In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 265: Could 'Hu' be referring to a person?

Chapter 265: Could 'Hu' be referring to a person?

Having said this, the old man commented on the two stunned rabbits:

"These two rabbits are fat enough. I think they can feed the three of us."

"You two, don't be stunned and follow us quickly."

Looking at the old man's back, the First Emperor and Li Si felt an extremely strange feeling in their hearts.

No matter how you look at it, this old man looks like an unborn saint, but he also reveals an extremely ordinary flavor.

Seeing the old man's back gradually retreating, the First Emperor and Li Si suppressed the complicated thoughts in their hearts and hurriedly lifted their heels.

at night.

In the courtyard of the old man's house, there was still the barbecue grill, and the aroma of meat was still astounding.

The three of them gathered around the charcoal fire. The First Emperor and Li Si looked at the sizzling and oily rabbit meat, and felt their appetites whetted in their stomachs!
The taste and aroma of rabbit meat are completely different from venison.

Because deer in the forest have to run for a long time, the proportion of lean meat in their bodies is much greater than fat.

When bitten into it, it is very chewy.

But also because of the dense texture of the meat, it is extremely difficult to taste.

As for hares, because of their living habits.The proportion of fat in the body is much higher than that of lean meat.

As long as it is grilled for a while, the "sizzling" sound of oil will continue to sound.

Coupled with the unknown spices sprinkled by the old man, the strange smell of meat made the First Emperor and Li Si salivate.

Although today's nobles all eat more venison.But as the First Emperor and Li Si, they could eat plump rabbit meat at any time.

But the crux of the problem is that the old man's wide variety of spices are not available elsewhere.

Everything you sprinkle on it will be mixed with the aroma of the meat.Grilled along with the surface of the meat, the small pieces of venison take on a red-gold color.

When the First Emperor took a bite, he almost swallowed his own tongue too.

The First Emperor only felt that the rabbit meat melted in his mouth and had no fishy smell like minced meat.

It deserves to be one of the best delicacies in the world.

While enjoying the meat, the old man also took out the wine he brewed.

A small bite of barbecue to fill your belly, plus a big sip of wine to stimulate.

Even though the First Emperor was the emperor who ruled the world, his beard was almost stained with grease at this moment.

Li Si, on the other hand, had received Confucian etiquette instruction since childhood.But the frequency of secretly taking meat skewers was even higher than that of the First Emperor.

Otherwise, the old man's cooking skills almost refreshed the understanding of the First Emperor and Li Si.

Before meeting the old man, they had never thought that meat could taste like this.

Immersed in the warm feeling all over his body, the First Emperor slowly leaned back on the chair and enjoyed the night breeze comfortably.

At this time, a shooting star streaked across the night sky.

The First Emperor couldn't help but feel moved, and said to the old man:

"Old man, have you ever heard that the stars in the sky can come to earth and be reincarnated as humans?"

Speaking of this, the First Emperor continued in a mysterious tone:
"I heard a secret!"

"It is rumored that a nine-wheeled disaster star has descended on the world, reincarnated as a human with destiny, and wants to subvert the current Daqin country!"

Hearing this, the old man raised his eyes and glanced at the First Emperor, then slowly took a sip of the wine and said:
"This statement is extremely ridiculous."

"If all the common people in the world can have enough food to eat and enough clothing for the winter."

"How can there be enough conditions for the nine-wheeled disaster star to subvert the country of Qin?"

"Destiny? Haha~~How can there be any destiny that can rival the public support of thousands of creatures in the world?"

"If the Great Qin State collapses, the cause of the disaster will definitely come from within!"

"It's not some illusory nine-wheeled disaster star, let alone the mysterious way of heaven!"

The old man's words were like a sharp sword, piercing directly into the chest of the First Emperor.Faced with such sharp words from the old man, the First Emperor could only smile awkwardly.

He wanted to make a few excuses, but he was afraid that his identity would be revealed.

Furthermore, after the First Emperor tasted it carefully, he felt that the old man's words made sense!

If the reincarnated person of the Nine-wheeled Disaster Star wants to overthrow the Qin Dynasty, he must rely on the support of the people of the world.

If the king is wise, there will be no chance for people to rebel!
If the king is dishonest
Before the Nine Disaster Stars can take action, people with intentions will naturally appear and hold high the banner of rebellion.

Thinking of this, another thing also came to the mind of the First Emperor.

The First Emperor spoke:

"Previously, there was a star in the sky that came to the earth!"

"It was later reported that there were actually mottos left on the meteorite!"

"It is inscribed on it, 'When the First Emperor died, the world was divided, and the one who destroyed Qin was Hu Ye.'"

“Aren’t these proverbs a warning from heaven and earth?”

"The First Emperor in the palace was afraid that the Qin State would be overthrown by the Hu people, so he sent a large army to directly exterminate the Hu people in the north."

"From this point of view, the theory of the nine-wheeled disaster star is indeed true."

The First Emperor talked about this matter in a roundabout way.

The old man did not defend himself directly, but a smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Looking seriously at the First Emperor who was trying his best to disguise his identity in front of him, he said calmly:

"Why the 'Hu' in Proverbs is a nation."

"And it can't be a name?"

"With Da Qin's current national strength, it is difficult for any powerful external force to overthrow this unified China."

"The danger of overturning can only come from within."

The old man's words were like a bolt of lightning flashing across the heart of the First Emperor.

The First Emperor was stunned on the spot.

He had previously thought that the word 'Hu' in Proverbs might be an allusion to a certain person.

But after much thought, the First Emperor couldn't accept that such a huge empire would fall into the hands of one person.

Therefore, the spearhead has always been pointed at the Hu tribe who were surrounded by wolves around Da Qin.

Only those barbaric nomads have enough ability to pose a threat to the country of Qin.

But later, from the fairy book, I learned about the Nine Disaster Stars.

Combined with Liu Bang, Xiang Yu and others, they all created a huge wave in Da Qin with one person.

However, it seems that he is protected by luck, and he can escape with a narrow escape every time.

Today, the two rebels who made the First Emperor fearful are still plotting to overthrow the Qin Dynasty.

These circumstances gradually led the First Emperor to believe that the 'Hu' mentioned in the proverbs was most likely referring to one person!
Moreover, it may be the most hidden existence among the Nine Disaster Stars!

Such a threat could not help the First Emperor not paying attention!
With the old man's words, the First Emperor's heart seemed to be covered with a layer of haze, and he kept thinking about the characters related to 'Hu'.

After returning to Zhangtai Palace.

The First Emperor was still thinking about the old man's words in his mind.

At the same time, I was also secretly thinking about someone who could be connected with 'Hu'.

After thinking for a while, the First Emperor looked at Li Si and said:

"Li Si, do you think the 'Hu' mentioned in the proverb really refers to a certain person in Da Qin, as the old man said?"

(End of this chapter)

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