Chapter 78

Lu Jizhou was calm and said, "Miss Du asked this question because she heard about how I beat up a few thieves, right?"

Du Ruoli nodded: "Exactly, it's so unlike your style."

"Sometimes people are so impulsive that they are desperate." Lu Jizhou said: "When you have just lost a loved one and are lying in bed half-dead, and hear someone scolding your eighteenth generation ancestor, you really can't control your fists. You can't control your fists." They beat me to death, which was my last tenderness."

Lu Jizhou's expression was suddenly stained with sadness, which was so intense that he couldn't get rid of it.His eyes were as dark as a deep pool, as if he was experiencing a heavy rain.

"That's really intolerable!" Du Ruoli looked at him and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't think that much. Brother Lu, please don't be as knowledgeable as me."

Then he took out two pumpkin seeds: "Dang dang dang, I will give you two more pumpkin seeds for free. Plant the seeds in your own yard and give them enough space. A family of seven or eight people will have enough to eat in a year. Melon. No, you can pinch and eat the tips of melons as soon as the vines grow. After they bloom and the fruitless male flowers have completed their pollination tasks, you can also pick them off and eat them. Young pumpkins are one kind of flavor, but old ones are another. One flavor. Eating one melon and four, wouldn’t you be happy?”

Lu Jizhou only felt sad for a moment. At this moment, looking at the girl trying to coax him, a strange emotion arose in his heart. He reached out to take the pumpkin seeds and whispered: "Happy!"

"Just be happy!" Du Ruoli suddenly leaned into Lu Jizhou's ear and whispered, "Brother Lu, why don't we go to Qingyun County? I made a lot of money the night before, and it won't be easy to go out without spending some!"

Half of Lu Jizhou's body was numb, and he nodded eccentrically: "Okay, I also need to buy some things, let's go now!"


Du Ruoli couldn't hide her excitement.Xiao Qiu is taking care of her sister, and Zhou Daya will come back to breastfeed her when the time comes, so she can make money with peace of mind.

Du Ruoli left first, and after walking about a mile, Lu Jizhou followed, carrying her on his back with a familiarity, and ran forward with the wind at his feet.

Du Ruoli once again experienced the feeling of flying.

This time, there was no need to be afraid of being seen. Du Ruoli screamed behind him, so unhappy.

Lu Jizhou was infected by her happiness and smiled unconsciously.

When he was approaching the gate of the city, Lu Jizhou put Du Ruoli down and made an appointment with her to wait here for an hour, then parted ways with her to do his own important things.

Du Ruoli had a lot of money in her hands and wanted to stock up on some more silks, porcelain and tea.In border areas, these three kinds of hard currency are more useful than gold and silver. The more you can hoard, the better.

When buying silk this time, Du Ruoli avoided Qiu Ji and came to a silk and satin shop called Wang Ji.

"Shopkeeper, please bring the blue lotus to me..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard an exclamation from the door: "A-li? Du family's A-li?"

Du Ruoli turned her head and looked at the young man walking quickly.

The man is quite tall, with fair skin and handsome features.Behind him was an older-looking woman.

The two of them were well-dressed and did not look like they were acquaintances.

It’s even more impossible for her to know him!
The man came to her in an instant, staring at her face and asking, "Is it really Ah Li? Why are you here? Are you alone? Where are your parents?"

Du Ruoli finally remembered that this person was her original clan brother, Du Zhizhang, the elder brother of Du Ruoying's mother.

Speaking of Du Zhizhang, he is also a strange person.Two years ago, I fell in love with a second-married widow outside and insisted on becoming her son-in-law.Wu Yueniang and the clan disagreed, so he ran away secretly, cooked the uncooked rice, and came back with the marriage certificate and said: "The matter has come to this, even if you beat me to death, it will be of no use."

His mother was so angry that she vomited three liters of blood, and the clan leader did not allow the clansmen to have any contact with him.

Not only that, his widowed mother and sister became the bottom of the family's contempt chain, the same status as his original family's extinct family.

Therefore, the relationship between the two families is particularly good, and they stay together for warmth.

At this time, facing this brother who didn't care about his family's life and death, Du Ruoli was a little angry: "Not only do I appear here, but your mother, your sister, and the entire Du family are also here. We have been exiled and are going to the border. !”

Du Zhizhang didn't respond: "What did you say? Exile? The whole clan?"

The woman next to him winked at him: "Husband, the clan girl has come all the way to take the clan girl upstairs to drink tea and chat while drinking."

"Ah, yes, sister Ali, go upstairs with the clan brother!" Du Zhizhang said.

Good guy, it turns out that this Wang Ji belongs to his family. The flood has really washed away the Dragon King Temple, and the whole family doesn’t know the other family!

Du Ruoli wouldn't mind going upstairs with him and telling him how her mother and sister were living, to see if he would feel embarrassed.

What I never expected was that the first thing Du Zhizhang said when he entered the door was: "I, the Du clan, were exiled because of that bastard Du Zhizhong! I have long advised the clan leader not to indulge him or let him climb the ladder, otherwise it will cause disaster. The whole clan. If the clan leader doesn’t listen, no one will listen. Damn it, they’re all blind!”

"So, why don't you just marry someone else and stop getting involved with the Du family?" Du Ruoli asked.

Du Zhizhang, who now changed his name to Wang Zhizhang after his wife Wang Ying, nodded and said: "Exactly, otherwise I am the only son in the family, why would I want to get married? Xiaoying doesn't care whether to marry or not, I want to marry and marry Du set aside the relationship while preserving his strength."

Wang Ying brought a large plate of tea and snacks for Du Ruoli, and nodded: "That's right, I can do it, whatever your husband wants. Cousin, how are my mother-in-law and sister-in-law? Where do they live now? Is it convenient for your brother and I to visit them?"

Du Ruoli could not have imagined that there was such a visionary and courageous smart man like Du Zhizhang hidden in the family. His attitude softened and he said with a smile: "My aunt and Yingzi's life is not as good as yours, but it is worse than most exiled prisoners." I will rest in the cave in front tonight..."

They were chatting here, but there was an explosion in the cave.

Grandma No. [-] was asking the patriarch loudly: "Mr. Patriarch, can you use some money to buy a few kilograms of cotton and a few kilograms of grain for each household?"

Her suggestion was approved by most people: "Yes, buy some things, we are hungry and cold, we will not survive."

"It's all spent..."

"It's all spent..."

The patriarch's ears were buzzing, and his vision went dark.

Where does he have any money?All the output of the family fields was used for Du Zhizhong's education and to prepare for his official career.The 40 taels of silver found were given to Du Zhizhong, fearing that they had all been spent.

What he could take out was only a few taels of silver, which was far from enough to buy cotton and grain.

(End of this chapter)

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