Chapter 1 Early Warning
Du Ruoli suddenly sat up from the bed, holding her chest and gasping for air.

For three days in a row, she had the same dream.

In the dream, a group of ragged people were walking in the wilderness, and were scolded and beaten by the accompanying officers and soldiers from time to time. It seemed that they were in exile.

The pregnant woman leaned on the thin girl, bleeding as she walked. The blood flowed down her thighs to the ground, forming long traces and attracting swarms of ants.

The girl knelt down and kowtowed to everyone, but she did not stop the team.Two days later, the mother gave birth to a baby girl with difficulty, but she was exhausted.

Before she died, she held the girl's hand tightly and said: "Lili, my mother's good daughter, my mother entrusted my sister to you, you must take her to live a good life..."

The girl took her sister with tears in her eyes, nodded heavily, and watched her mother close her eyes with peace of mind...

The dream was so clear, the thin girl seemed to be herself.Sad, sad, and angry emotions filled her heart, making her breathless.

Du Ruoli didn't know what was wrong with her, why did she empathize with the person in the dream so much?To get rid of this emotion, she got out of bed and went to the kitchen to find some water.

The lower part of her neck felt faintly hot. Du Ruoli stretched out her hand to hold the jade pendant she had worn since childhood, and suddenly felt earth-shaking.

The next second, she arrived at a thatched house.There are four thatched houses in total, each about fifty square meters.

Behind the thatched house is a field. It doesn't look too big, but the land is fertile and is made of fine black soil.

In front of the house is a yard with a well.The water in the well is so clear that you can see people's reflections.

Seeing this, what else does Du Ruoli not understand? There is a hidden space in the ancestral Jade Perry!

She quickly reached out and took a sip of water into her mouth, tasting it carefully.

The taste is similar to the mineral water you usually drink.

As for the effect, it has no effect other than quenching thirst.

Du Ruoli drank another handful without giving up, but the conclusion was still the same.

It seems that the water in her space is different from what is written in other novels. It does not have the effect of strengthening the body and curing all diseases.

But she is very, very good. She also has a house, land and a family!
Du Ruoli excitedly walked around the house and land, then relied on her feelings and said "come out" to find a way out.

The next moment, she appeared in her room.

Because she was afraid that it was an illusion, she experimented in and out several times to confirm that the space was real and to make the space habits clear.

I kept working on it until the next morning.

When it was time to get up, Du Ruoli called her best friend Zhou Mengjin and told her the good news: "Honey, I'm rich. I got a space for free. I have four rooms and five acres of land. Envy me!"

Zhou Mengjin was still dazed in bed. Hearing this, he became excited and said worriedly: "Baby, think about that dream of Tuogu. Are you afraid that you are going to time travel?"

After pouring a basin of cold water on her, Du Ruoli woke up from her ecstasy and quickly hung up the phone.

Time waits for no one. Regardless of whether she will travel through time or not, she must prepare quickly.She won't lose anything if she doesn't wear it, but if she does wear it, she will have nothing. Not to mention feeding the baby, she can't even feed herself.

The first step is to take inventory of the family property.Du Ruoli opened the bank APP and it showed that the balance was 50 yuan.

After working for seven years, she earned extra money while working. She lived in a dormitory provided by the company without having to pay rent. She was able to save the 50 yuan by frugally living and spending.

There are not many things added to the dormitory. In addition to various kitchen utensils, there are only a refrigerator, a freezer, a washing machine, a laptop, an iPad, and two mobile phones.

How can we make good use of these 50 yuan and these things?

Du Ruoli planned it in her mind and started to take action.

A full stomach comes first.

The food and meat at home are enough for her to eat for half a year, and there are also a lot of vegetables.To be on the safe side, add another [-] kilograms each of rice and flour, so that there is enough space to grow food.

Her best friend's family owns a food processing factory, and supplies are purchased centrally, which is cheaper than the wholesale market. Rice and noodles only cost two yuan a pound. She asks her best friend to buy them, and the expense is [-] yuan.

One thing doesn't bother the two masters. Since I'm shopping with my best friend, I can't just buy rice and noodles.Buy some salt, sugar, rock sugar, milk powder, eggs, butter, cream, cheese, cocoa powder, corn oil, olive oil, baking soda, yeast powder, edible alkali, etc.

Du Ruoli gave Zhou Mengjin a list and a transfer of 5 yuan, asking her to help prepare everything.

The clothes and scenes in the dream are ancient.In ancient times, cattle were not allowed to be slaughtered. Du Ruoli, a beef lover, placed an order for steak worth 1 yuan and yellow beef for [-] yuan.

The space has a freshness preservation function, so the beef will be fine if you don’t put it in the refrigerator.Du Ruoli bought another 2000 yuan for farmed chickens and ducks and 8000 yuan for prepared vegetables.

Delicatessen is indispensable.Du Ruoli came to the breakfast market downstairs. The market's beef noodles, rice rolls, steamed buns, glutinous rice, glutinous rice balls, fried dough sticks, sesame cakes, and pot helmets were all delicious. She also liked various meatballs, roast goose, and braised pork. of.She bought as she walked and sent them to the space while buying, spending a total of 5000 yuan.

Since there was a quest line, Du Ruoli went to the bookstore and bought a set of the most authoritative baby feeding books.According to what the book said, I ordered two sets of monk clothes, twenty cans of first-stage milk powder, twelve cans of second-stage milk powder, eight large and small bottles, two water cups, twenty packs of diapers, rice flour, puree, etc. box.I also ordered some baby clothes, quilts, strollers, cribs, quilts, toys, etc. on the second-hand market, spending a total of 5000 yuan.

Second-hand items were required to be picked up in the same city. Du Ruoli rented a small truck and rushed over to pick up the goods. The other party also gave her a large bag of unused items.

Du Ruoli thanked her, then went to the Academy of Agricultural Sciences to buy all the grain and vegetable seeds on the market, and obtained the corresponding planting information.

It was not easy to eat fruits in ancient times. Under limited circumstances, Du Ruoli didn't want the quality of life to drop too much, so he bought all the classic and excellent fruit trees with a wave of his hand.

Due to limited funds, there is not much land in the space. Except for a winter jujube tree, a kiwi tree, a crisp persimmon tree and an orange tree, which were bought as large seedlings, all the others were bought as small toothpick seedlings.

These things total 8 yuan.She added another [-] yuan and bought a lot of non-toxic or low-toxic pesticides with no residue.

After settling down, she had to buy some land. Pesticides were not available in ancient times. She was not willing to work hard for a year. All the crops were eaten by insects, so pesticides were a necessity.

It took several trips to transport things out of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences and into space.Du Ruoli thought she had to plant them one by one, but she didn't expect that the operation was extremely simple, just relying on her thoughts.

She planted all the fruit saplings in the ground, occupying three acres of land at once.More than half of the remaining two acres are used to grow rice and wheat, and the other half is used to grow cabbage and radish.

Food is essential.The growth period of radish and cabbage is short, only sixty days.The flow rate in space is three times faster than outside, and it will be ready to eat in 20 days.

(End of this chapter)

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