In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 53 In front of heaven and man, the great sages in this world are just students!

Chapter 53 In front of heaven and man, the great sages in this world are just students!

The next day.

Three great sages, Beimingzi, Guiguzi and Xunzi, arrived in Xianyang.

Along the way, they did not conceal their behavior at all.

These people are all highly educated people in the world, and they almost represent the pinnacle of hundreds of schools of thought.

All the forces in the world looked at these three great sages with special attention.

The Mohist giant stood on a high mountain dozens of miles away from Xianyang.

I heard that these three great sages entered Xianyang City in a fair and upright manner.

The giant's mood was very different.

In Juzi's view, Bei Mingzi, Guiguzi, and Xunzi entered Xianyang this time, probably because they couldn't sit still because of the many gods, humans, and gods in the world.

It is very likely that the relationship with the Great Qin Empire will be reconciled because of the artifact.

But what about the Mo family?

Since the last time I took action to snatch Yinghuo Star in the wilderness of Dongjun.

The Moh family has completely stood on the opposite side of Da Qin.

Under such a situation, if the Taoists, Strategists, and Confucians all choose to side with Da Qin.

How could the impregnable Great Qin Empire be overthrown by the Mohists and the remnants of the Six Kingdoms alone?
In an instant, the Mohist giant's face showed an extremely solemn look.

He thought quickly in his mind, which other force in the world could protect and help the Mo family to fight against the Qin Dynasty.

As the prime minister of the Qin Dynasty, Li Si heard that Xunzi was about to enter Xianyang City.

He quickly packed up his clothes and hurried to the gate of Xianyang City.

After all, it is well known throughout the world that he once studied under Xunzi.

If he didn't make this gesture of respect, he might leave a scandal to the world.

In this era, the ideological requirements for respecting teachers and respecting morality are second only to loyalty to the emperor and patriotism.

If you are not respectful enough to your respected master, all the learned people in the world will lose their respect for themselves.

Li Si was at the gate of the city. Although there were many servants behind him, the majesty of the Prime Minister of Qin was clearly displayed.

But Li Si's mood was extremely uneasy.

Staring at the road in the distance, there was a complex meaning on his face.

I hope I can face Xunzi’s accusations as soon as possible.

He was also afraid that Xunzi would be angry and unkind.

In Li Si's complicated expression, Xunzi's figure finally appeared on the avenue outside Xianyang City.

Xunzi was dressed in a white Confucian robe, with his white hair tied back. Although he was old, his eyes were still full of energy.

When walking, the pace is steady.

When Li Si saw it, he felt like he was back in his youth, when he was studying under Xunzi.

At that time, Han Fei was still alive. Although the two often argued over their respective incomes, they never hurt their friendship.

Those years were also a key point in Li Si's growth and transformation.

It was precisely because of Xunzi's sincere teachings that Li Si grew from a white man to the Prime Minister of Qin today.

Now that I think about it, everything that happened during those years seems like it happened yesterday.
It's a pity that if Li Si wants to show off his gains and spread his ideas in Daqin, Han Fei is the one he has to get rid of!
Li Si felt guilty about Han Fei, but he had no regrets!

Regarding Xunzi, Li Si didn't know how to face it.

Beside Xunzi, there were Beimingzi and Guiguzi, two great sages from the Tianzong and Zongheng families.

The three of them came to Xianyang with the same purpose, so they walked together on the road into the city.

In their words, the three of them all revealed their piety towards heaven, humans and gods, as well as their expectations for heaven and earth's imminent entry into the world.

The figures of the three of them were getting closer and closer.

Li Si stepped forward to greet him with an uneasy mood.

First, he faced Xunzi, performed a disciple salute meticulously, and said respectfully: "Master Xunzi, I heard that the master is coming to Xianyang, and I have been waiting here for a long time."

"The disciples have made arrangements in Yiying's mansion."

Li Si's words were respectful and clear.

But his face was slightly drooped, for fear of seeing the expression on Xunzi's face.

In the chest, the heart beat three minutes faster.

As the prime minister of the Qin Dynasty, he greeted Xunzi with such an attitude. Even if Xunzi had been Li Si's teacher, it was still polite enough.

But Xunzi turned a deaf ear to Li Si's respectful words.

Even the conversation with Bei Mingzi and Guiguzi stopped in an instant.

Li Si felt Xunzi's eyes fall on him.

He closed his eyes slightly, preparing for Xunzi's thunderous questioning.

But who would have expected that Xunzi would act as if Li Si didn't exist at all, moving his steps lightly, he would pass by Li Si.

Li Si, who had been bowing in salute, smiled awkwardly.

Xunzi's attitude made Li Si even more determined. The master must be blaming himself and using power to assassinate Han Fei.

The bitterness in my heart is only written on my face.

Li Si thought so, but Xunzi did not deliberately ignore him because he blamed Li Si.

It's just that Xunzi wanted to see the mysteries of heaven, humans and gods as soon as possible, and he didn't want to question Li Si at the gate of the city for murdering his fellow disciples.

In Xunzi's view, Han Fei was the most talented person in his sect.

But his thoughts and ideas are not necessarily in line with this era.

Li Si used Machiavellian tactics to make Han Fei take the blame. Although the methods were a bit harsher, it was impossible to say who was right and who was wrong.

Just because of the two ideas, only one kind can exist in the land of Da Qin.

Li Si could make Han Fei die, maybe it was because the First Emperor chose Li Si.

Although Han Fei's death cannot be entirely blamed on Li Si alone.But after that incident, Xunzi disliked Li Si.

Although Xunzi ignored Li Si's words, Beimingzi and Guiguzi, who were traveling with him, could not be so pretentious.

Li Si was greeted with a smile.

After all, Li Si was the leader of the civil servants of the Qin Dynasty, and unlike Xunzi, they did not have the same relationship with Li Si as a preacher.

Naturally, it is impossible to turn a blind eye to it.

With a smile on his face, Bei Mingzi slowly said to Li Si:

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, I would like to welcome you."

"I'm going to make a lot of noise when I come to Xianyang this time."

Li Si had already suppressed the bitterness in his heart, and after hearing this, he said to Bei Mingzi:

"Senior is a great sage of the Tianzong. Our Great Qin has always adhered to the policy of preferential treatment for educated people."

"Now that human miracles are appearing one after another, it is time for people like Senior to study and discuss them together."

"Senior comes to Xianyang, and I, the Prime Minister, naturally need to welcome him."

After getting rid of the guilt for Xunzi in his heart, Li Si immediately recovered and became the prime minister of Da Qin who guided the situation.

Li Si naturally knew that many great sages came to Xianyang City to see the gods, humans and gods.

In his words, there was an intention to invite many great sages to join the Great Qin Empire, using heaven, humans and gods as a guide.

Sure enough, Bei Mingzi and Gui Guzi's eyes lit up immediately when they heard Li Si's words.

Guiguzi couldn't help but said:

"Nowadays, there are so many miraculous places in the world that we can all handle them."

"I don't know, what kind of celestial beings and gods did Da Qin obtain?"

(End of this chapter)

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