In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 256 Heavenly being appears in Xuanji Pavilion!

Chapter 256 Heavenly being appears in Xuanji Pavilion!
The next day.

On the bank of the Yangtze River, Liu Bang looked at the rolling Yangtze River and felt very high-spirited!

There is simply infinite pride in my heart, ready to burst out!

Behind him were all the veterans of the Chu State who had been won over by Liu Bang. These troops were almost all of Xiang Yu's family assets left in Jiangdong.

On the bank of the Yangtze River, all the ships built over these days are docked.

Liu Bang looked at all the veterans of Chu State and said impassionedly:
"Brothers! Today we are leaving Jiangdong and heading to another place that is more suitable for fighting Qin!"

"As long as we cross the rolling Yangtze River in front of us, we will reach the land of Jiangxi!"

"And Sishui County in Jiangxi is my hometown, Liu Ji!"

"I, Liu Ji, promise all brothers that we will definitely achieve greater development there!"

As soon as Liu Bang said this, the group of veterans in front of him were all full of expectations for the future.

If they go to a completely unfamiliar place, they will feel a little hesitant in their hearts.

But the place to be moved is clearly Liu Bang's hometown, which is somewhat comforting to them.

Out of trust in Liu Bang, these veterans of the Chu State all boarded the ships they built, and under the leadership of Liu Bang, left their former homeland together.

After everyone got on the pirate ship and started to cross the river, Liu Bang's feeling could not be fully described in the word "exhilarating".

Facing the river wind blowing in his face, Liu Bang suddenly became inspired by poetry. Facing the high-waving flag, he chanted loudly:
"The wind is blowing and the clouds are flying! Weijiahai is returning home!"

"A strong man will defend his position."



Just as Liu Bang was reciting a wonderful poem, an arrow from the string hit the mast of the ship directly.

Liu Bang was frightened and slowly turned his head.

On the bank of Jiangdong, I saw Xiang Yu who was full of anger and hatred!
And the arrow just now was shot by Xiang Yu!

At this time, Xiang Yu saw that all his former Chu soldiers had boarded Liu Bang's pirate ship, and the anger in his heart almost tore his body apart.

With his face distorted, he shouted angrily:
"Liu Bang! You villain!"

"You actually took my troops and relocated!"

"If you have the guts, come back and fight me for three hundred rounds!"

Seeing Xiang Yu's furious look, Liu Bang estimated the distance between the two and roughly calculated that he was confident enough to dodge Xiang Yu's arrows.

Liu Bang stood on the bow of the boat, his back straight, and said to Xiang Yu:

"Second brother! I just feel that Jiangdong is dangerous and may be surrounded by the Qin army."

"That's why I led my subordinates and moved their base."

"Why did you shoot such a deadly arrow at your sworn brother?"

"In your heart, Xiang Yu, do you only have your own dominance and no brotherhood at all?"

Liu Bang directly stood on the commanding heights of morality and strongly criticized Xiang Yu, with a look of pain on his face!

Xiang Yu on the shore was so choked by Liu Bang's words that he almost spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

Facing Liu Bang's refutation in the name of righteousness, and watching the ship carrying the Chu soldiers getting farther and farther away, Xiang Yu felt as if he had been betrayed by the whole world.

He shouted furiously and yelled:

"Little Liu Bang, I, Xiang Yu, will eat your flesh and drink your blood!"

"Come on, shoot the arrow!"

"Fire arrows at Liu Bang's ship!!!"

Now Xiang Yu, no matter whether he could hit Liu Bang's ship or not, he just said angrily that the big gun in his hand kept making bursts of breaking wind.

After hearing Xiang Yu's order, the soldiers behind Xiang Yu had no choice but to bend their bows and set arrows, and began to shoot at the boats crossing the river.

Soon, a rain of arrows shuttled over the Yangtze River.Although they were all aiming at Liu Bang's ship, the distance between them was too far, and the wind on the river was strong.

The arrows shot out all lost their accuracy, and most of them fell on the ships carrying the old soldiers of the Chu State.

Some stray arrows that accidentally shot at Liu Bang were dodged by Liu Bang with great flexibility.

As for the veterans of the Chu State who moved to their bases with Liu Bang, several of them were shot to death by arrows before they could figure out the situation!

They didn't know why Xiang Yu and Liu Bang suddenly became life-and-death enemies, but after they saw one of their own killed by an arrow ordered by Xiang Yu, they lost their lives.

Xiang Yu's senses have dropped to the extreme.

I became more and more determined to follow Liu Bang.
In a small village outside Xianyang City, Chen Mu was lying leisurely on a chair admiring the night view.

Suddenly, the star representing the Red Emperor burst into light in the starry sky, and even had the potential to replace the Ziwei Emperor Star.

Chen Mu's eyes moved, he sighed softly, and stood up from the recliner.

"The influence of the mysterious number of days is really enough to bring order out of chaos."

"It will be difficult for little Ying Zheng to survive this disaster."

Chen Mu raised his right foot lightly and flew towards the sky.

Just like changing his body, he arrived at the Xuanji Pavilion in Xianyang City in the next moment!

In the Xuanji Pavilion, there is the Taiyi God who predicts the celestial phenomena.

Suddenly I felt a terrifying aura falling from the sky!

The next moment, what caught Taiyi God's eyes was a heavenly being stepping on the starry sky!
The faces of gods and humans are covered by divine light, and Taiyi God cannot see their specific faces.

But the figure that runs through the history of the human race, the posture of stepping into the void, and the gentle yet extremely powerful momentum emanating from it.

Taiyi God instantly understood that it was definitely a heavenly being!

In an instant, Taiyi God hurriedly bowed respectfully to the condescending heavenly beings and chanted:

"Junior Taiyi, meet the gods!"

The excitement in Taiyi God's heart at this moment could not be described in words.

Heavenly beings have existed since ancient times and can be said to be the ancestors of all dharma. The ultimate source of all the great ways spread in the world is heavenly beings.

No matter how you calculate it, Taiyi God can be regarded as the descendant student of heavenly beings.

How could Taiyi not be excited when he saw heavenly beings in front of him?

Although the faces of heavenly beings cannot be seen clearly, being able to look up to the aura of heavenly beings is considered an honor for Taiyi God.

Above the void, Chen Mu looked at Taiyi God and slowly said:

"Taiyi, your Yin Yang family is descended from Li Er's branch."

"Times have changed, what are you pursuing now?"

Taiyi God was asked by the heavenly beings in the air, and heard the sound of the great avenue ringing in his ears.

In an instant, all the experiences from childhood to adulthood flashed through Taiyi Shen's mind.

When he opened his eyes ignorantly, he was taken back to the door by his master.

The first time he performed the Yin Yang family's magic, it shocked the entire school, and he was regarded by his ancestor as a descendant of the Yin Yang family.

From then on, he received the resources of the entire division and was carefully trained by many division commanders.

Soon, as the young Taiyi Shen grew up, his magic skills became more and more advanced.
Until he became the leader of the Yin Yang family.

Became the first emperor's guest and entered the Xuanji Pavilion.

In just a short moment, Taiyi God seemed to have completed the entire process from infancy to now.

I also completely saw my own heart.

(End of this chapter)

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