In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 269 Zhao Gao is the instigator of calling a deer a horse!

Chapter 269 The originator of calling a deer a horse—Zhao Gao!
After hearing Ying Zheng's words, Chen Mu simply stopped hiding his identity.

The wrinkles on his face disappeared bit by bit, and the white hair on his head turned black in an instant.

An ordinary person's patchwork peasant uniform was transformed into a snow-white dress in the blink of an eye.

Chen Mu's true face was revealed in front of the First Emperor and Li Si.

When Li Si saw the heavenly being reveal his true form, he immediately fell to his knees.

Just like in ancient times, the Chinese people worshiped gods and offered the highest faith to heaven and man.

Seeing this, Chen Mu nodded lightly.

Whether it was the First Emperor who was performing the disciple ceremony, or Li Si who was bowing to the ground in worship, they were all lifted up to their original position by a force like a warm cloud.

Chen Mu looked at Ying Zheng, his eyes filled with joyful and complicated expressions, and he slowly said:

"As a teacher, I hide my identity for good reasons."

"Little Ying Zheng, you have grown up and are the emperor who unified China."

"Don't make any feminine gestures."

Hearing what his master said, the First Emperor quickly held back the tears that were about to fall from his eyes.

After wiping, although the First Emperor no longer looked like he was about to cry, his eyes were still red.

Seeing his mentor again, the emotions in the Emperor's heart were like turbulence in the water. It took a lot of effort to suppress his excitement.

When he was young, the First Emperor never thought that his master might be an eternal god.

In the process of getting along with each other as both master and father, the First Emperor had long accumulated a friendship with his master that he would never let go of.

Chen Mu looked at the excited Ying Zheng and Li Si who was so nervous that he didn't know how to deal with himself. He pointed to the chair next to him and said:
"Sit down and talk. I know there are many doubts in your heart."

"Now that I have revealed my true form in front of you, if you have any difficulties, feel free to tell me."

"Those who can intervene as a teacher will definitely help you."

"If I can't help but go around in a circle, I'll be able to help you."

After hearing his mentor's words, the First Emperor quickly asked the most puzzling question in his heart:
"Master, who does the phrase 'Hu who destroyed Qin' you left behind refer to?"

"And the story about 'turning a deer into a horse', is this what will definitely happen after the Second Emperor of Qin comes to power?"

These two things are related to the safety of Da Qin Sheji.

It was also the most worrying thing in the heart of the First Emperor.

He didn't know whether making Fusu the crown prince would save Da Qin from misfortune.

Facing Ying Zheng's doubtful eyes, Chen Mu nodded slowly and said:

"If we follow the established trajectory, the current Great Qin will indeed perish in the second generation!"

"And after your death, the second person to succeed the Emperor of Qin will be your son Hu Hai."

"As for the story of 'turning a deer into a horse', you must have known it yourself."

"Zhao Gao has such a great influence on Hu Hai, but Hu Hai doesn't have any skills as an emperor."

"After Hu Hai takes the position of Emperor of Qin, the court will almost become Zhao Gao's hall of speech!"

"It's not surprising that people are mistaking a deer for a horse."

After hearing the affirmative reply from my mentor.

The First Emperor was shocked, and his suspicions were confirmed by his mentor.The horror in the heart of the First Emperor can be imagined.

His own son turned out to be the cause of the destruction of Great Qin!
And Zhao Gao, who had always trusted him since he returned to Qin, actually bullied the royal family and brought disaster to the world after his death.

The First Emperor clenched his teeth tightly, knowing that the Great Qin he had worked so hard to build would be destroyed in the future at the hands of his own flesh and blood and his closest servants.The murderous intention in the First Emperor's heart seemed to have turned into a poisonous snake, constantly shuttling through his body.The First Emperor took a deep breath, suppressed the restless murderous intention in his heart, and said to Chen Mu:

"Presumably Hu Hai and Zhao Gao are also the two reincarnations of the Nine Disaster Stars."

"Disciple Keke still has something unknown!"

"Even if Zhao Gao is so ambitious, my disciple is determined not to pass the throne to Hu Hai!"

"Why. Why did Master predict that the throne of Great Qin would fall to Hu Hai?!"

This is something that the First Emperor has always been unable to figure out.

Even if something happens to Young Master Fusu, Young Master Gao and General Lu will still be there.

Even if the master didn't leave any words of wisdom, when choosing his successor, he wouldn't have chosen an incompetent prince like Hu Hai.

Looking at Ying Zheng who was in doubt.

Chen Mu glanced at Li Si with a half-smile. With just this look, Li Si felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. Everything in front of him seemed to have stopped, and even his breathing was subconsciously held.

Chen Mu spoke to Ying Zheng again and said:
"If you were still here, it would be impossible for Hu Hai to take over."

"But what if it was you who died unexpectedly?"

"Then Zhao Gao originally came from the Zhao royal family. He is also the last member of the Zhao royal family, and he holds the 'Yellow Spring' in his hands."

"When you die in the hands of the assassins he sends, Zhao Gao's power at that time will be enough to control the important officials in the court!"

"When the time comes, it will be possible to fake the imperial edict and help Hu Hai ascend to power."

After Chen Mu finished speaking.

Li Si seemed to have completely lost his strength, his whole body seemed to have been ripped away from the bones, and his face was pale, with no energy at all.

As for the First Emperor, thinking that he might be ruined in the hands of Zhao Gao, he clenched his teeth and almost broke the entire back alveolus.

The anger in his heart almost turned into a wild beast and swallowed him up.

After knowing Zhao Gao's true identity, the First Emperor realized that he had been trusting a poisonous snake for decades!
A poisonous snake that wants to take his life at any time!
"Zhao Gao!!! Thief!"

"I wish I could chew your flesh and drink your blood!"

The First Emperor clenched his fists so tightly that even his nails dug into his flesh without even realizing it.

With the intention of killing Zhao Gao in his heart, the First Emperor wished he could return to the palace now.

"Master! Zhao Gao is a scourge to the world."

"This disciple can't bear it anymore and wants to get rid of this beast immediately."

"Master, since you have appeared, why not just sit in the palace? The disciple has already ordered people to build the Dengtian Pavilion, just to wait for the master to come."

In response to Ying Zheng's warm invitation, Chen Mu slowly shook his head.

He opened his mouth and said:

"As a teacher, I have become accustomed to this kind of pastoral life, and I can't live a life of shelving it on the shelf."

"Besides, I still have a lot of important things to do as a teacher. For the time being, it is inconvenient to set foot in the palace."

"If you have a problem that you can't solve, you can come here to find a teacher."

Seeing that his mentor really had no intention of entering the palace, the First Emperor stopped trying to persuade him.

After respectfully bidding farewell to his master, the First Emperor took Li Si and rushed to the palace as quickly as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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