Chapter 61 Picking Peaches

Li Jianming, who was closest to him, was blown backward by the force of the wind and fell straight to the ground with a loud "dong" sound.

The remaining officers had never seen such a magical trick before. They were stunned for a moment and stood motionless in place.

A bloodthirsty smile appeared on the big boss's face, he rose into the air again, and whipped the iron whip in his hand hard.

The iron whip exploded into a string of crackling sparks in the air, intending to engulf all the guards.

The guard's hands and feet became weak and he closed his eyes in despair.

However, the expected pain did not come, and with a muffled groan, something heavy fell to the ground, making the ground tremble hard.

They slowly opened their eyes and saw that the majestic leader had been hit by an arrow in the chest. He was sitting on the ground with his chest covered, his eyes looking in one direction in disbelief.

Following his gaze, they saw Lu Jizhou, holding a bow and arrow, striding towards them.

Lu Jizhou faced the light of the torch, and his body was covered with a faint halo, like a god.

The god walked up to the headmaster and looked at him condescendingly.

Just now, because they were worried about the inexperienced Du and Zhao families, they went down for a inspection.When I came back, I happened to see the boss getting angry and whipping the guards.

He immediately drew his bow and shot an arrow. When the arrow cluster was about to be released, he remembered that it was coated with aconite juice and deliberately missed the shot by an inch, not at the fatal position.

The purpose of doing this is to verify the power of aconite liquid.See if her deployment is reasonable, whether it is very lethal, and whether it needs to be rearranged.

With the rapid loss of body energy, people become weaker and weaker, and more and more numb. The master knows very well that the arrow is highly poisonous.

He wanted to curse a thousand curse words, but he couldn't.My eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, so heavy that I never want to open them again...

A generational hero, a master with excellent physical fitness, only survived five breaths from the time he was shot to death.

There is nothing wrong with this bottle of aconite liquid.Miss Du is a master of middle school.

Seeing that the boss was dying, the servant finally came to his senses, his eyes were hot, and he sat down on the ground, gasping for air.

Lu Jizhou couldn't help them immediately, so he ordered "repair in place" and rushed to the next place.

As soon as he left, one of the guards, named Chen Bangming, quietly left the team, ran to the tomb where Ji Tong was hiding, and patted the outside three times.

Ji Tong heard that it was his confidant, opened the trap and asked, "How do you say that?"

Chen Bangming was so exhausted that he was out of breath and stammered: "Old... boss... the battle... won... you... hurry... back..."

Ji Tong was so excited that his voice split: "That's great. I actually won the battle. The credit cannot be taken away by others. Come on, come and carry me up..."

Chen Bangming put aside his usual cowardly and incompetent appearance, jumped down from the underground palace, picked up Ji Tong on his back, and flew forward like a whirlwind.

Lu Jizhou never expected that before the battle was over, someone would already want to pick peaches.

Coming out of the hiding place of the guard, he came directly to the stone forest.The man guarding the stone forest was still pounding down stones tirelessly.Miss Du Ruoli was like a hard-working little bee, shuttling among them and constantly providing them with stones.

The scene was tense and orderly, almost like a serious soldier.

"Stop, no need to fight anymore." He gave the order, ordering them to stop fighting.

Du Ruoli immediately jumped three feet high, threw away the basket in her hand, and ran down quickly, shouting as she ran: "Aunt, aunt, sister, sister, there is no need to pick up stones, we have won..."

The man from the Du family reacted for a while before finally understanding what he meant. He stopped what he was doing, leaned on the stone where he was hiding, and asked blankly: "Did you really win?"

Lu Jizhou shook his head: "The battle has not really ended yet. I dare not say who will lose or win, but the work of throwing stones can stop. You..."

Before he finished speaking, the sound of gathering suddenly rang out where the guards were.

Ji Tong, who originally risked his life to hide, lectured loudly: "You all showed great bravery tonight. With 100 people, you annihilated more than 200 bandits in Heifeng Village and killed the most vicious big boss and third boss on the spot. It can be said that you have made a great contribution. This leader will hand over a note tomorrow morning to ask for your merits. Your Majesty has always been clear about rewards and punishments, and he will definitely reward you based on your merits. I would like to congratulate you in advance."

As soon as Ji Tong said this, Chen Bangming quit immediately and retorted loudly: "What did Leader Ji say? Lu Jizhou, who is guilty, has the opportunity to jump up and down, not because of your vicious eyes, which showed that he has a lot of tricks. Without your wise guidance and insight, how could we have won this battle? Let me tell you, you deserve the most credit. This should also be written in the booklet, don’t you think so, brothers?"

The officer is not stupid, Ji Tong has the authority to write the booklet, and he has the final say on how to write it.If you want to make meritorious deeds yourself, you must admit that he has made meritorious deeds.Just make meritorious deeds, it won't delay them for anything, it's just a matter of words.

"Brother Chen said that leader Ji should make the first contribution."

All the officers spoke in unison, only Li Jianming lowered his head and said nothing.

Whether he speaks or not, it will not affect the course of events.

Ji Tong said a few words modestly and pretended to refuse: "Brothers are so insistent. If I continue to refuse, I will be ignorant. Okay, listen to the brothers. When you recite the poem, add your name and share it with everyone." Brothers share joys and sorrows.”

There was thunderous applause from below.

When the applause died down, Ji Tong continued: "Tonight, we need brothers to cooperate in two things. The first thing is to cut off the heads of the first and third masters, count the number of dead, and hand them over with the notes tomorrow. . The second thing is to completely wipe out the Black Wind Village... No matter what kind of work the brothers do and what they gain during the period, this leader will not care about it. "

Doesn’t this mean that everything you grab belongs to you?The officers were completely excited and rushed towards their mission goals.

Du Ruoli returned to Stone Forest and witnessed such a saucy operation with her own eyes, and was so angry that her nose became crooked.

There is no Ji Tong in facing the enemy head-on, so the greatest credit goes to Ji Tong. What kind of truth is this?

Among the two police officers, who was not rescued by Lu Jizhou twice?Why doesn't anyone speak for him right now?Does he owe you anything?
And those of them who are working so hard don’t have any merit, but they have hard work, right?When I was giving the subtitles, I mentioned the previous sentence: I don’t dare to think about getting pardon in exchange for it, but I can always exchange it for better treatment at the frontier, right?

It's obviously a collective fight, but why do only a few people enjoy the benefits?

Du Ruoli was so angry that she turned around and saw Lu Jizhou's neutral expression, feeling even more angry.

I wish I could split his head open with a palm to see how much water was in his head, so that when he was bullied to the point of being bullied, it didn't matter.

(End of this chapter)

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