In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 40 Heaven teaches disciples 2, all have the power to change the world! ! !

Chapter 40: Twelve disciples taught by heavenly beings, all of whom have the power to change the world! ! !
Mohist general forum.

In order to completely overthrow the rule of the Qin Empire, Juzi sent countless spies to travel throughout the Qin Dynasty.

As all these spies returned, they also brought countless news about Da Qin to the Mo family.

When Juzi heard about it, the First Emperor obtained the fairy book left by heaven and man in the palace of heaven, man and earth.

Under Li Si's lobbying, the Gongshu family surrendered to the Qin Dynasty.

In addition, miracles of gods and humans appeared frequently in various places, and they all fell into the hands of Da Qin.

There was an extremely dignified look on the giant's face.

He never expected that miracles from heaven and humans would appear so frequently.

This situation undoubtedly proves that heavenly beings are about to enter the world!

Robber Shi frowned and shouted loudly:

"Oops! Now the world is almost entirely under the control of Bao Qin."

"Now, miracles of heaven and man appear frequently, and the legacy of heaven and man has been snatched away by Ying Zheng!"

Stealing Stone's words seemed to ignite the atmosphere in the room instantly.

The leaders of the Mo family all showed extremely solemn expressions.

Master Ban said after careful consideration:

"In my opinion, I'm afraid it's not that far!"

"Last time, you took the white tiger, the sacred beast of mechanism, to sneak attack the army led by Wang Jian."

"I'm afraid it has aroused the First Emperor's murderous intention towards our Mo family."

"That's why I sent Li Si to persuade the losers to join the Qin Dynasty."

"I know a little bit about the character of Gong Shuqiu. Although he competes with me, the Mo family, for the top position in the secret arts, he will never rely on the power of Great Qin."

"If Li Si can persuade the public to lose his hatred, he will only bring out those terrifying creations of heaven and man."

Master Ben said this.

In an instant, all the worries in Juzi's heart were aroused to the greatest extent!

The giant was shocked and said:
"No! Those heavenly creations must not fall into the hands of Ying Zheng!"

As the leader of the Mo family, Ju Zi naturally knows how terrifying the creations of heaven and man are!
If among those celestial artifacts obtained by Da Qin, there are terrifying weapons such as the Divine Punishment Yinghuo.

With the cruel character of the First Emperor, he might wipe out half of the land of China at some point.

In the process of Da Qin conquering the Six Kingdoms, Juzi had already seen through the character of the First Emperor.

He is definitely a brutal king who kills decisively!

As long as there is a slight voice of opposition, the family will be confiscated and exterminated!

Such cruel methods are completely contrary to the free thought of "a hundred schools of thought contend and ten thousand trees bloom".

Therefore, the Mohist family has always had a vague intention to oppose Qin.

It's just that the Qin Dynasty is so powerful that the Mo family has never been able to find a chance to take action.

Nowadays, heavenly beings and miracles appear frequently, if the Mohist family doesn't take action.

I'm afraid that after Da Qin digests those terrifying heavenly artifacts, its strength will become so strong that it can't be shaken at all!

"Everyone, we can no longer respond with such appeasement!"

"We must take steps to actively contact all anti-Qin forces!"

Under the order of Juzi, the leaders of the Mohist family dispersed with their respective tasks.

Carry out a series of activities against the Qin Dynasty.

Juzi looked at the departing figures of the leaders of the Mo family, and could not calm down for a long time.

After Juzi wanted to come, the Mohists became heavenly beings.

Those relics of gods and humans that exist in various places should belong to the Mohist family.

The giant concentrated for a moment until the place was empty.

He turned around and pressed a few secret switches on the wall behind.

The bluestone wall, which was originally a seamless structure, rumbled with a burst of amplified sound.

In an instant, the wall started from the middle and slowly cracked to both sides.

A secret passage appeared in front of the giant.

Juzi looked at the deep passage, raised his feet and walked in.

When Ju Zi's entire body entered the passage.There was a burst of machine expansion, and the wall closed again.

The giant came to the Mo family's secret place.

Here, the biggest secret of the Mo family is buried!

Only the great masters of Mohism in the past dynasties can enter it.

Juzi stared at the various deeds of heaven and humans depicted on the wall, and a complex emotion arose in his heart.

"One hundred schools of thought" is just a title, it does not really mean that there are only one hundred schools of thought.

