In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 215 The Lord of the Underworld comes from the Zhao royal family! ! !

Chapter 215 The Lord of the Underworld comes from the Zhao royal family! ! !
Just as Fusu was sketching the future, suddenly the entire carriage he was riding in stopped.

Fusu frowned slightly, leaned out of the car, and asked the soldier beside him:
"What happened? Why did it stop for no reason?"

The soldier heard this and quickly reported:

"Back to the young master, the official road ahead was suddenly blocked by a large amount of gravel."

"Now the soldiers are cleaning up the messy rubble. In order to..."

In the middle of the report, the soldier's eyes suddenly showed confusion, and his whole body was like a loose bow string, and his whole body was resting on Fusu's body.

Pushing Fusu into the car, he said loudly:

"Sir, be careful, there is an enemy attack!"

Then the arrow left the string and stuck on the car hood like a flying feather.

If the soldier hadn't reacted quickly enough, the trembling arrow shaft would have penetrated Fusu's head by now!
After the soldier pushed Fusu into the car, he blocked the exit with his own body.

A pair of sharp eyes looked elsewhere.

On both sides of the official road, many assassins with sharp blades suddenly appeared, rushing towards Fusu's car.

The guards hurriedly used their long soldiers to block the incoming assassin.

The soldiers who escorted Fusu to the frontier this time were also elites selected from the army.

Each one reacted extremely quickly and quickly formed a human wall to protect Fusu with their own bodies.

However, these assassins have been preparing for a long time, so they are not easy people.

When they cut through the soldier's armor with their sharp blades, Fusu knew that he was in big trouble this time!
These incoming assassins are all martial arts masters!

Seeing each of the soldiers sacrificed by the assassin's sword, Fusu's eyes became firmer little by little, and he drew out the sword from his waist, ready to fight together!
At the critical moment, another group of figures rushed over quickly.

They were like flying swallows in the rain, silent and quick-footed.

As soon as the sharp blade is drawn out of his hand, his martial arts level is even better than those of the assassins.

It is the elite of the Black Ice Platform who are secretly protecting Fusu!
After the elite members of the Black Ice Platform joined the battle, the situation was instantly reversed.

Under the joint stranglehold of the Black Ice Platform elite and the Great Qin soldiers, the attacking assassins quickly left corpses on the ground.

Even those who wanted to escape could not move faster than the elites of Black Ice Platform, so they all left their lives here.

After half an hour of fighting, all the attacking assassins died on the spot.

Fusu held the sword in his hand and looked at the Daqin soldiers who died in battle to protect him, with sadness in his heart.

These people all died to protect themselves. At this moment, Fusu's heart was filled with guilt.

With some sadness, Fusu said to the other Daqin soldiers who were still alive:

"These soldiers all died because of me Fusu."

"Separate some of you and carry their bones back to their original places."

"Presumably they don't want to be buried in this strange place."

Now that Hei Bingtai has appeared, he will naturally be responsible for his safety issues openly.

In Fusu's view, it would not be a big deal if some soldiers were sent to transport the bodies.

However, when the elites of Black Ice Platform checked the assassin's identity information, they made a major discovery!
Several of these assassins were wearing the clothes of former Zhao people, and an extremely special black spider mark was found on their wrists!
They immediately realized that this was a major clue.

He hurriedly passed these clues to Xianyang in the secret way of Heibingtai.

Zhangtai Palace.

After Zhang Han got the news, he hurriedly came to the First Emperor.Report:

"Your Majesty! Mr. Fusu was attacked by assassins on his way to the border!"

Hearing Zhang Han's words, the First Emperor put down the book in his hand, his eyes showing a hint of confusion.

The First Emperor had expected that Fusu would be assassinated.

The rumors that had spread throughout the Qin Dynasty were pointed directly at Fusu.Obviously the purpose of the person behind the scenes was not only to cut off the emperor of Qin, but also to cut off the heir to the empire.

Therefore, the First Emperor asked Zhang Han to mobilize the most elite troops from Heibingtai to secretly protect Fusu's stability.

The First Emperor asked coldly:
"Did those assassins leave any clues on them?"

Zhang Han heard this and said after careful consideration:

"There are clues! The assassins all have a black spider tattooed on their wrists!"

"Moreover, several of them are wearing the clothes of former Zhao people!"

As soon as Zhang Han said this, the First Emperor slammed the desk, the anger in his heart reaching the extreme!
"Zhao people?! They are really evil!"

"The Kingdom of Zhao has been destroyed for so long, and yet it is still obsessed with overthrowing our country, Great Qin!"

At this moment, the First Emperor was like an angry beast.

The First Emperor was very clear about the black spider mark mentioned by Zhang Han. They all came from the killer organization called "Huangquan"!
Due to the reappearance of the black spider mark, various records about the 'Yellow Spring' flashed through the mind of the First Emperor.

In the process of overthrowing the Zhao Kingdom, Da Qin was harassed by the killer organization several times.

Huangquan is a sharp sword inherited from the royal family of the Zhao Kingdom. The emperors of the Zhao Kingdom in the past generations are all killing machines trained since childhood!
Moreover, the leaders are all members of the Zhao royal family.

During the Battle of Changping, 'Huangquan' suffered heavy losses!
Their opponent at that time was the Great Qin God of Killing Bai Qi, the most ferocious soldier of all time!

Because of Bai Qi's horrific killings, 'Huangquan' suffered an unprecedented blow.

So much so that when the First Emperor came to destroy the Zhao Kingdom, 'Huang Quan' could not come up with any decent assassination at all.

But the First Emperor knew that 'Yellow Spring' had never been destroyed from beginning to end!

There is still a hidden Lord of the Underworld, who secretly leads this organization.

For a long time, the First Emperor also asked spies from Heibingtai to try to find out the true identity of the Lord of the Underworld.

But nothing came of it.

"The Lord of Huangquan comes from the royal family of Zhao Kingdom"

"Could it be that he is also one of the Nine Disasters?!"

Suddenly thinking of the First Emperor here, his eyes showed real murderous intent!
He said to Zhang Han in a cold voice:

"Explore the situation of Huangquan with all your strength! We must dig out the master of Huangquan who is hiding in the dark!"

Zhang Han heard this and quickly accepted the order respectfully.

Huang Quan, the secretive killer organization, appears again.

The warning signs in the heart of the First Emperor were raised to the greatest extent!
Seriously speaking, Zhao Guo is the most stubborn roadblock that Qin has encountered on its way to achieving hegemony.

If it weren't for the killing power of Qin General Bai Qi in the past, Zhao would not have been able to win so easily.

The First Emperor recalled that when he returned to Qin from Zhao as a proton, Zhao was in complete decline.

Even the "Yellow Spring" that the Zhao royal family had worked so hard to cultivate was completely wiped out by General Bai Qi.When the First Emperor commanded the army to destroy the Zhao Kingdom, the number of times 'Huang Quan' took action was even rarer.

(End of this chapter)

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