Chapter 1 Before ransacking the house, stocking up on supplies
"The Marquis is so powerful. He has recruited a young lady to be her son-in-law!"

"Isn't this the engagement we made before? My uncle was going to marry the young lady after high school, but because the young lady fell from a horse and fell into a coma, the Marquis wanted to advance the marriage to the young lady..."

"That's right. I heard that he is not willing to advance. He is in high school and wants to get rid of the engagement with our Marquis?!"

"Let's go and see what this Tanhualang looks like..."

Shen Ru was woken up by the chirping sound.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she felt like the world was spinning, and some memories that didn't belong to her suddenly came into her mind...

So, she has traveled through time, and traveled back to the cannon fodder background in the book "The Ascension of the Imperial Concubine" that she has read? !

The words she heard just before she woke up... weren't they the time before the original owner of the cannon fodder and his family were exiled? !

King Jing rebelled, and all the adult men in the family were strangled. The female family members and the seven clans were all exiled. Because of their friendship with King Jing, the nine clans of the Anguo Hou Mansion were also exiled.

The original owner she traveled through now was the legitimate daughter of the Anguo Hou Mansion.

A cannon fodder backdrop that had his house ransacked on his wedding day, was exiled while in a coma, and even died on the road to exile.

Thinking of this, Shen Ru suddenly became confused.

According to the development of the plot in the book, the team that ransacked the house is now almost at the gate of An Guohou's mansion...

After all, she is a descendant of the ancient martial arts family, and has already obtained the soul space inherited by the family. She can't die on the ancient exile road just after traveling through time, right? !
The book's description of the confiscation of the Anguo Hou Mansion is almost given in one stroke.

It is only said that the astonishing wealth of the Anguo Hou Mansion made the emperor more certain that his intentions were evil.Therefore, the money of the Hou Mansion cannot be made cheap by the Dog Emperor!
Shen Ru decided to strike first, because he was a person with soul space!

She collected the original owner's personal money, jewelry, and the clothes and bedding in the house into her own space.

Even the wedding dress she was wearing now was taken in by her and changed into simple clothes.

Today is a special day. The original person has been lying in his room due to coma. It is quiet outside now, and the servants must have gone to the front to see the groom.

Shen Ru's body was light and he cleverly avoided the patrolling guards and went directly to the warehouse.

Silver, gold, jewelry, jade, all put away.

Don't let go of any precious calligraphy, paintings or old objects.

The land deed in the name of the Hou Mansion and some banknotes seem to be in the original parents' room...

Fortunately, she has the memory of the original owner, otherwise she might have to start a blind raid mode now.

Shen Ru ran around the Hou Mansion with a clear goal. When he passed by the rooms of his younger brothers and sisters, he also collected their private money, and also helped collect the jewelry and banknotes from his aunt's room...

Shen Ru moved quickly and was familiar with every corner of the house. After putting away some valuable things in the study, she went straight to the kitchen.

The kitchen, that’s the top priority!

By chance, the people in the kitchen should have gone to the front hall to serve food. Shen Ru quickly collected the rice, noodles, and all the ingredients in the kitchen, both cooked and uncooked, into the space.

After all, time stands still in her space. What it looks like when you put it in is what it looks like when you take it out!

In the end, Shen Ru didn't even let go of the pots and pans used for cooking, and put them all away.

On the road of exile, it is also very important to have any handy tools!
After doing this and making sure that Shen Ru did not leave anything valuable behind, she was ready to go to the front hall to meet the original owner's family.

As soon as she approached the front yard, she heard a commotion and suddenly understood.

The raiders are coming!
After hearing the imperial edict, all the guests left the table in a panic, fearing that they would be dragged into exile together with the Anguo Hou Mansion.

When Shen Ru walked into the lobby, he saw his family surrounded by the Royal Forest Legion.

"Aru!" Anguo Hou Shen Yan was extremely surprised when he saw his daughter coming.

"Dad, Mom, I'm awake. What's going on?" Shen Ru asked blankly, pretending not to know the situation at the scene. "Sister, I'm holding a wedding for you, and these people came and said they were going to arrest us all and ransack the house!" Sister Shen Xuan immediately stepped forward and took Shen Ru's hand to explain.

Shen Ru looked surprised and walked to his parents with his sister.

Just in time, I saw the performance of "White-Eyed Wolf" Lin Shi'an.

Yes, he is the future husband in Shen Ru's memory, the son-in-law of the Marquis of Anguo. In the future, after escaping from exile, he will marry the daughter of a high official.

After his official career was prosperous, he regarded his marriage as a lifelong humiliation and carried out massive revenge on Anguohou's family. In the end, Anguohou's family died in the northwest quarry...

"Sir, the common man Lin Shi'an is a new probing girl. He was forced into the marriage by An Guohou Shen Yan. Before the ceremony was completed, the common man is no longer a member of the Shen mansion. Please let the common man leave!" Lin Shi'an said angrily in his wedding clothes.

After saying that, in order to show his attitude, he tore off the big red flower on his chest, took off his wedding robe and threw it on the ground.

"Lin Shi'an, you villain!" Shen Yan pointed at Lin Shi'an and yelled angrily.

"That's right, when I asked Mr. Hou to sponsor your scientific examination, you promised to marry into my Shen family. Now it's shameless to say that our family forced you to marry into my family!" Mrs. Hou Yu Hui exposed it directly.

"Furthermore, our names are already on the marriage certificate. Although the ceremony has not been completed, you are nominally the son-in-law of my Shen family!" Shen Ru stated the facts.

"If you want to end the relationship, then I can only divorce you..."

"You..." Lin Shi'an was speechless in anger and didn't know how to refute.

Shen Ru didn't give Lin Shi'an a chance to breathe, and continued: "If you want me to write a letter of divorce, should I return the betrothal gift?"

Yu Hui pulled down Shen Ru's sleeves worriedly and whispered: "Aru, betrothal gift...".

Shen Ru patted her hand comfortingly and continued:

"Father, mother, you told me in the past that if I got married, it would be a betrothal gift of eighteen dan, twenty acres of land, and ten shops."

"Now that I'm looking for a son-in-law, there's no way our family won't give me a betrothal gift!"

Lin Shian felt something was wrong and denied it firmly:

"What nonsense are you talking about? When did I take your betrothal gift?"

"Ah, are you willing to marry into my Shen family without asking for anything?!" Shen Ru said in surprise.

" don't want to slander anyone." Lin Shi'an was anxious to clear himself up, but he had no evidence that he could produce.

After noticing that Zhao Xu, the commander of the Royal Forest Army, was looking at him, he immediately explained:
"Sir, she is talking nonsense. I have never received any betrothal gift from the Hou Mansion!"

"My new uncle has just patted his ass and left. It's time to return the betrothal gift first. Things belonging to the Marquis's house belong to the official family. It's not good for my uncle to do this."

Aunt Lian on the side slowly opened her mouth and said, directly raising this incident to a higher level.

Shen Ru was very satisfied to have someone playing with her.

"Yes, this is not good!"

"Everything is under my watch. No one is allowed to leave without my permission!"

Zhao Xu, the commander of the Yulin Army, put the final word on this farce.

Lin Shian can't leave...

Shen Ruchong smiled provocatively at Lin Shian.

With the memory of the original owner and knowing the plot of the book, how could she let Lin Shian, a white-eyed wolf, escape unscathed? !

(End of this chapter)

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