When the gods were walking in the world, they only accepted 12 disciples.

But as time went by, the legacy left by those twelve outstanding figures gradually became more and more fragmented.

For example, the Taoist sect left by the Taoist ancestors is divided into three branches: the Yin Yang family, the Tian sect, and the human sect.

All the deities learned throughout their lives were taught to their twelve disciples.And he left some words, if the twelve disciples join forces, they can have the power to change the world!
Therefore, the gods can safely disappear from the world.

Juzi inherited the ideas of Mohism. In his understanding, the intention of heaven and man was for the twelve disciples to lead the world to future generations.

But now?

Since the First Emperor secured the throne of Qin, he has swept across the world!

An unprecedented unified regime was established!
Now, all the land of China belongs to Great Qin!
Where are the descendants of the Twelve Disciples?

Some of them watched silently, and some even joined the violent Qin Dynasty, colluded with Ying Zheng, and shared the glory of the world!
They can be so indulgent!

You can abandon the responsibilities of your ancestors!

But not the Mo family!
At this moment, a bright light burst out from the giant's eyes.

"Now, the gods are about to appear!"

"I, the contemporary giant of the Mohist family, will definitely overthrow the violent Qin!"

"Create a free world that welcomes heaven and humans!"

In the mines in the land of Bashu.

Wang Ben took his soldiers and walked around the entire mine.

Countless dragon skeleton fossils were found buried deep here, and one's mind had long been stimulated by the huge dragon corpse to be strong enough.

Even the soldiers under his command have a hint of a warrior spirit.

For them, this exploration of the mine was almost a bloody battle.

The mental endurance has been fully strengthened.

After all, they had seen battlefields with tens of thousands of corpses and rivers of blood.

How many people in this world have seen this dark scene of countless huge dragon corpses gathered together?

After exploring the surrounding environment, Wang Ben discovered that this underground river seemed to be directly connected to the ground.

It's just that the mine is too long, and Wang Ben is wondering whether to continue exploring.

Then I received an urgent summons from Xianyang from Babaili.

From the Emperor's decree sent by the soldiers, Wang Ben understood the correct use of armored warships.

What made Wang Ben even more excited was that the coal mentioned in the imperial edict seemed to be the black stones neatly stacked next to the armored warship!
In an instant, Wang Ben still had the intention to continue exploring along the river.

Wouldn't it be nice to sail on a large river in an armored warship?
Wang Ben immediately led his soldiers back to the side of the armored warship.

First, he ordered people to move out some black stones that were suspected of being coal.

Place a torch on it and try to light it to verify.


Not long after the torch was placed on the black stones, the entire pile of black stones immediately burned!
Judging from the burning efficiency, a small pile of black stones can burn for most of the night!

"This is definitely coal!"

"Haha! God bless me, Great Qin!"

"This armored warship will become the sacred weapon of my country, Great Qin, from now on!"

"And I, Wang Ben, will be the first person to ride on this artifact!"

After Wang Ben got over his excitement, he immediately arranged for the soldiers to board the armored warship.

Familiar with the armored warship, one should operate the project.

After finding the helm that controls the warship and the burning boiler that provides the power source.

Wang Ben ordered people to fill the boiler with river water.

Under the boiler, there is a pile of coal.

Wang Ben also discovered that this iron-framed warship seemed to be deliberately parked on the bank of the river.

The bottom of the warship is full of thick logs, and you only need to cut the ropes tied at the ends.

As the logs roll, they will carry a huge armored warship floating on the river.

"This must be a deliberate arrangement by heaven!"

"We are just waiting for our future generations to let this behemoth of the sea reappear in the world!"

In the darkness, Wang Ben's eyes were so excited that they shone brightly.

He also ordered the soldiers to carry some ice crystals and dragon bones to the warship.

After everything was ready, Wang Ben gave the order.

The ropes tied up with the logs were cut, and the huge iron-armored warship slowly moved onto the river as the logs underneath rolled.

The coal under the boiler has been completely ignited.

As the boiling water vapor provided power, the propeller under the armored warship began to rotate violently!

Feel the iron frame warship sailing on the river.

Wang Ben was filled with great pride in an instant!

Facing the breeze, I just want to roar three times!

When he thought that he would reach Xianyang via this waterway, Wang Ben's excited heart almost burst out of his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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