In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 55: Use heaven and earth as a chessboard, and all living beings as chess pieces!

Chapter 55: Use heaven and earth as a chessboard, and all living beings as chess pieces!

For a time, the three of them felt more and more that they had come to Xianyang City at the right time!
After Li Si finished speaking, everyone arrived at their destination.

Li Si sent the three people who were still meditating into the prepared mansion.

Bei Mingzi and Guiguzi both expressed their thanks.

Only Xunzi still ignored Li Si at all.

Jean Deli Si could only smile bitterly.

The next day.

Above the court hall, civil and military officials were arranged on the left and right.

After the First Emperor's summons, three great sages, Beimingzi, Guiguzi, and Xunzi, entered the court.

Although the three of them are the highest-ranking people in their respective families, they also have great reputations in the world.

But facing the First Emperor, who held the power of the emperor, he still bowed respectfully.

The First Emperor looked at the three great sages and said kindly:

"Since the three of you are heavenly beings, you don't need to be so polite."

"I believe that through Li Si's words, you already know about the many heavenly beings and divine objects that our Great Qin has obtained."

"The majesty of heaven and man makes everyone feel awe at all times."

"Since the three of you are heavenly beings, I wonder if there are any records of heavenly beings in the ancient books left by the ancestors of your three families?"

Bei Mingzi, Guiguzi, and Xunzi heard this and exchanged glances with each other.

Bei Mingzi was the first to speak, telling Taoist records.

"I, the founder of Taoism, Lao Tzu, once followed heaven and humans in ancient times."

"The gods often take the ancestors with them to observe the transformation of heaven and earth on the bluestone on the top of the mountain."

"The gods once said that whether it is thunder, ice, or breeze, it is just a regular change of nature."

"Even if the sky breaks apart and the earth collapses, and everything dies, these are the different postures of nature in the long river of time."

"In this understanding of nature, Taoist ancestors realized that all things and all laws are in Tao."

"Based on Taoism and nature, we have created various inheritance methods of Taoism."

Bei Mingzi narrated the past events of Taoist ancestors following heavenly beings.

All the civil and military officials were mesmerized by this, which is a way of understanding the great truth between heaven, earth and nature.

For everyone, it is too mysterious and too imaginary.

Although they didn't understand it very well, it didn't stop them from expressing their shock.

The First Emperor had practiced the magic of immortality left by heavenly beings, and knew that the supernatural powers possessed by heavenly beings were beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Even teaching disciples is done in such a mysterious and unpredictable way.

For a moment, the First Emperor felt an unknown sense of severity.

Bei Mingzi continued:

"After that, Tianren took Dao Ancestor and saw the strange monsters in the world."

"According to Taoist ancestors' records in ancient books, in ancient times, suddenly many monsters descended on the entire earth."

"In the end, it was the heavenly beings who took action to eliminate the world-destroying disaster."

"It's just that some of the more special alien species have been sealed by heavenly beings."

"Daozu saw with his own eyes that those monsters that did not exist in this world quickly adapted to various environments in a very short period of time!"

"Celestial Being once said, if not for intelligence, these alien monsters are the most perfect creatures in nature."

"And the Taoist sage Zhuangzi understood a unique spiritual method, which is called the 'other-transformation method'!"

"Using a butterfly-shaped monster as the basis, I completely invaded the butterfly-shaped monster with my own spiritual thoughts, but this method cannot last long."

"In the old world, there are also allusions about 'Zhuang Zhou dreaming of butterflies'."

Speaking of this, Bei Mingzi sighed.

This is the case with the dispute between the Taoist Heavenly Sect and the Human Sect.

Tianzong adheres to the laws of Taoist ancestor Laozi, follows the path of nature, and the path of harmony between nature and man.

The Renzong believes in Zhuangzi and emphasizes that the body is the shackles of human beings. Only when the mind and thoughts in the heart are transformed into all things can we gain great freedom.

When Bei Mingzi told these Taoist past events, all the civil and military officials were completely shocked and speechless!

Everyone never expected that Taoist methods could be so mysterious!

He was able to temporarily seize the body of a monster with his strong mind!

How can such a weird magical power not shock everyone?
The First Emperor couldn't help but be shocked when he listened to Bei Mingzi's story.Sure enough, among the twelve disciples accepted by Heavenly Man, none of them were mediocre!

