a short period of time."

Upon hearing this, the chamberlain hurriedly submitted the battle report.

The First Emperor's eyes widened and he scanned the content above, his eyes becoming more and more delighted.

In the battle report, Meng Tian truthfully expressed Han Xin's various arrangements during this battle.

And for Han Xin, he took the first credit in this battle.After reading the entire battle report, the First Emperor could not help but praise:
"Han Xin is indeed worthy of being the leader of the empire's first imperial examination!"

"It does not live up to everyone's expectations, showing enough military skills!"

The First Emperor fully recognized Han Xin's military strategy.

In the opinion of the First Emperor, if Han Xin could be polished more, his military talents would be the best in the Qin Dynasty today.

But in the end, Han Xin wanted to humiliate the leader of the Baiyue tribe by hanging him under the dragon's flag.In the eyes of the First Emperor, it was somewhat overjoyed.

Han Xin is an ambitious man and is indeed suitable for leading an army.

But the flaws in his temperament make him unfit to hold the power of the Imperial Army!

Compared with the former imperial general Bai Qi, he was still far behind.

The next day, above the court.

After all the civil and military officials gathered in the court, the First Emperor on the dragon throne immediately announced:
"Yesterday, I received a battle report from the Land of Baiyue."

As soon as the First Emperor said these words, all the civil and military officials were moved and began to think and guess.

Meng Tian led an army of 15 to the land of Baiyue, but it was only half a decade.

In such a short period of time, the battle report came back. Could it be that the battle on the front line is not going well and it is impossible to ask the court for support?

When Baiguan thought about the harsh climate and terrain conditions of Baiyue Land, his heart suddenly began to beat.

Since the Qin Dynasty destroyed the six kingdoms and obtained the artifacts left by the gods, it has been sure to win every battle.These ministers also developed a belief in the invincibility of the imperial soldiers.

I feel that as long as the imperial army goes to war, there is no reason to be invincible.

If the battle report from General Meng really stated the harsh situation in Baiyue Land, I'm afraid Baiguan himself would not be able to accept it.

When all the ministers in the court have different thoughts.

The First Emperor changed the subject and said with an excited expression:
"The battle report from Meng Qing said that our empire's soldiers defeated all the tribes of Baiyue!!!"

"All tribes in Baiyue bow their heads and surrender!"

"Now, a large area of ​​Baiyue Land has been included in the empire's territory!"

The First Emperor finished speaking.

The court hall was suddenly filled with joy, and all the civil and military officials applauded the Qin army's victory!
Sure enough, the soldiers of Qin are the most invincible troops in the world!

After waiting for a while, Baiguan's excitement cooled down slightly.

The First Emperor spoke again:

"Since the land of Baiyue is now our territory of Great Qin, naturally it cannot be isolated from our Central Plains land like before."

"But the climate and terrain of Baiyue Land are extremely complicated, and it is very inconvenient to connect to the imperial court center."

"This allowed the imperial court to control Baiyue, which also caused a lot of trouble."

"My lords, is there a way to resolve this matter?"

After the First Emperor finished speaking, the civil and military officials quickly thought about the issues before them.

(End of this chapter)

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