Chapter 275 Kill!Not one left!
The dragon flag fluttered like clouds, like a tide, heading towards the Shura field on the river bank.

The moment this flag appeared, everyone in the Shura Field became numb and froze on the spot.

Xiang Yu's blood-stained face gradually showed a sad smile mixed with relief.

And in Liu Bang's empty eyes, a look of deep horror slowly brewed.

When Wang Jian led the Qin Dynasty's [-] warriors to appear, the Shura field where Liu Bang and Xiang Yu strangled them completely came to an end.

Xiang Yu, who was seriously injured, had no chance of escaping from the Skynet composed of [-] Great Qin warriors!
Liu Bang, with only [-] exhausted troops left, was unable to fight against the Qin army with full combat power.

When Wang Jian led [-] Qin soldiers, he stretched out his butcher knife.

Liu Bang and these old people from the Chu Kingdom ushered in their final ending.

This fight didn't last long.

Facing the Qin army with excellent armors everywhere they look, no force in the world can compete!
One hundred thousand Qin soldiers directly blocked all escape routes.

A massacre was staged in this Shura field.

On the river bank, the smell of blood became more intense.
rainy night.

Da Qin territory, Julu County, the hometown of Zhao State.

After the State of Zhao was overthrown by Da Qin, all the once prosperous capitals of Zhao State were hung with the flag of Da Qin.

The people of Zhao State here also quickly accepted the life ruled by Da Qin.

In the prosperous market of Julu County, many religions and schools inevitably appeared.

Or they were gangsters who fled here from other places, or they were bullies who originally grew up in the streets.

But among these many dark forces, the strongest is undoubtedly the underworld.

I don’t know exactly when the Black Street existed. When the group of murderers under the banner of the Black Street appeared, almost all the underground forces in Julu County were integrated by the Black Street.

In all the business of chickens and dogs and thieves, if there is no nod from the people on the underworld, even those who lick blood from the edge of a knife will definitely be floating in the river the next day.

The Black Street has now become the uncrowned king of the underground forces in Julu County by relying on the terror that makes countless gangsters tremble!
And the reason why behemoths like Black Street have not been wiped out by the official uniforms of the Great Qin court for so long.

It's all because of the underworld's extremely smooth style.

For the gray business, everyone will contribute part of it to the top.He also used ruthless means to maintain the stability of the underground forces.Let those who lick blood from the edge of a knife not go too far beyond the bottom line of human nature.

From a certain perspective, the black street can be regarded as regulating the behavior of black forces.

Therefore, wandering in the dark streets of the dark night can exist for such a long time.

But what is not well known is that the inside of the black street is actually the headquarters of the "Yellow Spring" organization.

It is the final place of refuge left by Zhao Gao.

After Zhao Gao ascended to a high position, he deliberately separated a small group of elite troops from the "Yellow Spring" and established a black street in Zhao's former homeland.

In this way, he hides himself from the eyes and ears of others and develops in secret, which is also used as his last means of protection.

After escaping from Xianyang, Zhao Gao moved around and came to Julu County, hiding in the dark streets.

At this moment, there were dark clouds over the black street, and thin electric snakes surged in the dark clouds from time to time.

Zhao Gao, who was in the main altar deep in the dark street, was cast into a large shadow by the lightning in the sky.

Now Zhao Gao, after breaking away from his identity as the order of the CRRC, has truly returned to what he should be like as the King of Underworld!

All around him are his last trump cards!

Every subordinate is an executioner who has killed countless people.

Zhao Gao's eyes were full of the most intuitive evil in human beings.

Although the arrangement in Da Qin for decades was completely destroyed in one day.But the anger in Zhao Gao's heart to destroy the Qin Dynasty has never been extinguished from the beginning to the end!
"Ying Zheng! Just wait for me!"

"I will not let Da Qin go! You are a wise king, but I don't believe your son is the same!"

"On the day you die, I, Zhao Gao, will definitely eat away at the world you have united!"

"Let all the Qin people in the world become slaves of our Zhao country!!!"

There was thunder in the sky, and there seemed to be a poisonous snake in Zhao Gao's chest, roaring continuously.

The malice emanating from the whole person even made the men around him feel a bone-chilling chill.Beyond the dark streets.

Zhang Han, wearing a black hat and carrying a steel knife at his waist, slowly walked to this sinful place.

Behind him, followed the entire Black Ice Platform.

Like rows of silent tombstones, they stood behind him.

Since the last order from the First Emperor, the huge Black Ice Platform has been concentrating on one thing, and that is to kill the escaped Zhao Gao!
Black Ice Platform was originally the most powerful espionage organization in the hands of the First Emperor.

Relying on the authority of the emperor, the roots of Black Ice Platform have already penetrated all the lands of Great Qin.

The existence of the Black Street is naturally also registered in the Black Ice Platform.

When the entire Black Ice Platform began to investigate the traces of Zhao Gao.

Zhang Han suddenly discovered that this dark street in the dark side of Julu County turned out to be Zhao Gao's secret stronghold!
Following the clues, Zhang Han came directly to this place.

And along with Zhang Han came all the martial arts masters from Black Ice Platform!
Zhang Han felt deeply guilty for letting Zhao Gao escape from Xianyang last time.

Therefore, in order to completely cut off all escape routes for Zhao Gao this time, Zhang Han directly brought the entire Black Ice Platform with him.

The people on the Black Ice Platform followed Zhang Han, like ghost soldiers walking in the dark, slowly walking towards the black street.

The soles of the shoes stepped into the puddles, and there was a dull "ta-da" sound.

It's like hitting someone's heart.

The continuous drizzle above the black sky seemed unable to conceal the murderous intent of this group of people.

"Hey! What do you do!"

"This is a dark street!"

"It's not something that idlers can get close to!"

Two rough and strong men, holding two big knives, stopped in front of Zhang Han, who was wearing a raincoat.

Zhang Han stopped, like Yama in the dark night.


A bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the dark streets.

The nearly a thousand Black Ice Platform killers behind Zhang Han were all illuminated for a moment.

Those rows were as silent as tombstones, blocking everything the two strong men were going to say next.

The two strong men looked at this large group of figures, and an icy chill gradually filled their hearts.

With their pupils narrowed, they also realized that the person who came was evil.

Just when he was about to turn around and run away.

A flash of sword light, brighter than the electric light, flashed across the necks of the two men.

Two heads full of fear rolled on the rain-filled street.

A winding stream of blood flowed out from the broken part of the neck, like a red python.
"Enemy attack!!!"

"There are enemies!!!"

After the two strong men were dismembered, the other gangsters on the underworld immediately screamed loudly.

The entire black street was in motion in an instant.

All the murderers in the underworld, including the killers from Huangquan, all came out.

The soldiers were ready to watch, looking at this group of uninvited guests who were even colder than them.

Zhang Han slowly took off the bamboo hat on his head, and his fighting spirit suddenly burst out. His raincoat spread out, revealing the armor representing Great Qin inside!

The steel knife pointed directly at Zhao Gao's minions and said coldly:

"Leave no one alive!"

(End of this chapter)

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