Chapter 45 Candidates

A man next to Du Zhixiao turned around and carried him on his back, placing him where Du Zhiquan was eating.

Du Changgui followed closely, took out a quilt and wrapped him tightly.

Du Ruoli thought about the hot water and food heating equipment in the space, but ultimately did not take any action.Take out the same food as Du Zhiquan and feed it to him.

People were either taking care of Du Zhixiao or preparing to save another person, but they forgot about Du Zhizhong, leaving him lying wet on the ground, as stiff as a dead man.

It wasn't until his father and brother ran up from the water, wrapped him in thick clothes and fed him a few mouthfuls of food that he felt a little alive.

Du Ruoli had no time to pay attention to them. Seeing that two big steamed buns were not enough to fill Du Zhixiao's teeth, she took two more for him and smeared them with thick chicken coriander oil.

After taking it four times in total and eating eight steamed buns, Du Zhixiao finally burped comfortably: "Burp, satisfied! I only hope to have such good things every day!"

His father, Du Changgui, saw that he was okay, gave him a hard look, told him to stop talking nonsense, and rushed to save Zhang Xiuhe.

The procedure for rescuing people was the same as before. They also tied a strong young man to a rock and asked him to use a bamboo pole to rescue people.

Du Zhiquan, who was tied up, shouted loudly: "Brother Xiao eats eight steamed buns. I will also eat eight steamed buns in a while. I won't be able to eat less than one bite."

Du Changgui raised his fist as big as a casserole and asked: "Do you want to eat my steamed buns? There is no limit, you can eat as much as you want!"

"Uncle, how could you do this to me!" Du Zhiquan wailed with a sad face.

Others laughed: "Didn't you already eat two? If you add eight more, wouldn't it be more than Uncle Zhong's own son has eaten? It would be strange if Uncle Zhong didn't beat you!"

While talking and laughing, everything was ready. Du Zhiquan returned to his seriousness in a second and sent the bamboo pole to Zhang Xiuhe.

Zhang Xiuhe could no longer hold on any longer. The events of this life flashed through his mind like lightning, flashing through his childhood, flashing through marriage, flashing through giving birth, and finally flashing back to how he framed Du Ruoli, and she shed a few tears of regret.

When she saw the bamboo pole being delivered to her, she used all her strength to grab it and hold it tightly.

If there is a chance to be saved this time, she will definitely behave well, be a down-to-earth good person, and atone for her sins from God.

Du Zhiquan pulled her up little by little. In order to avoid Du Zhizhong's random flopping mistakes, Du Ruoli winked at Du Ruozhen and asked her to help comfort her.

She wanted to comfort herself, but she was afraid of scaring people out.

Du Ruozhen followed her advice and said loudly to the bottom: "Aunt Qi, don't be afraid, relax, we are here to save you. Don't use force yourself. If you force yourself, we won't be able to pull you." If it moves, if it falls again, you may not be able to pull it out."

Zhang Xiuhe listened carefully, and gradually calmed down under the girl's gentle and melodious soothing. His stiff body opened up, and he only used his upper body to grasp the bamboo pole firmly, without exerting any force elsewhere.

Her cooperation greatly reduced the difficulty of the rescue, and the rescue team was more experienced. It only took two-thirds of the time before to rescue the person.

The rescue team didn't care about what happened next. Zhang Xiuhe's family was here, and they, the old men or the little girls, couldn't care about it. They packed up their things, carried Du Zhiquan, who was so weak that he had to eat eight steamed buns to recover, and headed back home. .

At the foothold halfway up the mountain, Lu Jizhou watched the Du family's rescue team climb up in a swaggering manner after descending the mountain.

The guard was eager for someone to explore the road, but he had no objection to this. He even kindly lent him a slingshot: "Take it for self-defense."

"Thank you!" Lu Jizhou took the slingshot, turned and walked into the forest. After a few jumps, the person was gone.

Yao San was waiting for him on an ancient tree in the sky: "Master, you are here."

Lu Jizhou nodded and directly explained the purpose of his visit: "There is something I want you to do. Bai San is looking for a young lady named Jing Niang who can make makeup. I have a suitable candidate who can be Jing Niang. You can think of a way. Let Bai San take the bait, and let's insert an eyeliner into the Bai family."

Yao San had also thought about this matter. He was suffering from the lack of suitable candidates, but he didn't expect that his master would solve it.She couldn't help but get excited: "Master, please tell me about this person. I have several perfect plans. Let's see which one is suitable."

Lu Jizhou glanced at him angrily and said a name with his lips.

Yao San's eyes lit up: "This is good, this is safe, my subordinates will do it now."

As he spoke, he tiptoed a little and flew out.He came back after a while: "I forgot to report one thing. The ginkgo trees are indeed divided into male and female. The bases have been paired and the transplanting has been completed."


Lu Jizhou saw a dark shadow flashing in the distance. He picked up his slingshot and shot at it. He only heard a scream and something hit the ground heavily.

He waved his right hand behind his head and said goodbye to Yao San.Then several people jumped up to where the slingshot hit, and saw an adult muntjac.

The muntjac was hit on the temple and was already dying.

Lu Jizhou picked up the fifty or sixty pound muntjac and strode down the mountain.I also harvested two pheasants and a nest of hares on the way.

When Mrs. Zhao saw him coming back, she went to greet him from a distance: "Lu Langjun, you can't finish these things, so why not sell them to the Zhao family. The Zhao family wants to treat everyone to a light meal today because of the big guy's kindness. They are worried." There is no good food.”

Lu Jizhou nodded: "But, where should I put it?"

"Just put it on the ground, and I'll find someone to clean it up." Old Mrs. Zhao asked, "How much money should I give to the husband?"

Lu Jizhou thought for a while and said, "Three taels of silver."

"Sure! Your husband is kind!"

Old Mrs. Zhao paid the money readily, took a bag of grain and a few bags of dry goods and asked Shen Sanzhi to help with the cooking: "The Zhao family is neglectful in the kitchen and cannot cook big dishes. Please bear with me and cook for everyone." Heat up the soup and prepare some food."

There was something delicious, so Shen Sanzhi wouldn't be happy about it. He took it with a smile and said, "Don't worry, I will make it decent for you."

Women who were accustomed to working with Shen Sanzhi came forward. Those who killed animals, those who washed vegetables, and those who kneaded dough were very busy.

Others were also busy, helping to set up the stove, collecting firewood to smoke and dry, or going up the mountain to look for mushrooms.

No one deliberately arranged these things. Everyone did it spontaneously and in accordance with the rules.The clan leader, Du Changxing, watched from the side and straightened his eyes.

He...they...didn't even ask him before doing anything!
He was not the leader of the clan, he just said it to scare people, but was it actually taken seriously?
But in just a short moment, the clansmen really disowned him as the clan leader and forgot about him, the clan leader who worked hard and made great achievements?
An unfamiliar white-eyed wolf!
He closed his eyes weakly.

(End of this chapter)

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