Chapter 80
The young master Cao Wenxuan is a little unbelievable. Ever since his father was dismissed from office and his family fell into decline, the Cao family has been in a situation where everyone is pushing them down.

Relatives and friends from all walks of life were snatching them away. How could anyone be willing to pay a reasonable price to buy these good things?
For the first time, the person who didn’t add insult to injury was this young lady whom I had never met before!

He took the banknote tremblingly and said in a low voice: "Thank you sister! I have a good heart and will definitely live a long life!"

Du Ruoli was holding the vase she had just received, feeling so beautiful that she was about to fly.

The touch, the color, and every detail are worthy of being a national treasure, making people feel comfortable and happy everywhere.

It was difficult to travel far in this era, and it was even more difficult to cross the war-torn border to the Western Regions.The porcelain items returned from the Western Regions all went into the homes of princes and nobles, and were out of reach of ordinary people.

The owner of the vase must have been rich and powerful in the past, and maybe he will be rich again one day.She bought it at the original price because she didn't want to bully a child, and she didn't want to offend the powerful and bring trouble to herself because of a few hundred taels of silver.

Hearing the children's thanks, Du Ruoli waved her hand: "It's worth the money, you're welcome, I'm leaving!"

The child caught up, took off a jade pendant from his waist, and handed it to Du Ruoli: "The jade pendant is not worth a few dollars. I gave it to my sister for fun. I must accept it!"

"Thank you!"

Du Ruoli took the jade pendant, waved and left.

Delayed by two things, more than half an hour passed, and it was too late to scan the goods. Du Ruoli found a hidden place, entered the space and put the blue glazed porcelain vase in the glass cabinet in the living room.

We are also people who have a national treasure. It must be placed in the most conspicuous position and can be seen when entering the door.

Putting on her usual coarse clothes, Du Ruoli came to the market.Using 100 jins of millet to make 70 jins of rice, 140 jins of rice was made.I bought some mutton and tofu that were not available in the space, went to the dim sum shop to weigh three kilograms of dim sum, went to the bun shop to buy ten steaming meat biscuits, and went to the city gate to meet Lu Jizhou.

When they passed by, Du Ruoli only had a small baggage in her hand, which contained a piece of plain silk from the bandits, plus a bag of broken rice, a bag of snacks and a few meat cakes.

When she was about to approach the city gate, a round little milk dog as big as a palm came out of nowhere and bumped into her calf.

"My dear, why were you so careless? Didn't you get damaged?" Du Ruoli squatted down, picked up the little puppy lying on the ground with its head tilted, and carefully checked its body.

Fortunately, fortunately, the little dog was just a little confused and not hurt anywhere.

Du Ruoli put it on the ground and stood up, stroking its puppy head: "Go home to your mother, and don't run around next time."

"Wang Wang!"

The puppy jumped up and bit the hem of her skirt, looking at her pitifully with wet eyes.

Du Ruoli had no choice but to pick it up again, stroke its head and ask, "You don't know the direction of home anymore. Do you want my sister to take you to find it?"

The puppy barked fiercely at the bundle hanging on Du Ruoli's shoulder, as if to say, stupid human, you guessed wrong, I just want to find something to stutter.

Du Ruoli: "..."

You're a little puppy, you don't even have all your teeth, how can you eat adult human food!

There is only milk in the space, which is not suitable for puppies.Du Ruoli hugged it and went back to the market to buy goat milk.There are female goats waiting at the place where I just bought the mutton. Anyone who wants goat milk will be squeezed on the spot.Du Ruolihua asked for a bowl of goat's milk for a copper coin, poured half of it into a shallow plate, and put it on the ground for the puppy to drink.

The little milk dog was greedy and afraid that Du Ruoli would run away. Before she could get up, he stepped on her skirt with his hind feet and stretched out his front legs to reach for the goat milk.

Du Ruoli didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she simply picked it up and fed it with a basin.

The little puppy then stuck out its tongue and boldly added goat milk.After filling the plate cleanly, he bit Du Ruoli's clothes in his mouth and closed his eyes to fall asleep.

The puppy spirit is relying on it.

Du Ruoli had no choice but to go back, bought another bucket of goat's milk, put it in the space, and carried it to the city gate.

At the gate of the city, Lu Jizhou was standing against the city wall with a small bundle at his feet. He had been waiting for a while.

"Brother Lu, I'm sorry! I met a troublemaker and wasted time. I'm late!" Du Ruoli ran up to apologize out of breath.

The girl was holding a furry black dumpling, gasping for air from running, her cheeks were slightly red, and her chest was rising and falling. Lu Jizhou felt that his throat was a little dry, he lowered his eyes and did not dare to look at her, and whispered: "Nothing, let's go now!" "

"Brother Lu, have you eaten? I bought meat pancakes. They were grilled until they were oily on both sides and covered with sesame seeds. They are so delicious. Do you want some?"

Du Ruoli put the little puppy on her feet, wiped her hands and started to unpack, took out a meat pancake and handed it to Lu Jizhou.

Her hands are not thin, not white, not beautiful, and even a little rough, but they are unexpectedly pleasing to the eye and have a down-to-earth sense of fulfillment.Lu Jizhou took the meat biscuits from these simple hands and said thank you.

"you are welcome!"

Du Ruoli picked up another meat cake and bit into it.When the tip of my tongue touched the delicious food, I immediately smiled and rolled my eyes.

Whenever she encounters something delicious, she always has this expression.Lu Jizhou's mood suddenly became extremely clear, and he also fed the sesame biscuits into his mouth.

The sesame seed cakes are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. The mutton filling is well seasoned and rich in juice. It is really delicious!
Lu Jizhou ate heavily.After a trip to the city, I went to the inn to watch the movements of the Bai family and plan my next move. I didn't have time to eat.It was only when I came into contact with food that I felt really hungry.

Seeing that one was not enough for him, Du Ruoli got him two more.

Two are not enough, so take two more, good guys, there are seven in total.Du Ruoli wanted to respectfully call him "rice bucket" after eating so much!
Seeing her wanting to roll her eyes but trying to hold back, Lu Jizhou stretched out his right hand and said, "Is there any good wine? An alcoholic can't live without wine!"

Du Ruoli looked at the long and thin hands with clear joints, and there was a little person in her heart who was shouting crazily, ah ah ah ah, can you touch one of these hands that can be used as a hand model, just once, just once.

Trying her best to suppress the arrogant villain, Du Ruoli rubbed her teeth and said, "You are so beautiful!"

Lu Jizhou seemed a little regretful and unpacked his baggage.Du Ruoli thought he was looking for wine, but she didn't expect a round and red pomegranate not much smaller than his fist to appear in front of her.

Pomegranates of this quality were not easy to come by in ancient times when agricultural technology was backward. They must have been expensive, far more than the value of seven sesame seed cakes.Du Ruoli felt relieved, happily took the pomegranate, put it in her bag, and went back to share it with her little sisters.

(End of this chapter)

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