In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 261 Celestial Being’s Luxurious Weapon Warehouse!

Chapter 261 Celestial Being’s Luxurious Weapon Warehouse!
As soon as he finished speaking, Gongshuqiu was filled with a desire to explore things and reverence for heaven and man!

He strode forward towards the open hatch.

Behind him, Meng Tian, ​​Xunzi, Beimingzi, and Guiguzi hurriedly followed.

Several people stepped through the hatch one after another and entered the interior of this behemoth.

But suddenly, lights appeared in the dark interior, illuminating the entire interior!
Gong Shuqiu and the others were immediately shocked to the spot by the scenery inside this behemoth!
In the understanding of Gongshu Qiu and the others, the interior of this behemoth was like a strange cave.

The interior space looked very much like a living area, but there were things they couldn't understand.

Looking at the desk that seemed to be made of metal, green or blue light emerged from the pieces of glass inlaid inside.

Everyone was in a fog of confusion.

Seeing this strange interior scene, Meng Tian couldn't help but said:

"What are the things on those desks?"

"It's a bit like the internal mechanisms on an armored warship, but even on the entire armored warship, there are only one or two such mechanisms."

"How come these underwater artifacts are all this kind of mechanism with no apparent purpose?!"

Meng Tian's experience in exploring the land of gods, humans and miracles is also rich enough.

But this was the first time I saw such a strange scene.

Everything he could see was an existence that he couldn't understand.The only thing I can understand is probably the iron frame bed in the corner.
Meng Tian could understand that thing based on its appearance. He estimated that it was just for sleeping.

Xunzi, Beimingzi, and Guiguzi were all great sages in their respective schools, but they were confused looking at all the strange products in front of them.

Only a man who has been immersed in the exploration of objects all his life, and has done in-depth research on the armored warship Gongshuqiu, saw the scene in front of him and slowly said to everyone:

"This artifact can dive into the water and move, and the Great Way of Purifying Things it contains is far superior to that of the armored warship!"

"Because the operation is complicated, the number of these strange desk machines will naturally increase a lot!"

"Furthermore, if you want to drive such a behemoth to sneak in deep water."

"I dare to say for sure! The power source of this artifact is definitely not like an armored warship, which is completely driven by steam!"

After hearing Gong Shuqiu's words, everyone immediately realized that the underwater artifact they were in must be far more powerful than an armored warship!
Even the steam drive of the armored warship took them a lot of thinking to fully understand.

They are even more unable to understand the more advanced driving method in front of them.

Meng Tian looked at the lights embedded in the metal barrier, and his heart was full of surprise.

In his understanding, those eternal oil lamps in the land of gods and miracles were enough to transcend his imagination.

But the lights in front of me seem to be more mysterious than those oil lamps that will last forever!
The lights, which exuded a faint halo, were embedded in the metal wall and seemed to be covered with a lampshade made of colored glass.

Although they have not yet realized the power of this artifact, just looking at this extremely mysterious interior is enough to surprise Meng Tian and others.

Gong Shuqiu coughed lightly, walked slowly forward along the passage, and said:

"Let's not touch things randomly to avoid accidentally triggering any mechanism."

"First explore the inside of this artifact before making other plans."

Gongshu Qiu's words were unanimously nodded by everyone present.

Everyone used the lights on both sides of the passage to carefully look at the scene inside the artifact.

They discovered that the interior of the artifact was like a closely arranged attic.

Every space is extremely tightly arranged, and even some mechanical arrangements are extremely compact.

Obviously to maximize the use of space.There are cabins on both sides of the long and narrow passage, and there are iron doors outside.

Suddenly, Meng Tian saw a nameplate hanging on an iron door.

More importantly, he clearly recognized the two words on the nameplate!
The standard word "arsenal" made Mengtian's blood flow faster in an instant!

Meng Tian said excitedly:

"Guys! Look at that cabin!"

"That seems to be an arsenal! The place where heavenly beings store their weapons!"

As soon as Meng Tian said this, everyone hurried to the cabin with "Arsenal" written on it.

You Mengtian stretched out his trembling hands and gently pushed open the iron door.

Everyone glanced inside with gleaming eyes.

At just one glance, everyone stood stunned on the spot!

The next moment, everyone was excited!

As far as the eye can see, in this cabin, there are rows of weapons with a metallic luster!
In appearance, these weapons are very similar to firecrackers.

But whether it's the metallic luster emerging from the surface or the more exquisite details, it's clear that these unknown weapons are far more powerful than firecrackers!

Besides, if it can be placed inside such a huge thing that is beyond imagination, can it be just a firecracker?
Gong Shuqiu was trembling all over as he walked step by step towards the weapons arranged together.

When I touched it with my fingers slightly, I felt a chill that penetrated my skin.

Gongshu Qiu trembled and praised:
"A divine weapon! This must be a truly terrifying divine weapon left behind by the gods!"

Seeing Meng Tian's rough hands coming to touch these magic weapons.

Like a cat whose tail was stepped on, Gong Shuqiu quickly stood in front of Meng Tian and said excitedly:

"Wait a minute! These weapons are extremely delicate in structure. Don't touch them!"

"Lest you accidentally trigger the switches of these weapons."

Seeing Gong Shuqiu's reaction, Meng Tian retracted his hand angrily.

Gongshu Qiu said again:
"The situation here must be reported to His Majesty first before doing anything else!"

"Wait a moment, I will draw the outline of this weapon in detail and pass it along to Your Majesty!"

Within a few days, the important discovery of the Zheng Guo Canal was rushed to the hands of the First Emperor within [-] miles.

After reading the secret report, the First Emperor was completely shocked.

The First Emperor did not dwell too much on why the behemoth left by the heavenly being was activated.

After all, now that the immortal has appeared in the world, maybe the immortal is thousands of miles away and has activated the divine weapon.

What surprised the First Emperor the most was the sketches of weapons drawn by Gongshu Chou himself.

Judging from the external appearance, it looks exactly like those magical weapons recorded in fairy books that took people's heads thousands of feet away!

"Master indeed left an arsenal of weapons hidden in that behemoth!"

"Just these weapons discovered by Gong Shouqiu are enough to cause earth-shaking changes in the strength of the Qin army!"

"If the army of Great Qin could pass down this existence called a 'sniper rifle', how terrifying would it be?"

(End of this chapter)

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