In the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, my immortal diary was discovered

Chapter 80: The truth behind the sculptures of God’s Disciple 2! ! !

Chapter 80 The truth behind the twelve sculptures of heavenly beings teaching disciples! ! !
The First Emperor could not help but sigh:

"Perhaps it is through this way of traveling around the world in high altitudes that geniuses draw the map of the world."

Hearing the First Emperor's casual words, the white-haired old man was shocked!
His eyes were full of surprise and he looked at the First Emperor. After looking up and down carefully, he said after considering:

"Perhaps you are the destined person that heaven and man said."

The old man's words immediately made the First Emperor's heart skip a beat, and he quickly asked:

"Old man, why did you say that?"

"Could it be that heavenly beings have mentioned me before?"

Hearing this, the white-haired old man took a serious look at the First Emperor and said:
"If you are destined, please come with me."

"However, the two behind you still need to stay here."

After that, the old man took the First Emperor and rushed to the back mountain.

Li Si and Wang Ben, on the other hand, were waiting where they were, prompted by the Emperor's eyes.

On the side of the heavenly being's residence, there is a path hanging on the cliff. After passing this secret path, you will reach the back of the mountain top.

Because this trail is secretive enough and hangs on the cliff.When Wang Ben first arrived at the residence of heavenly beings, he did not find it here either.

When the First Emperor followed the old man and came to the back mountain.

But I discovered that there are also statues of heavenly beings here!
The face of the celestial being was also blurry.Around the statue of the heavenly man, there are also statues of the twelve disciples.

Is there another scene here where heaven teaches twelve disciples?
The situation in the back mountain aroused great doubts in the mind of the First Emperor.

He didn't know that the statues of humans teaching twelve disciples that day were purely made by future generations to pay homage to heavenly beings.Or this statue itself represents something.

I only heard the old man talking to the statue of the twelve disciples of heaven and man:

"Heaven teaches twelve disciples in order to educate the world!"

"Each disciple has different abilities, such as astronomy, medicine, planting, observing objects, etc."

"Almost all kinds of knowledge in the world are included in it."

When the First Emperor heard this, his face also showed admiration for heaven and man, and he sighed:

"God has such good intentions in giving us and other future generations such precious knowledge."

"Without this knowledge covering various fields, this world would definitely not be what it is today."

The old man also looked at the sculpture of the Twelve Disciples, and was stunned for a long time.

Then he explained:

"I just called you the destined one."

"It's because the gods once said that the map covers the whole world! Only the saints know its secrets!"

"And just now, when you proposed the map, your words were shocking. You must have understood its meaning."

"To obtain the map, you need to obtain the approval of heaven and man, so you can have this opportunity!"

The old man's words immediately made the First Emperor fall into a trance.

The First Emperor carefully savored what the old man said and thought of when he got the map of the world.The first reaction is to think about taking this map as a reference, acting like a king, and conquering this world!
Could it be that heaven and man also recognize the idea of ​​​​unification of the common people and feel that it is time for all human races in the world to become one country?
All of a sudden!The more the First Emperor thought this way, the more he felt that this map of the world was prepared by heaven and man for him!
I am exactly who the gods say I am, the one who is destined!

If this world map fell into the hands of ordinary people, it would probably be just an ordinary picture album.

But if it falls into my own hands, I can rely on the terrain depicted on the map to unify this world step by step!

This can be considered as making the best use of everything!
For a moment, the First Emperor felt a great sense of honor in his heart.

There is also a lot of pride in it.

Since the gods have chosen themselves as the human emperor to unify the world.

Wouldn't that further prove that my qualifications are far superior to those of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors in ancient times?
His title of 'Emperor' was indeed correct!After being shocked by the foresight of heaven and man, the First Emperor mentioned to the old man the giant golden and iron bird that soared ninety thousand miles.

"Old man, I don't know where the giant mechanical bird created by heaven is now."

"That mythical creation should not be buried in the dust of history."

"If that giant mechanical bird can be brought back to the world again, perhaps with the wisdom of future generations like us, we can mass-produce that giant mechanical bird."

"As long as it can achieve the original [-]/[-] effect, it will be enough to benefit people today."

Hearing this, the white-haired old man took a deep look at the First Emperor, and then said slowly:
"With the magical power of heaven and man, naturally we can't use that machine bird as a substitute."

"The purpose of creating this thing from the beginning was to let ancestor Fuxi understand the principle of 'applying what you have learned'."

"Later, I heard that the heavenly being passed the machine bird to one of the twelve disciples."

"However, I don't know exactly who it is."

When the First Emperor heard this, he immediately thought of Xunzi, Guiguzi, and Beimingzi.

They are all queens of heaven and humans, and they are all the helmsmen of their respective families.

If the heavenly beings left something divine to their ancestors, they must have known about it.

But after the First Emperor thought for a moment, he felt that it was unlikely to be them.

No matter Confucianism, Politicians, Tianzong, Yin-Yang, etc., they are not good at creating things through mechanisms.

There is no reason for such mysterious creations to be kept in their family.

Among hundreds of scholars, if we talk about the field of organ creation.
Only the Gongshu family, whose entire family defected to the Qin Dynasty, and the Mo family, who were committing great rebellion, were the best at this!
Could it be that the public lost their grudge and refused to avenge it?
Or is it that the Mo family is hiding these artifacts and is waiting for a critical moment to make a counterattack?

The First Emperor's eyes flashed and he suppressed all kinds of thoughts.I want to investigate the matter in detail after I come down from the mountain.

After clearing his mind, the First Emperor asked the most critical question of the trip.

He said to the old man:

"Old man, since you are always by the side of the abode of heavenly beings, do you know where the heavenly beings are now?"

Hearing this, the old man looked at the mist-shrouded mountains and slowly narrated:
"Every once in a while, heavenly beings will fall into a deep sleep."

"No one knows where the gods sleep, or even whether they sleep in this world."

"I only know that before the gods fall asleep, they will leave something behind in the world, or leave a part of their inheritance."

"After a while, the heavenly beings will wake up and rejoin the world, just to see the changes in this world."

"During the Shang Dynasty, the gods woke up. After leaving a hermitage here, the gods left again."

"Now, counting the time, it's time for the heavenly beings to wake up and enter the world again."

Hearing this, the First Emperor was shocked!
Although various deeds indicate that heavenly beings will re-enter the world in this era.

But I heard the same affirmative words from the direct descendants of the sage Fuxi.The First Emperor became more and more excited!
As long as the gods can wake up in this era, then he will definitely have the opportunity to see the majesty of the gods!

After being excited, the First Emperor asked again:
"Old man, in your opinion, if a heavenly being wakes up, where will he enter the world?"

"Is it to disappear and walk among all living beings, or is it to come directly to a place of inheritance in the world?"

As soon as the First Emperor said these words, the old man slowly narrated:

"After the gods wake up, they will enter the world where there are twelve statues of disciples."

"The meaning is that the gods are warning all disciples not to forget their original intentions and to benefit the world with the inherited knowledge."

"This is also what the gods specifically told before they fell asleep!"

As soon as the old man said this, the First Emperor was shocked!
(End of this chapter)

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