Chapter 99 Acorn Wine

Du Ruoli's look made Lu Jizhou feel embarrassed that his intentions were being seen through.

However, he was embarrassed for a moment and continued to eat as if nothing had happened.

He didn't believe it, Miss Du dared to say those words.

If she didn't say it, she would pretend it never happened.

Yes, it just never happened.

After eating and drinking, Lu Jizhou stood up and said, "Let's go! Go back!"

Du Ruoli stood up and followed him along the path to catch up with the exiled team.

Passing by an oak forest, the trees are densely covered with acorns, which fall to the ground when the wind blows gently.

When many people didn't have enough to eat, a large piece of acorns was allowed to be wasted in the soil. Du Ruoli couldn't stand it anymore and said to Lu Jizhou who was walking in front: "Brother Lu, I want to make it easier for you. Can you go to the front?" Wait for me?"

Lu Jizhou let out an almost inaudible "hmm" and ran away faster than a rabbit, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Du Ruoli secretly laughed, put her hand on her chest, and said silently: "Acorn, come in."

In just one minute, the acorns on the tree were empty and piled into the space, filling the space to the brim.

The view of the little puppy in the space was blocked, and he barked angrily.Du Ruoli flashed into the space, moved the acorns in front of the dog, washed them, put them in a water tank, sprinkled them with koji, and started fermentation.

Acorns are rich in starch and can be eaten directly after being soaked in water. They can be made into jelly, boiled into maltose, or used to make wine.

Because of the high tannin content, acorns have an astringent taste that cannot be completely removed. These things are not delicious and are just used to satisfy hunger.

The purpose of Du Ruoli is not to satisfy the hunger, but to make wine first and then distill it into alcohol for medicinal purposes.

Maximize the value of ordinary acorns scattered all over the mountains and plains.

There are ten water tanks collected from the bandits in Heifeng Village, and each tank can hold 500 kilograms of acorns.After putting it in, there is still more than a foot of height above the water tank, leaving enough space for fermentation.

She was busy here, and the little puppy was jumping up and down in its territory, barking so unpleasantly.It never waited for its owner to pamper it, and its cry even contained a hint of crying.

"Come here, come here, come right away, stop barking!" Du Ruoli coaxed the little milk dog while stirring the acorns in the water tank with a shovel so that the acorns and the koji were in full contact.

Fur babies and human pups are children and need to be coaxed with patience.

After finishing the work at hand, Du Ruoli ran to the dog pen, opened the door and went in. She squatted in front of the dog, picked it up and petted it.

The little puppy's nickname is Benben, but in fact he doesn't run at all.The owner taught it to go to the toilet in a fixed place, and it obeyed.Let him go to the toilet and bury him like a cat, and he will learn it.I cooperated every time I took a shower, and there was almost no smell in the place where I lived.

Du Ruoli looked at the stupid dog's face for a moment, judging the intensity and the part that felt most comfortable.After the final judgment, press it again and again.

Benben was lying on her lap, eyes half-closed, with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

It was exactly the same as Xiao Ruoyu's expression when he lay on the bed and accepted her touch after taking a bath.

Good guy, she became a mother painlessly. In a short period of time, she actually had two spoiled babies.

After comforting him for a while, Du Ruoli put Benben on the ground, poured some goat milk into the dog's bowl, and waited for it to leave the space after eating.

Walking forward from the oak forest, Du Ruoli saw Lu Jizhou after walking for a mile.

Lu Jizhou was leaning against a big rock, one leg slightly bent, and his eyes were looking in the direction of the void, wondering what he was thinking.

Ever since I met him, he has always looked like this, as if he was outside the world.

He must be very bitter inside.

Hearing the footsteps, he turned his head to look at her, his eyes beating with joy.

Although it was fleeting, Du Ruoli still captured it.We have been together several times. Does he regard her as a friend?

"Are you in a hurry? Sorry for being late."

Du Ruoli strode over, walked up to him and said, "Let's leave now."

Lu Jizhou stretched out his big hand, and there was a round pomegranate lying in his palm. It was the same as the one given to her a few days ago, but it was not as fresh.

They were probably bought together and kept for a long time.

"Eat some fruit before leaving," he said.

"Oh, thank you!"

Du Ruoli took the pomegranate, leaned against the stone like him, used her fingernails to press a round cap on the top of the pomegranate, and opened the cap according to the fingernail prints, revealing the crystal clear pomegranate seeds inside.

Knocked out a handful of pomegranate seeds and handed them over: "Brother Lu, you eat them."

Lu Jizhou wanted to say he wouldn't eat it, but he honestly stretched out his hand and let her put the pomegranate seeds into her palm.

She touched him accidentally, which made his heart tremble.

This is the last time, the last time I go out alone with her.

he said to himself.

He understood what was wrong with him.

But before the revenge is avenged, he is not qualified to please a girl. He cannot be hindered. He can only be a sharp sword with no flaws. The only goal is to penetrate the enemy's heart.

Lu Jizhou fed the pomegranate seeds into his mouth one by one. He had already tasted the sweet taste, he had seen beautiful people, and he had no regrets in this life.

Du Ruoli worked hard to peel a pomegranate in her hand. When she raised her head again, she felt that the atmosphere had changed.

To be precise, Lu Jizhou changed.

It became the same as in the beginning, cold and distant.

In the end what happened?
She didn't like guessing and asked directly: "Did I do something wrong? Please tell me!"

Lu Jizhou didn't look at her, but looked down at his toes: "None!"

Du Ruoli continued to ask: "Is it because I took too long? I made you wait for a quarter of an hour, brother? If it is because of this, I solemnly apologize to you."

Lu Jizhou avoided her salute and strode forward with his feet raised: "No, you have never offended me, don't think too much. Let's go!"

The most annoying people are cold and violent people. If they can't talk about something properly, they just know how to make a bad face.

Who doesn’t know how to put on a bad face?
Du Ruoli was also angry, so she chased after him and stuffed the remaining half pomegranate into his left hand, and said with a cold face: "Okay, let's go!"

Lu Jizhou's heart ached for no reason.I wanted to say something, but in the end I didn't say anything. I took the pomegranate and held it tightly in my hand.Then move forward.In order to keep up with her speed, the steps were neither too big nor too fast.

Du Ruoli felt angry for no reason and walked behind with her head down.No matter how difficult the slope was, no matter how difficult the road was, I never asked for help and just gritted my teeth and completed it alone.

Lu Jizhou wanted to lend a hand and carry her for a while, but she ignored him.

Since then, she hasn't said a word to him or made an expression.

They became complete strangers.

Lu Jizhou lowered his head and smiled bitterly.

That's what he wants, isn't it?
(End of this chapter)

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