Chapter 32 "Good Food"

After Du Ruoli left, Qiu Mantang called for the young man who had passed the scholar examination, took several nurses, loaded several large carts of things, and headed for Xiaowang Village.

Years of experience in business have taught him that many people are just paper tigers.In front of someone with status, he kneels faster than anyone else.

Although he is just a low-level merchant, his son has not yet been promoted to an official position, so he is not of great status, but it is enough to scare a small-time village chief.

If he can't scare him anymore, he will try again.

In fact, he was right.When they appeared at the entrance of the village, the village chief and clan leader rushed over in a panic and invited them to his house for tea.

He pretended not to know that the village chief had something up his sleeve, and wanted to use this time to cover up the scandalous things he had done before.

Go over generously and exchange a piece of the least valuable cloth for a belly of tea.

The purpose of his coming was to make the rest of his aunt's life easier, not to fall out with anyone.The clan leader can just look out for his face and stop bullying his aunt and let her live a good life.

Of course, he would come often, not as indifferent as before.

Two-quarters of an hour later, someone came to wink at the clan leader. The clan leader then stood up and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to see the second aunt's house. I'm afraid the second aunt will be very happy to know that her mother-in-law's family is here."

Mrs. Qiu's late husband, Xing Er, was the patriarch's uncle, so the patriarch wanted to call her "Second Aunt".

Qiu Mantang continued to act stupid and said: "Thank you for your hard work, clan eldest brother. Next time you come to Qingyun County, eldest brother must come to your home and sit down. I will be happy to receive you."

The patriarch laughed heartily: "Okay, okay, the Wang family is lucky to have a relative like you."

They complimented each other all the way to the big blue brick house in the middle of the village.My aunt, who was as thin as a match stick, stood in the yard, looking eagerly at the direction they were coming from.

After not seeing each other for many years, my pretty and lovely aunt turned out to be like this.Qiu Mantang suppressed the sadness and guilt in his heart and did not step forward. Instead, he continued to listen to the patriarch's boast about how he treated his aunt well after his uncle and heir died at the same time.

The patriarch has been staying here, not giving his relatives a chance to speak alone.Qiu Mantang didn't force anything and sat there for half an hour before heading home.

On the way back, his son Qiu Yuan asked: "It's that simple? If we go there, the clan will be willing to return the land to my great-aunt so that she can live a good life?"

Qiu Mantang said earnestly: "It would not be easy to change to someone who has neither fame nor money."

Qiu Yuan nodded, thoughtfully.

After they left, Old Mrs. Qiu sat in the lost house and burst into tears.

After crying and thinking about things, why did Mantang suddenly come?

It shouldn't be. The two families haven't walked together for 20 years, and the scholar has never even seen her... Could it be that the scholar came here just to support her?How did they know... She knew that it was the little girl named Du Ruoli who helped deliver the letter.

She is such a kind-hearted girl. Bodhisattva bless her with long life, happiness and good health.

Qingyun Station.

The rags were passed out and the ladies began to sew.Du Ruoli, who doesn't pick up a needle or thread, is responsible for taking care of two babies.

The baby was no longer lying on the floor, but was clamoring to get up.She carried the small one on her back and the big one in her arms, running around the room.

The shaking was only useful to Xiao Ruoyu who was behind her. It didn't take long before he lay down behind her and fell asleep, drooling all over her back.

The little girl swayed more and more energetically, giggling with laughter, waving her little hands and feet wildly, slapping her several times and kicking her stomach several times.Du Ruoli made a big move and took a bottle of milk from the space and stuffed it into Niu Niu's mouth when no one was paying attention.Zhou Daya's milk is not good, and Niuniu usually doesn't have enough to eat. How could she refuse the milk?He picked up the bottle and gulped.

While gurgling, he completely fainted and fell into a deep sleep.The long eyelashes hang on the eyes, so beautiful.

The children of the villagers were not allowed to sleep in their arms.If you get used to being hugged to sleep, it will delay adults from doing things.Du Ruoli put Niu Niu on the floor, and Xiao Ruoyu also took her down, next to Niu Niu, and covered her with a small quilt.

The two children would not wake up for a while. Du Ruoli was worried that her elders would persuade her to do needlework, so she came to the yard on the pretext of going out for something.

There were people coming and going in the yard, and there were people watching from the windows. It was not a good place to be, so I turned around and walked towards the river.

The first crabs were all torn apart and not eaten.If there are still some in the river, can I take two back and steam them to eat?
Before they reached it, Zhang Xiuhe came from the opposite side carrying a bunch of yam eggs.Standing in front of her, he generously gave her a yam egg: "I just got it, try it."

The yam eggs are boiled and the noodles are powdery.Du Ruoli coaxed the child to feel hungry, took it and put it in his mouth and took a bite: "Well, it's so delicious, thank you Qi..."

Before he finished speaking, his vision went dark and he fell straight forward.

"Hey, it's really a good medicine. It works quickly. If you take it, you'll fall down."

Zhang Xiuhe caught Du Ruoli from the front, put a rag on her head, picked her up and walked towards the main building of the inn.

Half an hour ago, Du Zhizhong introduced a business to her. As long as she tricked Du Ruoli into taking the sweat medicine and carried her to Mr. Zhang's room, he would give her one tael of silver and five white buns as a commission.

One tael of silver and five white steamed buns, what a great benefit!
If you eat it alone, you can eat it for a long time!

If everyone is thinking about her, she will naturally handle it well.I had been secretly paying attention to Du Ruoli's movements, and saw her coming to the river alone. I quickly took the shortcut to the opposite side of her, met her head-to-head, and handed over the yam eggs that had been soaked in medicine.

Haha, the little girl is a greedy person, so she took the bait without any effort on her part.

This deal is simply not too cost-effective!

I just hope that Juren can introduce her to a few more businesses. If she does a good job, why worry about being hungry without money or food in the future?
The little girl didn't weigh much. Zhang Xiuhe held her in his arms and hid all the way. After a quarter of an hour, he arrived at Master Zhang's door.

Mr. Zhang lives in a separate room on the first floor. He must be a rich man.

Well, it would be nice if she were younger and never married.No need for anyone to force you, just come on your own.

Yes, since Mr. Zhang likes this, wouldn't she be able to earn more money by coaxing a few more girls to send her movies?

Hearing the sound, Du Zhizhong came to open the door.Welcoming them in, he said to the man sitting beside the bed with his injured leg on the bed and his clothes wide open: "Sir, I have brought the goods for you. Do you like it or not?"

As he spoke, he motioned to Zhang Xiuhe to put him on the bed and uncover the rag.Zhang Xiuhe did as he was told, revealing the girl's true face.

Zhang Ziran knew this girl, and his impression was that she was always gray and without any color.At this time, I don’t know if it’s because of the medicine, but my face is so red that I actually look pretty, and it’s easy to swallow.

After staring at the girl for a while, Zhang Da turned to Du Zhizhong and said, "Shang Ke, please stay."

Du Zhizhong lowered his head and hurriedly retreated towards the door. He also gave Zhang Xiuhe a hand: "My lord, have a good night, I'll take my leave."

Zhang Xiuhe reacted and went out with him.Before going out, he looked back at the girl on the bed with an envious look on his face.

Zhang Da gave a short laugh and looked back at tonight's "delicious dish".

(End of this chapter)

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