Then he thought of the twelve tokens left by the gods to his disciples, and then he said to Bei Mingzi:

"Where is the Taoist token that someone left for you that day?"

Hearing this, Beimingzi replied truthfully:

"My Tianzong has the Tai Chi Bagua Diagram, while the Yin Yang Fish falls into the hands of the Human Sect."

"Both these two tokens have mysterious and unpredictable powers!"

"My Taoist sages also evolved many great methods in it."

When the First Emperor heard this, he nodded slightly.

After knowing the whereabouts of these two tokens, they stopped looking for the past events of Tao Zong.

Then, the First Emperor turned his eyes to Gui Guzi, the counselor.

Guiguzi was swept away by the First Emperor's eyes and no longer covered anything.

The Strategist family is already thin, and it is Gui Guzi alone who can decide which path the sect will take.

Facing the First Emperor's eyes, Guiguzi slowly told the story of the strategist family's inheritance.

"Among the hundreds of disciples, I am the only one with the highest number, and I am the rarest in number."

"Although there are only two descendants in each generation, I can say that they are all outstanding figures in the world!"

As soon as Gui Guzi said this, everyone in the court nodded slowly.

In the Zongheng lineage, the two descendants of each generation have made huge waves in the world!
Even the most powerful Confucian school is far inferior to the political scholars in terms of the quality of its successors.

Listening to Guiguzi's words, the First Emperor also had traces of memories on his face.

Once upon a time, his swordsmanship instructor, the man with the title of Sword Saint of Great Qin, was also the successor of Zongjian of the Zongheng family.

However, after the First Emperor unified the land of China, the Great Qin Sword Master finally abandoned his past glory due to differences in his ideas.

At this moment, I don’t know where it is.
Immediately afterwards, Guiguzi's voice sounded again in the court:

"The reason why the number of people in my lineage is so thin is because of the way of inheritance."

"In the past, when the gods taught the ancestors, they used a chess method created by the gods themselves - chess!"

"After the gods explained the rules of chess to the ancestor, they asked the ancestor to move first with the red stones, while the gods used the black stones to attack behind."

"Under the intentional guidance of heaven and man, the founder understood the art of vertical and horizontal!"

"The chessboard pieces that the man used to teach the ancestors that day are the sacred objects passed down from generation to generation in my family."

"It's just that the avenues contained on that chessboard are too profound."

"I and other future generations have not been able to understand the true mystery of it after so many years."

"But these meager methods I have learned are enough for my political advisor to gain a foothold in this world."

When the First Emperor heard this, he immediately became interested.

He quickly asked Guiguzi:

"Then what outlines have you understood on the holy objects of gods and humans?"

Hearing this, Guiguzi slowly talked about his realization:
"The four directions of heaven and earth are chessboards, and all living things are chess pieces!"

When the First Emperor and all the civil and military officials heard this, they all looked extremely shocked!
Take the four directions of heaven and earth as a chessboard, and all living things as chess pieces.Is this just a trivial method?
How terrifying will the political strategist’s true avenue be?
For a time, everyone was caught in the inexplicable shock of the inheritance of the Strategist family, or the inheritance given to the Strategist family by heaven and man.

Beimingzi and Guiguzi respectively told some past events of the Taoist and Political Sects, and also took out the heavenly and human tokens they had inherited.

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on Xunzi.

Seeing this, Xunzi also stepped forward and told everyone:

"The token of heaven and man inherited by my Confucian school is the "Way of Whispering", which is a sword for beating, not a theory for discussion!"

As soon as Xunzi's words came out, all the civil and military officials were shocked and inexplicable.

Even the First Emperor looked at Xunzi with doubts on his face.

I don’t know when the "Analects of Confucius", regarded as the sacred text by students all over the world, became the "Wanyu".

Moreover, let’s just call it a slap in the face. Isn’t this classic written by Confucius’ disciples and recording what Confucius said?
How come it has become a token given to Confucianism by heaven and man?
Xunzi also saw the doubts on everyone's faces, so he continued:

"The Analects of Confucius left in the world is originally a modified version of the "Wanyu" passed down by heavenly beings."

"Actually, many of the sentences spoken in the voices of our ancestors are all famous words left to our ancestors by heavenly beings!"

""The Whispering Language" is not a classic book that guides people to do good and teaches people how to behave in the world."

"It's a secret book that inherits many Confucian martial arts!"

(End of this chapter)

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